2002.04_Brave Gnu World-the Monthly Gnu Column.pdf

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88 GNU
The monthly GNU Column
is plenty of music. Some more interesting levels are
also needed.
Help is wanted in many forms: developers are as
welcome as people contributing to sound effects or
more levels. Level design does not require
programming knowledge, by the way, since
everything is done with XML. The game itself was
written in C++ and runs under GNU/Linux. It may be
possible to also run it on other Unix-based systems,
but the developers are more interested in a Win32
port at the moment.
The immediate plan is to finish the Windows port
and release a new, completely playable version.
Afterwards multiplayer, as well as network support, and
a consistent storyline are needed to finish the game.
At the moment, the game can only be
recommended to users willing to play around with
half-finished games and who might like to contribute
parts to it.
Pingus under Mandrake
Welcome to another
issue of Georg CF
Greve’s Brave GNU
World. As this marks
the column’s third
anniversary you’ll
find a few words of
celebration as well as
some new projects,
but we’ll kick off the
proceedings with
another Free game
Pingus is a game developed under the GNU General
Public License by Ingo Ruhnke, Giray Devlet, Cagri
Coltekin, David Philippi and Alberto Curro. The
game was inspired by DMA Design’s proprietary
game Lemmings, in which a player had to direct a
group of lemmings through perilous levels to the
safety of the exit. The only way to influence the
flow of the lemmings was to give some of them
special jobs, such as diggers, climbers or even
bombers. Pingus, as the name might suggest, lets
you do all these things to little penguins, which bear
a striking resemblance to Tux, the mascot of the
Linux kernel.
Game development was started in 1998 and after
an announcement on Slashdot, gained the input of
some graphically adept users, which gave Pingus a
very attractive look. The graphics even triggered spin-
offs like Xpenguins, which lets Pingus’ protagonists
roam the desktop.
At the end of 2000 development came to an
almost complete stop, but a year later some fresh
programmers helped overcoming this involuntary
pause. As it stands, the game is still not finished and
according to Ingo Ruhnke “it still doesn’t feel like a
real game”. This may also be partially because no
sound effects have been implemented although there
Process View Browser
The Process View Browser (pvbrowser) by Rainer
Lehrig provides a structure for process visualisation.
This is important in all areas where technical
processes are to be visualised or controlled. Examples
of proprietary programs performing similar tasks are
WinCC or Wonderware.
The project consists of a server and a browser,
which communicates with the user. Unlike in
comparable projects, all configuration is done on the
server-side. Users can modify the server according to
their own needs, i.e. they can write routines
interacting with the hard or software defining which
objects are to be displayed and controlled in which
way. These components are then displayed by the
browser according to the information provided by the
server over the network.
The programming language used for this project
was C++ with Qt as the graphical toolkit for the
browser and ANSI C for the server. The project is very
platform-independent: it runs on GNU/Linux as well
as under Windows or VMS. According to the
information provided by Rainer Lehrig, the browser is
faster on a 330MHz GNU/Linux notebook than on a
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1GHz Windows NT system, which he blames on the
networking code.
The platform independence is also linked to the
one downside of the project, which made me think
very hard about whether I should feature it in the
Brave GNU World. The Process View Browser is only
Free Software under GNU/Linux, for which it is
released under the GNU General Public License. The
project is proprietary under Windows and VMS.
However, two factors convinced me to write about
it in the Brave GNU World. First of all this area has
been dominated by purely proprietary versions until
now, so the project certainly takes a step into the
right direction. Also the user is capable of using it as
entirely Free Software as long as the GNU/Linux
platform is being used.
Additionally, the license-situation of the Qt toolkit
is very much comparable since only the X11-Version
is available as Free Software, while the Windows and
Mac versions remain proprietary. Since Qt is being
used by the Process View Browser, a Free Windows
version of the pvbrowser would not really help a user
since dependency on the proprietary Qt still remains.
Qt is a respected Free Software library under
GNU/Linux that is being used for many important
projects like the K Desktop Environment (KDE) and
has been mentioned in the Brave GNU World many
times already. So it seemed unjust to not mention the
Process View Browser because of a comparable
licensing policy. Hope remains that the versions for
systems other than GNU/Linux will also be available
as Free Software in the long term – a hope that
equally applies to Qt and the Process View Browser.
Rainer Lehrig has been working on the pvbrowser all
by himself so far and is now looking for others who
might be willing to help testing or contribute ideas and
code. Volunteers are also sought for documentation.
If you are interested in this field, please feel free
to participate in the Process View Browser. I
recommend only doing so for the GNU/Linux
version, however and authors of documentation
should take care to release it under the GNU Free
Documentation License or a similar license. Only in
these cases will it be reasonably safe to assume that
work contributed will continue to benefit the Free
Software community.
In order to prevent possible misunderstandings I’d
like to emphasize that the described problems do not
lessen the contribution of Rainer Lehrig to Free
Software. Bringing Free Software into a hitherto
proprietary field is always a very important task. Still it
remains important to be aware of the problems and
understand what they mean.
Process View Browser showing an image with widgets
January 2001 as PowerPhlogger under the GNU
General Public License.
Similar services are relatively common on the net,
but they are usually proprietary and also rather
unsatisfactory. PowerPhlogger allows everyone to set
up such a service, even if the relevant pages do not
support PHP. The creation of accounts with these
services can either be done by an administrator or the
users themselves. An example for this is the gratis
PowerPhlogger service, Freelogger.
The functionality of PowerPhlogger surpasses that
of most proprietary solutions. Among the features is
the counting of real visitor numbers through “unique
hits” instead of counting every page access. This is
done by IP-comparison in combination with a cookie-
check and a timeout defined by the user.
In June 2000 Philip Iezzi began working on a
software to host Web page counters under PHP and
the result of his work has been available since
PowerPhlogger showing statistics
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filesystem hierarchy where other programs look for
them. If the package is to be uninstalled, one can
simply delete the install directory and/or remove the
links by calling Stow again.
Stow was originally written by Bob Glickstein in
1993 using Perl, but lack of time forced him to
suspend development. GNU Stow is now maintained
by Guillaume Morin, who has had only mainly minor
changes to implement since the project has been
stable for some years now.
If you haven’t tried out GNU Stow yet, I can only
recommend taking a look.
Process View Browser showing
diagrams and other widgets
PowerPhlogger also offers so-called “visitor paths”,
enabling administrators to trace the path a user has
taken to reach the page. It also keeps track of the
time a user spent browsing the page.
Of course the PowerPhlogger is capable of
displaying counters on pages that can be fitted to the
layout of the page through TTF and user-defined
colours. Even the layout of the statistics page can be
modified to suit the user’s taste with CSS
modifications. Additionally, the project has been
internationalised for 16 languages and supports
different time zones.
All data is currently stored in a mySQL database,
but version 3 of the PowerPhlogger, which is
pencilled in for an October 2002 release, will contain
a database abstraction layer. Also some of the less
desirable sections of code will be cleaned up and
rewritten for object orientation.
Help is welcome in any form, including financial
support. Philip also needs volunteers to provide
support in the online-forum.
GNU gettext
GNU gettext is a project probably known to most
developers already and also a package that only
developers and translators will ever come in direct
contact with. It does play a crucial role for users,
however, since it allows programs to communicate
with them in their native language. So I’d like to
introduce this important component here.
Although details should be spared, a short
introduction into the functional concept seems useful
at this point: when developing programs, all output is
normally written in English. All user interaction strings
are collected by GNU gettext in a single file.
If a program is to be localised, translators can make
a copy of this file, translate all the strings in this
simple ASCII file into their native language and mail it
back to the developer. If this file is then copied into
the right directory under the right name, the program
supports that language after the next compilation.
When the user runs the program, GNU gettext will
try to supply him or her with the messages in the
user’s preferred language. Whenever this isn’t
possible because the translation is not complete or
doesn’t exist at all, gettext falls back to the
original/English version.
Supporting incomplete translations was one of the
design goals of GNU gettext, because programs
evolve step by step and very often the translators are
one or two steps behind the developer.
GNU gettext consists of several tools under the
GNU General Public License as well as libraries under
the GNU Lesser General Public License. It complies
with the Unix-standards X/Open and Li18nux2000,
was originally written in 1995 by Ulrich Drepper. It
has since rapidly become the de-facto standard for
software internationalisation in and outside of the
GNU Project.
Bruno Haible recently took over as the GNU
gettext maintainer. He currently focuses on
expanding GNU gettext to more languages and is
considering integrating simple spell checking
sometime in the future.
Bruno felt two anecdotes were worth sharing with
the Brave GNU World audience. First of all there is a
distinguished and apparently quite active team
GNU Stow
GNU Stow is an extremely useful project for everyone
installing software that’s either not available for the
distribution you’re using or has to be installed from
source for other reasons.
Under normal circumstances such activities tend to
act as proof that the second law of thermodynamics
applies to computer systems, as well: entropy remains
the same or rises, but it never decreases. In other
words this means that systems have the tendency to
become increasingly messy. GNU Stow offers a
solution for this.
Stow has its own directory tree, which usually
resides at /usr/local/stow . New packages are installed
into their own subdirectories in this directory tree.
Calling Stow will create symbolic links, making sure
all files of the package appear in the standard
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working on the translations from American to British
English. This seemed somewhat easier than a
translation to Japanese to him.
He also warns other programmers against trying to
translate their programs in to another languages
themselves – especially if this is not their native
language. As far as he was concerned, some of the
translations he has encountered are worse than no
translation at all.
Experience shows that translations into French,
Swedish, German and Spanish are provided quite
often, other languages could use more volunteers,
however. Localising a program for your own language
is a very good way of furthering Free Software in a
practical way that needs little technical expertise.
Three years of Brave GNU World
What began as an experiment is now three years old,
so I’m tempted to take a quick glance back.
The column initially began as a wild idea between
Tom Schwaller and me on the 512-node GNU/Linux
Cluster “CLOWN”, at which I gave my first
appearance as European speaker for the GNU Project.
Tom approached me with the idea of a GNU
column. Arriving back home I knew that I wanted to
try writing a column that would also have the mix of
technical and philosophical issues making the GNU
Project so special. Still, I was sceptical whether this was
possible and whether I’d be able to fill the column
each and every month in time for the print-issue.
From the very first moment it was clear that the
column should also be published on the Net in order
to make it available to as many people as possible.
Doing this only in German seemed of limited use, so
the initial issue was first written in German and then
translated into English by me in order to be released
online together.
After releasing issue two, something remarkable
happened. Within a few days, Okuji Yoshinori and
Francois Thunus contacted me and asked whether I’d
agree to them translating the column into Japanese
and French. Of course I was quite happy about that
and immediately included them in the production
process of the Brave GNU World.
The dam broke; more volunteers contacted me for
other translations and soon other magazines
requested permission to print the Brave GNU World.
Today the column appears in up to 7 languages online
and 4 magazines worldwide. Without the help of so
many volunteers, this would never have been possible.
The companions of the early days mentioned above
all went their own ways by now, their jobs being taking
over by others. I’d like to list everyone helping with the
Brave GNU World, but there is hardly enough place for
it. On a single issue you’ll easily find 30 people helping
as scout, proofreader, translator, Web master and so
on. Even if some have participated for a long time now,
there is always a certain amount of fluctuation.
Pingus version 0.4.1
To all these people and the other supporters of the
Brave GNU World I would like to express my heartfelt
thanks to for the past three years. I’d also like to
thank all those who contacted me in person or via
email to tell me about interesting projects, give
feedback or discuss topics they had a different
opinion about. Their involvement was a seminal part
in filling the Brave GNU World with life.
...to another year
Enough said, I hope we’ll see another good year for
Brave GNU World and of course I don’t want to finish
without the mandatory request for feedback,
comments, new projects, questions and ideas. Which
project is incredibly useful, funny or good and still
unknown to many users? Please send answers to the
usual address.
Send ideas, comments and
questions to Brave GNU World
Homepage of the GNU Project
Homepage of Georg’s Brave
GNU World
“We run GNU” initiative http://www.gnu.org/brave-gnu-world/
rungnu/ rungnu.en.html
Pingus homepage http://pingus.seul.org
XPenguins homepage http://xpenguins.seul.org
Process View Browser homepage http://pvbrowser.sourceforge.net
PowerPhlogger homepage
Freelogger homepage
GNU Stow homepage
GNU gettext homepage
“History and Philosophy
of the GNU Project”
Issue 19 • 2002
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