2002.05_Red Hat 7.2 Update Tested.pdf

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26 Redhat
Red Hat updates
T he update pack arrived on the doormat and
The new Red Hat
Linux 7.2 Update pack
is released. Jack
Owen takes a look to
see if its worth the
time and money
after fighting with the wrapping we were
greeted with a single A5 piece of paper, three
CD-ROMs and a credit card-sized Survival CD-ROM.
The paper explains that the two update CDs are
bootable and will update your current Red Hat
distribution, while the Utilities/Games CD can be
browsed and installed if you wish.
some time. The video conferencing software makes
use of your webcam but can work with just voice
Multimedia is also taken care of with Xine,
vcdimager and GIMP plug-ins. Then we come onto
games. Here Red Hat have realised that perhaps we
all need a little time to unwind and have included the
flight simulator FlightGear plus another twenty games
to keep us happy. The Wine release included is from
the very end of January.
Up to date updates
Having religiously followed the Red Hat
Network Errata warning and updating
packages when reminded, the
autoboot disc ran smoothly
without the need for
Hundreds of packages
are included and the most
noticeable updates included
KDE 2.2.2 and XFree86 4.1. In
the background though are the more
important changes such as Openssh and
rsync. The latter we had already updated
but this did not hinder the process.
The second disc of the update pair contained the
source rpm files and a copy of the rescue CD.
Hopefully with Red Hat we will never need to find
out if this works. The text file for this part of the CD
is worth reading, not so you can remember it
verbatim but so that when disaster happens you
know what to expect on the CD. We particularly liked
the cut down e3 editor and the graphical installer,
Small and neat
The final disc in the box is the credit card-sized Sys
Admin CD. I have to say that just the kudos of having
this meant everyone else in the department was
jealous. It was quite noisy in the drive at first but
quickly quietened down. This provides the same data
as was on the second update disc, containing a
30Mb Red Hat distribution. With this you have the
tools to check and recover filesystems. The
monitoring software lets you check and manage a
network while the editors and mail utilities will
handle any communications problems quickly. The
purpose of this CD, apart from making others
envious, is that by always being able to carry it with
you, you always have tools to hand. Yes, full
distribution discs and a laptop are the ideal weapons
of choice, but the quick and dirty fixes that this disc
provides mean it will soon become invaluable.
Rather than release yet another distribution and
cause everyone to reinstall, this update pack is ideal.
Security and peace of mind is taken care of and the
update of packages is a nice bonus. The utilities and
games add a little fun to make the updated Red Hat
7.2 system rival any of the newer distributions. Red
Hat also gives the impression that it was aimed at the
busy system administrator. By including the utilities
CD it has shown that it’s not all about work and
some joy can also be had. There again the credit card
CD is worth the pack alone. Well, that’s enough of
what is included. We’re off to play Parsec and maybe
try out more programs under Wine.
Red Hat 7.2 Update Pack
Fun with a capital F
The third CD-ROM is the Utilities/Games CD. This CD
is more of a bribe to keep you from straying to other
newer distributions rather than an essential addition
to the Red Hat package.
To ease printing CUPs is provided along with the
latest foomatic drivers. If security had still been an
issue after updating then the new FireStarter firewall
configurator will win you over. Gnomemeeting is also
included, which we had been waiting to try out for
Supplier Red Hat
Web www.europe.redhat.com
For Great Sys Admin disc
Against If you donwload updates
it’s inessential
Issue 20 • 2001
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