2000.10_Softraid-Configuring Softraid Solutions.pdf

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Configuring software RAID
High performance hardware RAID controllers are expensive. But there is a
cheaper alternative. Software RAID is also available for Linux. However, before
you can use it the hurdle of installation and configuration has to be overcome.
Software RAID is not an option favoured by every
server administrator. It steals valuable processor time
from the server. However, nowadays even inexpen-
sive computers such as you can buy at your local
superstore have computing power that would make
the super-computer of a decade ago look puny. At
the same time, small workgroup or intranet servers
often only have to serve a couple of web pages or
files via the bottleneck of Fast Ethernet, and perhaps
distribute the occasional email. These tasks on their
own are not enough to make the processor break
out into a sweat. In this situation it is possible to
bypass the usual hardware solution and save a tidy
bit of money by using a software alternative instead.
SoftRAID isn’t the right solution if you are con-
sidering a heavyweight multiprocessor server with
lots of capacity and hot-swap capable components.
In that situation the cost of a true RAID controller
will add an insignificant amount to the cost. The
simpler commissioning and maintenance of the
hardware disk jugglers also has advantages in mis-
sion-critical domains. Where the demand for peak
performance is vital a hardware-based system is the
only possible choice. But if your demands are more
modest and you are prepared to compromise on
commissioning and maintenance you can manage
perfectly well with this free software solution.
Obtaining the software
Since the official release of the first SoftRAID imple-
mentation in Linux kernel 2.0 a lot has happened.
Originally only RAID Level 0 was supported. Also,
anyone who wanted to install a bootable root file
system on it had to patch the kernel and grapple
with the Initial RAM disk. However, from kernel ver-
sion 2.2 hard disk configurations using RAID 0, 1
and 5 can be recognised automatically by the
(patched) kernel. Using an (also modified) LILO one
can also boot up without any problems from RAID 1.
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No need for backups?
Among home computer users SoftRAID is enjoying increasing popularity. Home users don’t
tend to be very diligent about making backups and are reluctant to fork out for an expen-
sive but rarely used tape drive. Writeable CD-ROMs aren’t the answer, since a full backup
won’t usually fit the storage medium. For this reason it often seems a good idea to back up
by making a copy of the system on a second hard disk. Hard disks are relatively inexpensive
and markedly faster than either CD-RW or tape.
Using a hard disk for backup isn’t very practical if you need to install and then remove
the drive from the system each time. But if the second drive is fitted permanently inside the
computer it is no trouble at all. In that case, as long as the two drives are identical, they can
easily be run as a software RAID 1 array to make the most of the potential increase in per-
formance (see the article “Raid Basics”, also in this issue.)
If you consider it important to keep your backup separate from the computer you can
still do so. To perform a backup all you need to do is connect the disk and wait for synchro-
nisation to occur in the background (see the box “Background Rebuild”) After an hour or so
the mirror disk will contain a copy of the system and can be removed from the computer
and put back in a safe place. If your main drive fails this will save you the extremely tedious
business of restoring from a backup. Instead, you simply replace the failed drive with the
backup drive and switch on.
This may sound too good to be true. And there is a small catch: if a voltage spike or
some other disaster were to zap both drives during the synchronisation process it is likely
that all your valuable data would be lost. However, the chances of that happening are, as
you can imagine, very slight. Nevertheless, for anyone who installs SoftRAID to increase fail-
safety and improve transfer performance in a commercial environment a traditional backup
strategy remains an absolute must.
Readers who are put off by the description of
installation and configuration that follows would be
well advised to consider the latest Red Hat distribu-
tion. From version 6.1 on, the graphical installer
supports the option of bootable RAID 1 and thereby
saves a great deal of challenging work.
Listing 1: RAID 1
raiddev /dev/md0
raid-level 1
nr-raid-disks 2
persistent-superblock 1
device /dev/sda4
raid-disk 0
device /dev/sdb4
raid-disk 1
After installation comes the configuration of the
RAID array. You will be spoilt for choice here as to
which RAID level is best suited to your needs. (To
help you choose, see the article “Raid Basics” in this
issue.) Configuration is equally easy whichever vari-
ant you choose. In the file /etc/raidtab the RAID dri-
ves must be defined and then initialised just once
with mkraid. Later, the kernel starts the RAID con-
figuration automatically, so any leftovers in
/etc/rc.d/boot.local should be removed.
Listing 1 shows a simple RAID 1 configuration.
The options are largely self-explanatory: this is a
level 1 RAID device /dev/md0 consisting of two
partitions ( /dev/sda4 and /dev/sdb4 ) using a chunk
size of 8 KByte. The statement “1” in persistent-
superblock is needed so that the RAID configura-
tion is automatically recognisable by the kernel
right from boot-up. All RAID partitions must also
possess the ID “fd” using fdisk (“Linux raid
autodetect”). md stands for “Multiple Device”.
With this type of device, besides a RAID array hard
disks can be arranged in a linear fashion with
respect to each other so as to make what looks
like one big hard disk.
Listing 2 shows a RAID 5 configuration consist-
ing of three hard disks. Defective disks are removed
Background Rebuild
Defective or replaced hard disks are not allowed into the SoftRAID array until
they have been manually integrated using raidhotadd. After that, background
reconstruction can commence. The operating system and the applications run-
ning on it are largely unaffected by this: recovery of data will take place only
when no other I/O transfers are pending.
[root@bee /root]# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid5] [translucent]
read_ahead 1024 sectors
md0 : active raid1 hda2[0] 2297216 blocks [2/1] [U_]
unused devices: <none>
[root@bee /root]# raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hda3
[root@bee /root]# cat /proc/mdstat # disk reconstruction
Personalities : [linear] [raid0] [raid1] [raid5] [translucent]
read_ahead 1024 sectors
md0 : active raid1 hda3[2] hda2[0] 2297216 blocks [2/1] [U_]
recovery=6% finish=23.3min
unused devices: <none>
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RAID kernel installation
by two hard disks the transfer rates sometimes
reduces considerably. However, the performance is
still adequate for many applications.
The following installation instructions have been tested with Red Hat 6.1 and
Kernel-2.2.14. But the process should work just as well with other distributions
and more recent kernel versions. A normal version 2.2 Linux kernel does in fact
already know about RAID levels 0, 1 and 5, but it has trouble automatically recog-
nising the partitions being handled by them. Because of this, some assistance in
the form of a kernel patch is required. Also, it won’t hurt to install the latest RAID
tools. Both of these can be found on the Red Hat web site. In addition, the origi-
nal kernel sources will be needed.
configuration 2: RAID 5
raiddev /dev/md0
raid-level 5
nr-raid-disks 4
nr-spare-disks 0
parity-algorithm left-symmetric
persistent-superblock 1
cd /tmp
wget http://people.redhat.com/mingo/raid-patches/raid-2.2.14-B1
wget http://people.redhat.com/mingo/raid-patches/raidtools-dangerous-0.90-200 U
wget ftp://ftp.uk.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.2/linux-2.2.14.tar.gz
device /dev/sda4
raid-disk 0
device /dev/sdb4
raid-disk 1
device /dev/sdc4
raid-disk 2
device /dev/sdd4
raid-disk 3
In the first step of installation, the kernel has to be unpacked, patched, config-
ured and installed. When performing the last two steps you may find the manual
that came with your Linux distribution to be helpful. RAID-specific options in the
kernel configuration are used, and all RAID levels are compiled in.
RAID 10 can be obtained simply by creating a
RAID 1 array consisting of two RAID 0 configura-
tions. For device the corresponding /dev/md* is
entered instead of an actual partition.
cd /usr/src && mv linux linux.old
tar -xzf /tmp/linux-2.2.14.tar.gz
cd linux
patch -p1 < /tmp/raid-2.2.14-B1
make menuconfig
make clean && make dep && make bzImage
make modules && make modules_install
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/zImage-raid
vi /etc/lilo.conf
lilo && reboot
Booting up ReiserFS-RAID
At present, SoftRAID only works well with LILO using
RAID 1. For all other variants it is still necessary to
struggle with initrd and other tedious matters. In the
meantime RAID works with Root-ReiserFS which not
long ago would not have been possible:
After rebooting, the command cat /proc/mdstat will shows whether the previous
procedure was successful. Now the latest RAID tools should be installed. Then the
RAID configuration can begin.
[test@lab1 test]$ mount
/dev/md0 on / type reiserfs (rw)
cd /usr/src
tar -xzf /tmp/raidtools-dangerous-0.90-20000116.tar.gz
cd raidtools-0.90 && ./configure && make && make install
When formatting an ext2 partition it is also possi-
ble to tell the file system driver by means of the
“stride” parameter what chunk sizes the device under
it prefers to process. The choice of chunk size for the
file system and multiple device has a significant effect
on the performance of the SoftRAID system.
Table 1: RAID-Tools 0.90
one-off installation and boot up of a SoftRAID configuration
insert replacement or spare disk
remove defective disk from the group
start multiple device — only needed in exceptional cases
stop multiple device
Kernel 2.4
from the RAID system using raidhotremove and raid-
hotadd and after the swap, reconnected. If removable
cradles are used, defective SCSI hard disks can even
be swapped while operations continue or “hot spare”
disks added later. The kernel interface is used for this:
Unfortunately the RAID implementation in the
upcoming 2.4 kernel series is not yet ready to go.
But since the new kernel is still awaited (what’s
more, everyone is cordially invited to help out!), we
can hope that the RAID support will be completed
by the time it comes out.
echo “scsi [add-single-device|remove-single- U
device] <controller> <bus> <target> <lun>” > U
More productive
Linux Software RAID is already bomb-proof and has
been in use for some time in mission-critical applica-
tions. For example, the web server of Linux New
Media AG (publisher of “Linux-Magazin” and “Lin-
ux-User” in Germany) has been running a RAID 1
configuration without any problems since it was set
up almost a year ago.
In this way, SCSI disks can be entered into or
removed from the device table. (This can be used to
simulate crashes.) Unfortunately hot-swapping does
not work with IDE drives yet. Also, with IDE-based
RAID it is also only possible to connect a maximum
of eight devices. When an IDE channel is occupied
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