2003.05_Red Hat Kickstart-Multiple Installs.pdf

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Red Hat Kickstart
Driver Injection
The Kickstart mechanism provides
a convenient way of installing Red
Hat Linux automatically. However,
the drivers on the Kickstart disk may
not always match the hardware you
are using – do not fear as help is at
hand as we guide you through the
utility that once configured will
save you many hours otherwise
spent installing.
number of computers, you will pro-
bably want to avoid clicking through
the installation menus on each system.
Servers without a keyboard or monitor
also need an alternative approach.
Kickstart [1] is the Red Hat Installer’s
answer to this problem: all you need to
install the complete system across the
wire is a boot disk. Partitioning, packet
selection, X11 configuration and similar
details are stored in a configuration file,
meaning that no admin interaction is
required at any point.
If the boot disk supplied with the
Red Hat does not have a suitable drivers
for the hardware in question, Kickstart
needs access to the additional driver
disks. The disks contain the required
kernel modules, but the admin user has
to insert them manually. Also, the soft-
ware will then require some interaction,
so this mechanism is unsuitable for auto-
matic installations without a keyboard or
a display.
If you still want to use Kickstart, you
can modify your boot disk to reflect your
hardware. To do so, you will need a
development system with an identical
Red Hat Linux version; the computer
hardware is not important in this case.
Our example uses an HP Proliant
Server DL380 GE. The test System has
dual Xeon 2.6 GHz CPUs, 6 Gbytes of
RAM, an additional RAID controller
(four channel, 256 Mbytes of cache
RAM), six U160 hard disks with a capa-
city of 73 Gbytes and two Broadcom
10/100/1000TX network adapters. The
Red Hat 7.3 Kickstart disks recognize
neither the RAID controller nor the
Broadcom NICs.
The boot floppy is formatted with a
FAT filesystem. Lilo uses the parameters
in syslinux.cfg and any options the user
typed at the boot prompt to launch the
vmlinuz kernel. The drivers are all stored
in the image file, initrd.img . The floppy
also provides *.msg help texts that the
installer can display if needed. These are
ASCII files with Escape sequences that
define the color scheme. The structure of
the Kickstart disk is shown in Listing 1.
Extracting Drivers
The /mnt/cdrom/images/bootnet.img
directory on the Red Hat CD contains a
May 2003
New Drivers for Kickstart Disks
I f you need to install Linux on a large
Red Hat Kickstart
Listing 1: Structure of the
Kickstart disk
The kernel modules are stored in
a cpio archive. The default drivers
are stored in the modules subdirectory.
You will find the kernel modules in a
compressed cpio archive called modules.
cgz . pcitable assigns suitable drivers to
PCI ID numbers, and the modules.dep
and module-info describe the module
dependencies and types.
The next step is to extract the drivers
from the archive and replace unwanted
types with self-compiled or manufac-
turer supplied modules. The following
syntax extracts the drivers and creates a
new directory:
not need; we can use rm to remove
|-- boot.msg
|-- general.msg
|-- initrd.img
|-- ldlinux.sys
|-- param.msg
|-- rescue.msg
|-- snake.msg
|-- syslinux.cfg
`-- vmlinuz
cd 2.4.18-3BOOT
rm -f 3c59x.o 8139too.o 8390.o U
tulip.o eepro100.o mii.o U
ne2k-pci.o pcnet32.o
Listing 3: Initrd structure
|-- bin -> sbin
|-- dev
| |-- agpgart
| |-- console
| [...]
| |-- ttyS3
| |-- ttyp0
| `-- zero
|-- etc
| |-- fonts.cgz
| |-- keymaps.gz
| |-- kon.cfg
| |-- lang-table
| |-- loader.tr
| |-- minikon.fnt
| |-- mtab -> /proc/mounts
| |-- passwd
| |-- ramfs.img
| `-- terminfo
| |-- k
| | `-- kon
| `-- l
| `-- linux
|-- linuxrc -> /sbin/init
|-- lost+found
|-- modules
| |-- module-info
| |-- modules.cgz
| |-- modules.dep
| `-- pcitable
|-- proc
|-- sbin
| |-- continue -> loader
| |-- init
| |-- insmod -> loader
| |-- loader
| |-- modprobe -> loader
| |-- rmmod -> loader
| `-- sh -> /usr/bin/sh
|-- tmp
`-- var
`-- state
`-- xkb -> /tmp
disk image. To change the content of the
image file, you first need to make a copy:
/tmp/bootnet.img . A loopback mount as
/mnt /loop0 will allow access to the
gunzip -c /mnt/loop1/modules/ U
modules.cgz > /tmp/modules.cpio
cd /tmp
cpio -idv < modules.cpio
mkdir /mnt/loop0
mount -o loop /tmp/bootnet.img U
The name depends on the Red Hat
version you are using and reflects the
kernel version for the boot kernel on
the installation disk. The directory for
Red Hat 7.3 is called 2.4.18-3BOOT , and
contains the following drivers:
• 8390.o
• eepro100.o
• lockd.o
• mii.o
• vne2k-pci.o
• nfs.o
• vpcnet32.o
• vsunrpc.o
• tulip.o
• usb-storage.o
Any drivers you do not need can simply
be deleted. There are several modules
that our Proliant Server DL380 G3 does
Lilo loads the initrd.img file before load-
ing the ( vmlinuz ) kernel, thus providing
an initial RAM disk with drivers, binaries
and device files for the kernel. Initrd is
Gzip compressed and contains an Ext-2
filesystem. Perform the following steps
to access the content:
cp /mnt/loop0/initrd.img U
gunzip /tmp/initrd.ext2.gz
mkdir /mnt/loop1
mount -o loop /tmp/initrd.ext2 U
This places the contents of Initrd in
/mnt/loop1 . The structure is shown in
Listing 3.
Listing 2: Creating a PCI Table
0x14e4 0x1644 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x1645 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x1646 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x1647 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x164D "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x16A6 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x14e4 0x16A7 "bcm5700" "BROADCOM NetXtreme 10/100/1000TX [onboard]"
0x0e11 0x4070 "cciss" "Compaq RAID Controller Card"
0x0e11 0x4080 "cciss" "Compaq RAID Controller Card"
0x0e11 0x4082 "cciss" "Compaq RAID Controller Card"
0x0e11 0x4083 "cciss" "Compaq RAID Controller Card"
May 2003
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Red Hat Kickstart
The Compaq support site [2] has SRPM
drivers for the Broadcom NICs. The
standard cciss Linux kernel drivers are
recommended for the Smartarray RAID
controller. You need the Red Hat kernel
sources and a matching configuration
file on your development system to
create the modules:
version number has been assigned to the
modules. The output must correspond
to the vmlinuz kernel version on the
bootnet.img disk.
image can then be copied to the disk
using dd :
umount /mnt/loop1
gzip -c9 initrd.ext2 U
> initrd.img
cp initrd.img /mnt/loop0/
umount /mnt/loop0
dd if=/tmp/bootnet.img U
of=/dev/fd0H1440 bs=512
Automatically Loading the
Additional Modules
To ensure that the kernel automatically
loads the new drivers, module depen-
dencies and PCI ID assignments must be
Module dependencies are configured
in modules.dep . The template in
is fine for any standard Linux kernel
drivers, but it is often a case of trial and
error for other drivers.
cciss.o and bcm5700.o do not require
any additional modules, not even a scsi
driver. The cciss is a block device driver,
so there are no changes required to mod-
ules.dep .
The driver assignment for PCI identi-
fication numbers is stored in the /mnt/
loop1/modules/pcitable configuration
file. The file content is comprised of four
tab-separated columns:
• Manufacturer identification
•Device identification
• Module name
• Description
Jim Boemler’s web site [3] gives a list of
possible manufacturer and device IDs.
Several entries match the array controller
and network adapters in our system (see
Listing 3), and so they need to be added
to pcitable .
rpm -i kernel-source-2.4.18 U
cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3
cp configs/kernel*BOOT .config
A modified image may be too large to
store on a floppy disk. You will need to
delete several drivers from Initrd. Avoid
making multiple changes to Initrd in one
step: the Ext-2 filesystem will release any
unused blocks when you delete an entry,
but it does not remove their content.
Data of this kind is difficult to compress
and can increases the size of the image.
You need to type ks at the Lilo prompt
to boot the disk with the Kickstart server.
To install a server without a keyboard or
screen, you should change the default
line in syslinux.cfg to default ks .
To ensure that the newly compiled
modules will have the right Kernel
version number, you will need to change
the EXTRAVERSIONS line in the Makefile
to -3BOOT . For Red Hat 7.3 the APM
option must additionally be disabled
using make menuconfig .
Compiling New Drivers
This might also be a good opportunity
to enable a driver module for the array
controller. The driver is located in the
Block Devices kernel configuration menu
under Compaq Smart Array 5xxx
support . When we launch the compiler
one of the modules it creates is cciss.o ;
this module must be placed on the Kick-
start disk:
Red Hat in 15 Minutes
This method allows you to install Red
Hat Linux on a keyboardless Proliant
Server DL380 G3 in just 15 minutes. As
we had to install more than 20 machines
of this type, it was well worth the effort
of modifying a bootnet disk.
make dep clean bzImage
make modules modules_install
cp /lib/modules/2.4.18-3BOOT/ U
kernel/drivers/block/cciss.o U
[1] Kickstart documentation:
[2] Compaq support page for Linux drivers:
[3] PCI Vendor and Device List:
Compiling a New Image
Now that we have all the drivers, we use
them to start assembling a boot disk.
We’ll start with the drivers modules by
creating a cpio archive, use Gzip to com-
press it, storing the results in initrd.ext2
– which is still mounted as /mnt/loop1 :
SRPM makes compiling the Compaq
driver for the NICs simple – although
you do need to ensure that you modify
.config and Makefile in the kernel
sources, as previously described, before
doing so. We also need the bcm5700.o
module on the disk:
Oliver Schade is
employed as a Linux
and storage con-
sultant and
Teamleader for Pro
Business Berlin AG,
Berlin, Germany.
While still at university, studying
computer science, Oliver worked for
various Internet providers in entirely
Linux based environments. His Linux
experience dates back to 1992 and the
0.96b kernel.
rpm -i /tmp/bcm5700-*src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
rpm -ba bcm5700.spec
rpm -i /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/ U
cp /lib/modules/2.4.18-3BOOT/ U
kernel/drivers/net/bcm5700.o U
cd /tmp
find 2.4.18-3BOOT -print U
-depth | cpio -ov -H crc U
> modules.cpio
gzip -c9 modules.cpio U
> modules.cgz
cp -f modules.cgz /mnt/ U
The strings bcm5700.o | grep kernel
command tells us whether the correct
The next step is to copy the modified
Initrd back to the Kickstart image – it is
available on /mnt/loop0 . The complete
May 2003
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