2004.02_Admin Workshop-Tracing Users on Your Computer.pdf

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Admin Workshop: Tracing Users
Who is Who?
Admins need to be able to trace what user logged onto the
system when and from where. This allows you to protect your
computers from abuse and trace intrusions should the worst
come to the worst. BY MARC ANDRÉ SELIG
an extremely practical thing.
When I need to manage the
cluster at the university remotely, I can
log on to the network and install a Send-
mail update without even leaving my
couch. A computer in Pennsylvania
takes care of filtering spam for me, and
of course I can just as easily program
that computer from my home.
Unfortunately, malevolent hackers
enjoy the same kind of freedom. Once a
hacker has the creden-
tials for a Unix system –
in the form of a user
account and matching
password, or a crypto-
graphic key – he or she
can typically log on from
any location. And as long
as Unix administrators
insist on using (or play-
ing games on) Windows
machines, there is
always a danger of
worms and trojans grab-
bing credentials.
Virtual private net-
works help restrict the
attackers, but VPNs are
unwieldy and hard to set
up, and that rules them
out for many small busi-
nesses and home users.
Admins thus check who
has been using their
machines, and where
these logins come from.
This is the only way to
detect irregularities and
chase off intruders.
Who is Online?
The who command (see Figure 1) pro-
vides a quick overview of the current
users. Besides the username and origin,
the command also outputs the date and
time of the login and the (virtual) con-
sole where the user is working. Three
people are logged on in our example:
baier is working at the console, she is
running an X server ( :0 ) and a whole
bunch of other terminals ( pts/ X). We can
assume that these are Xterm windows.
In addition to baier , there is an
account called wwwadm which logged
on via a host called zpidsu5.uni-trier.de ,
and mas via acb6ae4b.ipt.aol.com ; this is
obviously a dial-up line.
How long here?
The w command (see Figure 2) is a close
relative to who, and available on most
Linux systems. Besides being shorter to
type, w also displays the uptime, and the
current command line for each PTY
(pseudo terminal).
Both of these tradi-
tional tools, who and w ,
display only the active
users. The last command
(see Figure 3) is a logical
extension of this, as it
shows the most recent
logins. The command
searches back entries to
the point where account-
ing was initialized on the
system and can easily
return thousands of
It would be difficult to
manage mass entries on
a heavily used system.
But thankfully, last pro-
vides two useful filters:
for one thing, you can
restrict the list to a single
username, or a single ter-
minal (such as tty1 for
the Linux console) in
some cases. For another,
a parameter such as
-20 tells last to restrict
the output to the twenty
Figure 1: The who command outputs a list with the users currently logged on to the sys-
tem. Baier is running an X server on the console ( :0 ), while wwwadm and mas have
logged on remotely
Figure 2: The w command on Linux provides more detail than who , also showing the
uptime and load for the computer
Figure 3: If you are interested in the history, a call to last will show a list of logins with
their origin and duration
February 2004
Insider Tips: Tracing Users
M odern computer networks are
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(latest) login entries. These filters can be combined: last -5
mas will list the last five logins for the user mas (see Figure 3).
who and last reference special protocol files to obtain this
information. The file utmp records the active users, and is
stored in /var/run on modern Linux systems. The system uses
wtmp to log login and logout data; this file is typically in
/var/log . But the exact position of both files will depend on the
philosophy and the age of the Linux distribution; /var/spool ,
/var/adm and /etc are typical locations.
How it works
wtmp contains a long list of logons and logouts (in binary for-
mat). The data entry is created by init , agetty , or login for
console logins, and init records logouts, reboots etc.
In contrast to this, utmp contains exactly one entry for each
user. The entry is a record of the last login. Depending on how
up-to-date the C library is, utmp may look fairly large: tradi-
tionally, the file is long enough to contain an entry for every
possible user. That is quite large, considering that over 65,000
users are permitted. To prevent all this space going to waste,
the file is sparse – the unused areas are simply padded with
null bytes, and not stored on the hard disk. This trick also
accelerates access to the file.
Programs should not access wtmp and utmp directly. Well-
behaved programs will use the library functions utmpname() ,
setutent() , getutent() , and getutid() instead. Incidentally, some
Unix variants use wtmpx and utmpx , rather than wtmp and
utmp , to store the data in an extended format. This does not
make sense in Linux’ case as the original file formats fulfill the
requirements placed on them.
Access privileges are typically organized to allow any user to
read the databases, while write access is restricted to specific
processes. Write access is assigned to init for logouts, and run-
level changes (these include the boot process and shutdowns),
the getty processes and sshd for hardware-based and virtual
TTYs, login for successful login attempts, sessreg for GUI-based
logins that use xdm and the like, and GUI-based terminals
such as xterm for many environments.
It is typically unnecessary to define complex user groups to
provide access controls for utmp and wtmp . The login program
accesses the database before dropping its root privileges and
assuming the privileges of the user logging on.
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I decide how
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And what software we run.
More Logfiles
The databases mentioned so far give information on numerous
activities that take place on a system. They assume processes
will be conventional and update the files as expected.
Also, the data must comply with a precisely defined struc-
ture. The maximum length of the hostname used for logging
on is typically tightly restricted. Abbreviated hostnames, such
as pd90249e0.dip.t- in Figure 3 are okay, but useless for inci-
dent response or forensics.
Sometimes you really do need more information – parti-
cularly in the case of complex login procedures that use
cryptographic authentication, where detailed error reporting is
essential. This kind of information typically ends up in a cen-
tral logfile, referred to as the syslog. We will be looking at the
syslog next month.
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