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Jump Start - Quick booting with Upstart, a replacement for the legacy Sys V Init - Linux Magazine
Quick booting with Upstart, a replacement for the legacy Sys V Init
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The slow Linux boot has troubled users for years. Now the Upstart project offers a fresh approach to the
problem of booting Linux.
By Nico Dietrich, Dirk von Suchodoletz
James Thew
The history of Linux includes many attempts to address the long Linux boot process. This comes as no
surprise, as a long boot marathon will annoy all but the most patient of users. The legacy Unix System V boot
design was once revolutionary, but has turned out to be a millstone around the necks of many distributions.
Although several tricks for speeding up the process have appeared through the years, most boot reforms have
turned out to be unworkable in practice, and many of the turbo loaders employed by gurus are inaccessible to
regular users. A new tool, Upstart, takes a fresh approach to speeding up Linux boot.
The high-flying Upstart project [1] introduces a generic init daemon that leverages many developments in
modern Linux systems. Upstart, which has Unix roots, cleverly steers clear of unnecessary waits, runs start
scripts simultaneously, and reduces the boot time to a minimum. The long-term plan is to replace generic
background system services such as the at daemon, cron, and others with Upstart. Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)
demonstrates the first effects of this promising software.
It All Starts with Init
Most Unix-style systems share the init concept. The process calls the kernel and assigns the kernel process ID
1. This sequence is hard-coded into the kernel - in /usr/src/linux/init/main.c on Linux. Init has the task of
launching all other userspace processes and initializing the machine. The process and its helper scripts load
kernel modules, check and mount the filesystem, set up the network, launch servers, and call the graphical
login manager. Init has to launch the services in a meaningful order. For example, it doesn't make sense to set
the system time by polling a time server on the network until the machine becomes available on the network.
To do this, init has to first initialize the network hardware, and set up at least one network interface for
external access.
The number of services and background agents has grown over the years, and this has made the init process
clumsy. In contrast, desktop usage, which is typical for Ubuntu, demands a dynamic system configuration.
Mobile devices also make life really difficult for Sys V Init. Roving devices require an ad-hoc approach to
setting up network connections, as well as a means for dynamically configuring hardware.
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To cope with this, Linux programmers have developed a number of tools: acpid and apmd for power
management, the HAL Device Manager for dynamic mounting of drives, and the Resource Manager for
dynamic device privilege assignments to the user working with the GUI desktop. Each of these sytems
implements its own configuration logic, and admins have to be familiar with this logic to be able to run a
required task at the right point in time.
Not all processes and services are tied to starting or stopping a machine. For example, there are some special
services, like cron and the at daemon, that launch other processes at a certain time. They are not linked to the
runlevel system in any way, although they have a similar underlying logic. This is another thing that Upstart
looks to change [3].
Design Issues
Before the Ubuntu programmers decided to develop a new system, they first investigated contemporary
alternatives to the familiar Sys V system [2]. None of the designs they looked at fulfilled their expectations or
was available under an acceptable license.
When they started to think about the new design, they had to choose between a target or result-oriented option
for the system launch. Target-oriented would mean defining the services that should be running at the end of
the start sequence (KDM, SSH daemon, etc.).
In this case, it would be necessary to investigate each service and determine which other services it relied on.
Based on these dependencies, the init system would need to derive a meaningful startup sequence. This is
exactly the approach that Gentoo adopted with its depend system (see the "Gentoo" box); Suse also follows
this approach with a modified version of the Sys V Init (see the "Suse Linux" box).
In the other corner of the ring, there were events. Instead of formulating dependencies, which a script would
probably need to handle at system start time, an event-based system would not run a script until a specific set
of preconditions was fulfilled. For example, it would not make sense to call an NFS client until the
authoritative NFS became available. The system that Ubuntu opted for also understands more complex
conditions, such as "network configuration completed," "Apache running," or (in the future) "USB stick
As one of the more recent additions to the Linux family, Gentoo solved the problem of organizing runlevel
scripts in its own special way. To do so, it does not use simple bash scripts as runlevel scripts, but instead
launches a separate interpreter: /sbin/runscript . An example of a typical structure follows:
opts="depend start stop restart"
depend() {
# dependencies and conditions
start() {
# commands for starting services
# including preparatory tasks
stop() {
# commands for stopping services
# plus clean-up actions
restart() {
# Restarting as service
The string that follows opts lists all the functions provided by the runlevel script. If you need to add your
own functions, you just add them to the list, and script a function block of the same name to match. While
the start , stop , and restart sections keep to the traditional design, more interesting things happen in depend .
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A service depends on other services or preparatory settings on the one hand; but on the other hand, it can
provide specific functions that other services require:
need service : Depends on the service.
use service : Uses the service.
provide functionality : Provides a specific functionality.
before service : Should start before the other service.
after service : Should start after the specified service.
Gentoo also supports virtual services, such as net , as there are various kinds of network (Ethernet, Modem,
WLAN). This also applies to mail servers ( mta ). The start script can even determine dependencies
dynamically, as the /etc/init.d/syslog-ng example shows:
case $(sed 's/#.*//' /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf) in
need net ;;
As long as the change does not conflict with existing dependencies, admins can alter the order in which
services are started, using before or after .
Suse Linux
While the traditional Sys V Init folllows a strictly linear approach, more recent Suse Linux versions (10.0 or
newer) support parallelization of boot script calls. Administrators can enable this feature in the
/etc/sysconfig/boot file by setting the RUN_PARALLEL variable to yes . This changes the legacy sequence
defined by S00script1 through S99script25 .
Instead, the .depend.boot , .depend.start , and .depend.stop dependencies are applied. If an administrator adds
a simple script, say, S12nbd-server , to rc3.d , by creating a link in the traditional manner, the system will just
ignore the change. The insserv command handles this task by evaluating the file header to ensure correct
resolution of dependencies:
# Provides: nbd-server
# Required-Start: $network
# Should-Start: $syslog
# Required-Stop:
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Description: Start Network Blockdevice Daemon
This hides much of the complexity from the user, however, the approach does not provide much in the line of
speed benefits. When we tested the Suse-style boot on the X41 mentioned earlier on - the machine admittedly
has a fairly lame hard disk - the parallel boot took just over a minute, which is fairly close to the 70-second
value for the legacy approach. You can actually see some evidence of parallel service launching; the screen
output is mixed up.
Event Horizon
Events are basically just simple strings. The Upstart developers divide events into three classes:
Simple edge events, such as "the system is booting," or "the user has just pressed a button."
Level events have an additional parameter, such as the network interface status. Services and tasks
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run either for any Level Event, or only when a parameter has reached a specific value.
Temporal events occur after a specific interval, or at a specific point in time.
The developers kept to the open source codex of release early, release often. Thus, the code was released at a
very early stage, and the self-confident developers presented a running system, in the guise of Edgy Eft, to
demonstrate how far they have gotten. Their aim is to collect as much feedback as possible from developers
working on other Linux distributions.
However, this also means that the specifications might change in the course of the next few months. The
examples described here refer to version 0.3 from early December.
This version replaces the existing init process, however, don't assume that all the start scripts have been
modified to use the event mechanism. Upstart does not support temporal events right now, and there are plans
to use other programs, such as Udev and the ACPI or APM daemons, as event sources.
Sys V Init
The early Unix versions used a simple shell script to configure the machine and launch services. The design
behind the BSD family's /etc/rc , for example, was convincingly simple, but it did have one major drawback.
Integrating third-party software, or custom-built extensions, meant modifying the shell script. Unfortunately,
modifying this code is quite dangerous - a single mistake could lead to an unbootable system.
In many cases, it takes more than just a simple command to launch a service, with the details varying
depending on the current environment. For example, the ISC DHCP server can be set up to listen on specific
Ethernet interfaces, rather than on all ports. To remove the need for administrators to modify the start script
to do this, daemons often come with configuration files that parse the script. This lets administrators update
the start scripts without endangering the local configuration.
Sys V Init uses a far more flexible, but also more complex, approach than BSD, introducing runlevels that
define specific machine states, based on the processes that run in them. A total of eight runlevels is possible,
but not mandatory, for any system. Three runlevels have clearly defined tasks: Halt (0), Single User Mode,
and Reboot (6).
The /etc/inittab file specifies which runlevels exist and defines the runlevel the system enters on booting
(Figure 1).
The Sys V design assumes that the system will use a small number of defined states, such as without
network, with network, with X11, and so on. Administrators can change the runlevel by giving the init
Runlevel command.
Another advantage of this approach is the separate scripts for each service or configuration task. For
example, calling /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart lets you relaunch the DHCP server without affecting any other
services. The idea of using a collection of symlinks to determine the scope and order of the scripts used in
each runlevel is also a good one.
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Figure 1: This typical inittab defines runlevels 0 through 6.
State of the Art
The current version of Ubuntu boots quite quickly, although you won't see much of what's going on if you use
the default setup. The boot splash screen with its progress indicator, and the OS logo hide any useful
information. Although normal users may not object to this, it takes some getting used to for admins. Even if
you remove the colorful splash (by deleting the splash token from the kernel command line in grub), you
won't see too many messages. If you want more, just remove the quiet entry.
On first inspection, the changes under the hood are also hidden. If you give the man init or man telinit
command, you are informed that the runlevel system has a new engine. No /etc/inittab file is another telltale
clue. /etc/init.d and the accompanying start scripts still exist at present as Ubuntu currently runs Upstart in
compatibility mode. The mid-term plan is to allow /etc/event.d to handle job definitions, which boil down to
simple, non-executable files like the one shown in Listing 1. The example takes the easy way out, and simply
calls the old start scripts for runlevel 2 (line 20).
As you can see from line 5, we want the script to run whenever the runlevel-2 event occurs. It ends if the
events shutdown , or runlevel-3 through runlevel-5 occur (lines 7 through 10). In the future, more complex
semantics will support conditions with logical operators and pass in parameters to event scripts, if needed.
These files play the same role as the entries in the legacy /etc/inittab . This is why Edgy Eft has both rc2 and
the files shown at the top of Figure 2.
Figure 2: Edgy Eft stores files that define jobs for the typical events from the legacy inittab in /etc/event.d.
Listing 1: Job Definitions
01 # /etc/event.d/rc2
02 # Runlevel 2 compatibility script for Upstart
03 # This job runs the oldSys V scripts.
05 start on runlevel-2
07 stop on shutdown
08 stop on runlevel-3
09 stop on runlevel-4
10 stop on runlevel-5
12 script
13 set $(runlevel --set 2 || true)
14 if [ "$1" != "unknown" ]; then
18 fi
20 exec /etc/init.d/rc 2
21 end script
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