2009.09_Apache Httpd-Denial of Service Made Easy.pdf

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Security Lessons
A slow death for the default configuration. BY KURT SEIFRIED
sites C through Z aren’t quite sure what
they’re doing. However, the web server
seems to work pretty well, so why worry
about the defaults? The operating system
vendors don’t really want to change the
defaults on all the software they ship un-
less they have a good reason to do so be-
cause it’s one more thing to do. Addi-
tionally, it means your software could
behave unexpectedly, resulting in sup-
port calls that no one wants to deal with,
especially if they’re a volunteer-driven
organization. So you’ll just have to trust
the software project to choose sane de-
faults, which is probably for the best be-
cause they understand the software and
what twiddling the knobs can break.
Therefore, you end up with defaults that
work for most people, assuming nothing
strange happens – like 1,000 or more cli-
ents on really slow network connections
hitting your server at the same time.
not be historically accurate, but is
close enough, you want to build a
web server, so you program a socket-
based server. A client connects, requests
a file, you send the file, the client discon-
nects, and everyone is happy. The total
transaction time is around 300 millisec-
onds. But you get a bug report that some
guy’s web server keeps getting slower
and slower until it eventually dies. What
to do? After diagnosing the problem, you
figure out that some web clients aren’t
handling the connection properly. They
create a connection but then do nothing
with it, leaving it open indefinitely. The
result is that the server slowly runs out
of available connections until it can no
longer service new requests. The fix is
easy: Just stick in a default TimeOut di-
rective so actions that tie up resources
(like a connection) eventually get killed
off if they aren’t actually doing anything.
This works pretty well for a while, but
you start noticing that web pages are
taking lon-
ger and longer to load because they are
no longer a single page but contain im-
ages, CSS files, JavaScript files, and so
on. So being a smart programmer, you
figure to let the client keep the connec-
tion alive and re-use it for additional re-
quests. This solution is good because it
avoids the setup cost of the connection
(a TCP three-way handshake [1] takes
time). Now the second (and third, and
fourth) file request is a lot faster, and ev-
eryone is happy. Because you learned
from your last mistake, you put a Keep-
AliveTimeout directive to prevent prob-
lems. Life is good, people download
your web server, and pretty soon 60% or
so of the web is using the Apache
HTTPD server.
Sane Defaults
Defaults are one of the most annoying
problems because, quite simply, no de-
faults work well for everyone. Site A
could be serving millions of small im-
ages, whereas site B wants to serve
things using a
big applica-
tion frame-
So What Happens When …?
If 1,000 clients on really slow network
links (or one client with 1,000 connec-
tions pretending to be on a slow network
link) hit your server all at once, it turns
out that your server stops working.
Rather, it still works, but it is limited by
how many connections it can serve, So
even if serving 1,000 slow connections
doesn’t take a lot of resources, your
server has no more available connec-
tions to serve other legitimate clients. To
the world, your server appears to be
dead. This situation is a problem be-
cause a user with a clever piece of soft-
ware like Slowloris [2] can attack a large
site from a single computer on a rela-
tively small network link (i.e., DSL or a
cable modem).
But shouldn’t this be easy to fix by
simply limiting how many connections a
single IP address or a network block can
create and hold open? If you set this
limit low, you might block users that are
forced to use web proxies. AOL, for ex-
ample, forces all users through web
proxies (which saves them a ton of
money on bandwidth). In many legiti-
mate cases, a single IP address or a
Denial of service made easy
I n a thought experiment that might
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Security Lessons
group of IP addresses
in a small network
might open a lot of
connections (e.g.,
those IPs might be
every single AOL user
in the American Mid-
west). The problem
here is that you need
to find a limit that will
prevent damage to
your server yet is high
enough that it is un-
likely to block legiti-
mate users. My advice
is to set the limit as
high as possible (i.e.,
where it affects your
server but doesn’t
completely kill it) to
avoid blocking as
many users as possible.
One generic way to rate limit connec-
tions per IP address is to use the iptables
rate-limiting facility, which can be done
selectively on single ports. Also, you can
specify a block of time and the maxi-
mum number of connections that can be
established in that time frame. The fol-
lowing code creates a 60-second block
with a maximum of five connections. On
the sixth or more, it will simply DROP
the packets, causing the client to retry.
Once an earlier connection closes, the
new one will be allowed.
probably because of Michael Jackson’s
death, but it’s loading the page text so as
not to be completely useless.
An example of this is a third-party
patch from Andreas Krennmair [4]. His
patch adds load percentage monitoring
with the use of the Apache HTTPD
scoreboard. As load increases, the time-
out is adjusted. At 60% load, it halves
the timeout; at 70%, it quarters it; and
so on. Although simplistic, it is a good
example of building some intelligence
and a “survival” instinct into the appli-
cation; unfortunately, it cannot close ex-
isting connections, so with enough re-
sources, an attacker can still cause the
machine to become unresponsive.
Figure 1: Slowloris is named for a slow-moving primate with a
very tight grip.
To Infinity and Beyond!
The true irony of these slow denial of
service attacks that take up connection
handling resources is that they don’t ac-
tually cause the server to run slowly in
most cases. They simply prevent legiti-
mate clients from being able to connect
to the server because no connections are
available. And if any do become avail-
able, the attacker can aggressively at-
tempt to connect to them, beating legiti-
mate clients. The additional benefit to
fixing applications so that they can deal
gracefully with these denial of service at-
tacks is that it will also help them handle
higher loads of legitimate traffic – a win
for everybody. n
cally 300 seconds, or five minutes) to a
much shorter five seconds – or less if
need be. Additionally, to prevent abuse
of http keep-alive, you can simply dis-
able it by setting the KeepAlive directive
to off. Please note that neither of these
workarounds will actually fix the prob-
lem in a very meaningful way, but
against attackers with limited means, it
should help [3]. Also note that this at-
tack doesn’t just affect the Apache
HTTPD server: The Squid web proxy and
a number of other web servers are also
vulnerable to the Slowloris attack.
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 U
-m state --state NEW -m recent --set
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 U
-m state --state NEW -m recent U
--update --seconds 60 --hitcount 6 U
Long-Term Needs
Although you will never be able to com-
pletely mitigate the risk and effect of de-
nial of service attacks (in a worst-case
scenario, a botnet sends legitimate re-
quests that soak up your available re-
sources), you can build systems that can
survive small attacks and force attackers
to spend more resources on attacks,
which you hope will discourage them.
The best long-term solution appears to be
building better rate-limiting functionality
into applications and, most importantly,
allowing these applications to change
their settings as needed if they come
under attack (e.g., reduce the connection
timeout as they become busier and start
kicking off slow hosts if they get maxed
out). In this way, you will give applica-
tions the best chance of surviving not
only denial of service attacks, but heavy
workloads. For example, as I write this,
CNN.com is looking slightly broken,
[1] TCP three-way handshake:
[2] Slowloris http DoS: http://ha.ckers.
[3] Apache Security Tips:
[4] Anti-Slowloris patch for Apache
HTTPD: http://synflood.at/tmp/
Of course, a determined attacker will
simply use more machines, eventually
saturating your attempt to rate limit, but
you can make their job significantly
Trading Performance for
If you’re unwilling or unable to spend
money and deploy more hardware and
software to soak up denial of service at-
tacks, chances are you can trade perfor-
mance for added survivability. To deal
with the Slowloris attack, the quickest
and somewhat effective action is to set
the TimeOut value from its default (typi-
Kurt Seifried is an
Information Secu-
rity Consultant spe-
cializing in Linux
and networks since
1996. He often won-
ders how it is that technology works
on a large scale but often fails on a
small scale.
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