2004.12_Save Money Using Linux, Venezuela Goes Open Source, Indic Localization.pdf

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World News
Milestones for Asian Input Systems
Licensed under the
GPL, the software
runs under X11 on
Linux, FreeBSD and
other Unix-style
systems. With a
UTF-8 supporting
X-terminal emula-
tor such as mlterm
and a larger font such as ming_uni.ttf
installed, XCIN users can input more Tra-
ditional Chinese characters and phrases
under Linux than they could do with MS
Edward Liu is busy developing another
CIN project, GCIN, the “GTK Chinese
Input application” for X. GCIN is
released under the GPL. Edward
announced a new “phrase preselect” fea-
ture in version 0.4. GCIN currently
supports Traditional Chinese (as used in
Taiwan) and Japanese character sets.
It has been a prolonged mission for soft-
ware developers in the Chinese,
Japanese and Korean (CJK) speaking
countries to create usable and useful lan-
guage input systems. Reflecting the
relevance of these East-Asian languages,
input systems developed for the Chinese
language normally can be extended to
support Japanese and Korean fonts and
input methods easily. During the past
months, a number of Taiwan-based pro-
jects developing Chinese input (CIN)
systems which enable users to display
and input Chinese characters when
using Linux and BSD applications have
announced breakthroughs.
Three UTF-8 support patches have
been added to the new 2.5.3pre3 version
of XCIN, a popular Chinese input
method. They came from Red Hat, Fire-
fly, and Kuang-che Wu; the latter two are
Taiwanese free software developers.
The diversity
of CIN applica-
tions has its downside though:
Integration work is urgently required for
further free software development in
East Asia. Luckily the developers them-
selves are very enthusiastic about
exchanging various fonts and input.
Indic Localization Gets Formal
As Open Source localization (L10n) gains
more and more momentum on the
Indian subcontinent with its numerous
languages and alphabets (see Issue 45
p), coordination of the several Indic L10n
projects has become a vital issue. Volun-
teer groups and organizations involved
in this big task were invited to put their
money where their mouths are and meet
in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), on Sep-
tember 18 and 19.
Among the attendants were
representatives of the “Technol-
ogy Development for Indian
Languages” (TDIL) working
group of the State Department of
Information Technology, the
L10n teams for Hindi, Gujarati,
Tamil, Oriya, Urdu and Bengali,
and several scientific institu-
tions and companies (including
IBM and Red Hat). One of their
goals was to find a channel for
cooperation with international
development bodies like Uni-
code, Pango, or the X-Consortium.
As a result the meeting saw the forma-
tion of a Working Group that include
team leaders from all Indic L10n groups.
Its aim is to focus on L10n of free and
Open Source software, and as an imme-
diate goal, to suggest policy changes in
order to encourage L10n of software in
Indian languages. Here the group is to
suggest a law which mandates inclusion
of localized software with every PC
shipped in the country, similar to the
Chinese one.
But localized applications are only half
the story. Action is also needed regarding
documentation, and usability. Here the
discussion centered around creating doc-
umentation specific to Indic L10n which
addresses areas of usability and learn-
ability with regard to creation of test
cases and test suites. In a resolution at
the end of the meeting, the participants
called to pro-actively engage
with publishers to promote con-
tent in Indian languages. With
the creation of an online L10n
status map, the Working Group
would also take stock of pend-
ing tasks like documentation,
development of Unicode aware
applications and collation.
December 2004
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Venezuela Goes for Open Source
Russian Linux Components
for Taiwan
Russian programmers will be developing
security-enhanced Linux components
for Taiwan’s governmental institutions.
The decision to sign a contract to this
effect at the “Russian-Taiwan Forum”
in Moscow at the beginning of Sep-
tember was made after the Russian
consortium “Inforus” presented the
Taiwan Institute for Information Industry
(III) its ideas on “the Linux of the
future”. Inforus is an umbrella organiza-
tion of more than 70 Russian IT
companies. Its aim is to initiate offshore
programming contracts with foreign
Although the contract details them-
selves remain secret, Inforus’ President
Andrey Masalovich was proud to point
out some of the ideas that had convinced
the Taiwanese side.
One of these ideas was, for example,
"smart folders" that group documents
based on search criteria rather than their
physical location, a built-in search
engine, and honeypots to trap hackers
scanning for vulnerabilities.
Software development was reported
to have begun at the end of September:
a hitherto undisclosed company from
St. Petersburg is responsible for pilot
versions of the components, and each
of the modules, which are being devel-
oped simultaneously, will take “no less
than 10 man-months”.
All secrets aside, Masalovich was
eager to make one important point: “The
price was determined according to
international (neither Asian nor Russian)
outsourcing rates, that is without price
dumping”, Masalovich said.
Venezuela’s government is working on a
decree to establish the support and adop-
tion of Open Source software throughout
public administration. When President
Hugo Chavez announced this move dur-
ing the opening ceremony of a new
public info center with 60 Internet work-
stations and several smaller ones
September 28, the Minister of Science
and Technology, Yadira Córdoba, made
clear that the government is serious
about its self-proclaimed principle of
“national scientific independence” from
privately owned software.
Not only is her ministry one of the
early adopters of Open Source software
in the South-American country, but all of
the more than 300 info centers nation-
wide avoid the use of proprietary soft-
ware. They provide public Internet
access in accordance with the govern-
ment’s plan to raise the educational level
especially in poorer areas. According to
president Chavez, 343 of them will be set
up by the end of 2004.
In addition, 81 of a total of about 300
municipalities are already populating an
eGovernment platform based on free
software. Success stories like these aside,
Córdoba admits that the entire migration
process needs time: “We don’t want to
implement the changes too quickly
because they mean introducing a new
culture, and new points of view. On the
contrary, we want to adopt free software
step by step.”
Smaller Cities Can Save Money Using Linux
An average EUR 308 per desktop could be
saved annually, if Dutch cities were to
embrace Linux. As part of the A7-project,
named after the A7-highway, the Dutch
ICT consulting company Footmark BV
investigated the IT-infrastructure of five
small and medium sized townships with
60 to 140 workstations each.
In the course of the study it became
apparent that money could be saved if
terminal server solutions were imple-
mented based on a combination of
Windows Terminal Server and Linux Ter-
minal Server, instead of the traditional
Windows-only implementation. By mix-
ing the two systems, legacy applications
would remain operational, saving expen-
sive migration efforts. In the future the
study expects more and more critical
applications to become available for
Linux and envisages extra cost-saving
As a side-effect of the study, city IT
departments started to see alternatives to
their present solutions. “Openoffice.org
migrations like the one in the city of
Haarlem [ed.: see Issue 42 p12] showed
them that they are customers and thus
have a natural right to put demands on
the table”, says Bouke Koelstra, Product
Manager Open Source with Footmark. As
a result of increasing pressure, the Dutch
market leader in government software,
PinkRoccade, announced future Linux
support. And their main competitor,
Centric, had no option but to follow suit.
Meanwhile the study has been noted
by the Dutch parliament and socialist
MEP Martijn van Dam asked what the
Ministry of Internal Affairs was going to
do with the results. Van Dam hopes to
increase the budget of the government
open standards and Open Source pro-
moter OSOSS.
Have Greg ping me the bare figures
from finance and I bet I bring this
hot baby home!!
Thanks. JT.
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