Butterfly Man (2002) ENG.txt

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{2447}{2546}- Show me how to go this place.|- (THAI Pai-tang-non-ja)
{2548}{2644}- No, go to this way?|- (THAI Mai-chai-pai-tang-non)
{2646}{2753}(THAI 163/2 Ban-Kok-Putsa)
{2759}{2804}Can anyone here speak English?
{3326}{3388}I'm looking for this village...
{3393}{3463}Seem to have lost my way.
{3465}{3586}No problem you are here.|This is Ban Kok Putsa.
{3907}{3976}I have important news to tell you...
{3986}{4050}I've come a long way...
{4563}{4656}"Amazing Thailand", 6,000 miles.
{4658}{4796}Another continent, another culture,|another planet.
{4804}{4885}Great feeling to be leaving England behind.
{4887}{4935}Don't know what to expect...
{4937}{4992}but hoping for something new.
{5541}{5636}Thailand was Kate's idea|to develop our relationship.
{5644}{5675}But driving from the airport,
{5677}{5739}Bangkok didn't quite seem|what we had expected.
{5741}{5837}Somehow I'd imagined something|a little less... concrete,
{5839}{5888}less western.
{6126}{6212}Twenty baht, huh?
{6449}{6544}Hey, want to look here, madam.|Have everything you want.
{6550}{6594}Check this.
{6636}{6658}Come on, Kate.
{6660}{6705}- What're you doing?|- I thought you needed a bed.
{6707}{6748}Can't you just wait a minute?
{6750}{6823}So let's dump the bags...|then go shopping yeah...
{6825}{6915}You want room? Have room here.
{7558}{7604}I'm going out.
{7606}{7651}Going out where?
{7653}{7702}Don't know... somewhere... outside.
{7704}{7749}Meet some locals.
{7751}{7785}By yourself?
{7787}{7842}For a couple of hours, yeah...
{7851}{7917}- What?|- Nothing.
{7924}{7974}Give me a break.
{7982}{8038}You want a break, fine, have one.
{8040}{8118}but I won't be here when you get back.
{8198}{8275}- Come on Kate. You're tired...|- Well, you noticed.
{8277}{8320}You've been acting funny|since you been on the plane.
{8322}{8389}Yeah... well, travel does that|to some people.
{8391}{8460}And after all I am a woman...
{8465}{8516}Tell me about it.
{8577}{8646}Maybe we should just forget it.
{8669}{8711}What do you mean?
{8720}{8747}Never mind.
{8749}{8776}No, what do you mean?
{8778}{8836}Adam, just go out and meet your locals.
{8838}{8878}If you've got something to say Kate,|just say it.
{8880}{8896}Adam just leave it.
{8898}{8968}- No... what have you got to say.|- Right.
{9007}{9101}I don't fancy you anymore.
{9227}{9288}You've brought me all this way|to tell me that.
{9290}{9357}No, Adam. I've brought myself|all this way to relax.
{9359}{9441}And you are just irritating...
{9490}{9554}and so heavy.
{9928}{10021}Yes Sir. I can take you.
{10326}{10395}A helpful guy in a tuk-tuk offered|to show me around...
{10397}{10480}VIP Massage, Good for you.
{10482}{10564}...but gazing at girls in a goldfish|bowl isn't really my scene.
{10566}{10640}And the endless rows of watches,|CDs and designer labels...
{10642}{10742}only reminded me of|what I'm trying to escape from.
{10752}{10803}So I wandered off down|an old railway track...
{10805}{10944}and got my first taste of Tom Yum soup|and Thai wisdom.
{11051}{11164}Farang, farang. Sit down, sit down.
{11181}{11248}Farang? What is farang?
{11250}{11358}Farang mean foreigner. You farang.
{11377}{11499}If you think good, speak good,|do good, happiness come.
{11501}{11643}If you think no good,|speak no good, do no good,
{11646}{11688}problem come.
{11690}{11781}Chork Dee. Good luck for you.
{11971}{12039}Adam, I had to cash my cheques,|here is your share...
{12041}{12134}sorry, its so bulky but you should|get yourself organised next time.
{12136}{12235}You see, I meant it.|Better we go our separate ways -
{12248}{12322}maybe this trip will make a man of you.
{12324}{12387}See you on the flight home.|Kisses, Kate...
{12389}{12451}PS. Don't come looking for me.
{12453}{12535}For a moment, Kate's note was a shock...
{12537}{12608}then there was a weird sense of relief...
{12610}{12659}so when I heard her laughing,
{12661}{12755}it was as if I hadn't known her at all.
{12808}{12883}Let's get acquainted.
{12895}{12971}You want to bought me.|I see you look me, madam.
{12973}{13091}I have everything you want. Check me.
{13643}{13740}Day 2|Break up with my girlfriend on first night...
{13742}{13807}going to take a bus south.
{14967}{15090}Inside. Chaweng. Chaweng.
{17317}{17369}Yeah, I'll take it.
{17975}{18048}I'm really sorry. Was that your dinner?
{18074}{18162}I'm sorry. Here. Um...
{18170}{18196}(Out... Mai-ao. Mai-ao. )
{18198}{18286}Um... you have small money?
{18319}{18401}No, I haven't. It's... it's ok.|Mai pen rai.
{18403}{18434}You speak Thai?
{18436}{18482}Oh, just phrasebook stuff you know.
{18484}{18536}Mai pen rai-no problem.
{18538}{18584}Isn't that the first thing you learn|when you get here?
{18586}{18633}Sabai, sabai.
{18644}{18687}Sabai, sabai. What does that mean?
{18689}{18719}Take it easy...
{18721}{18780}Come on. You want to play or not?
{18782}{18835}I'd love to but I don't think|they gonna let me.
{18837}{18916}Sorry, enjoy your food, yeah.
{18991}{19051}(OUT Puchai Khon Nee Loe Dee Nor. )
{19053}{19103}(OUT Jai Dee Duay. (Good Heart)
{19105}{19175}Let's go. Finally.
{19448}{19525}Come on. Your serve.
{20373}{20463}Where you going handsome man?
{20465}{20492}sit down.
{20494}{20563}- No no, I'm just...|- Do you want to drink?
{20565}{20626}- No no, I'm not stopping.|- You got lady?
{20628}{20690}No... er... no no no, got no lady.
{20692}{20717}You want to go with me?
{20719}{20822}No... er... well, I'd love to but as|I say I'm just looking around, yeah?
{20833}{20885}If you go with me,
{20891}{20946}good for you and good for me.
{20948}{20997}I take care.
{20999}{21069}No charge for you.|I give for free. Lor (Handsome).
{21071}{21110}Look, maybe I come back. Yeah...
{21112}{21142}- Are you sure?|- Maybe.
{21144}{21238}- Sure?|- Sure. See you later yeah?
{21644}{21732}I don't have money.|My family is very poor.
{21734}{21816}Yeah, baby. That's sweet.
{21839}{21925}Excuse me sir. How old are you?
{22667}{22732}Yeah, Sorry,|can I have like er... local beer,
{22734}{22781}- Thai beer, or something?|- No... no, no, no.
{22783}{22899}Try some of this local grog,|recommended.
{22901}{23032}Sharpens vision, mildly hallucinogenic.
{23050}{23103}Sounds like a bit in contradiction?
{23105}{23136}New boy in town, ah?
{23138}{23196}Yeah, just been acquainting myself|with the local customs.
{23198}{23237}No, no, no, I'll get these.
{23239}{23295}I'd be careful carrying that|lot around if I was you,
{23297}{23343}specially if you're having a couple|of these, ha.
{23345}{23388}Yeah, well... its my divorce settlement.
{23390}{23450}Ah... not another broken marriage?
{23452}{23526}Yeah, Unbelievable, first night.
{23543}{23625}That's no world record in this place son.
{23627}{23725}This place does strange things to people.
{23737}{23790}Sounds like the voice of experience.
{23792}{23837}Oh yes.
{23845}{23924}So what do you do,|like work here or something?
{23932}{24024}I've got my finger in a few little pies,|you know.
{24026}{24069}It's a great life.
{24071}{24146}Come along, chin-chin.
{24214}{24301}Oh... fuck me.
{24413}{24492}Have you tried Thai massage yet?
{24507}{24625}Man, you see,|the beauty about Thai massage...
{24627}{24697}apart from its health benefits...
{24699}{24803}is that you can just lie back, relax.
{24805}{24853}For one whole hour...
{24855}{24946}some beautiful young woman|is going to pay your body...
{24948}{25051}the biggest compliment its ever received.
{25053}{25103}And it's Unconditional.
{25105}{25147}- But you've got to pay for it?|- Of course you have to pay.
{25149}{25193}So it's not exactly Unconditional then is it?
{25195}{25267}I'm talking about the emotional stuff.
{25269}{25388}No need to get all anxious|about "satisfying your partner".
{25390}{25442}I bet your girlfriend never touched you...
{25444}{25532}without expecting something in return.
{25534}{25611}And you pay 200 baht for an hour -
{25613}{25691}I mean, what's that,|the price of a Big Mac?
{25693}{25776}You know you'd pay ten times|that in England,
{25778}{25844}that's if you could even find|a genuine massage!
{25846}{25872}So it's not an excuse for sex?
{25874}{26036}Oh no, no, no,|this is a spiritual experience.
{26044}{26115}Why don't I take you down to Sao's?
{26117}{26175}This wouldn't happen to be one|of pies you have your finger in?
{26177}{26219}You could say that,
{26221}{26326}and a very tasty pie too, I may add.
{26348}{26408}Hey get it Joey?
{26440}{26500}Throw away, Jimmy.
{26596}{26715}Here, did I tell you to be careful|of backstreet blowjobs with ladyboys.
{26717}{26753}No, it wasn't the first thing on my agenda.
{26755}{26840}I don't care what you are,|if you are a faggot or anything.
{26842}{26950}I don't care.|But you've got to watch them ladyboys.
{26958}{26988}Oh... I love you long time.
{26990}{27082}Yeah, I'll show you what they do, right.|Undo your pants.
{27084}{27128}- Fuck off.|- Come on.
{27130}{27217}Undo your pants is a scientific|demonstration.
{27219}{27275}- You're having a laugh aren't you?|- This is essential information...
{27277}{27359}which you need to know|for your well-being on this island.
{27361}{27389}God Almighty
{27391}{27429}Listen, so they undo your pants...
{27431}{27505}and then they'll pull them down|round your ankles, right...
{27507}{27537}and they start giving head,
{27539}{27697}oh... yeah... enjoy... you're counting stars.
{27699}{27795}and what happens...|they've got their hand in your pockets.
{27797}{27881}Catch me...
{28032}{28068}So you know the language then, Joey?
{28070}{28104}Oh well, you gotta know the essentials.
{28106}{28182}You know, like Mao-drunk,
{28184}{28245}Ting Tong-crazy
{28247}{28332}and Fun Dee-sweet dreams.
{28334}{28398}You got...
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