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©2000 The 3DO Company. All Rights Reserved.
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SECTION I: ......................................................................
Letter to the Wizards of Bracada
SECTION II: ..................................................................... 6
New Heroes III Game Players Start Here
SECTION III: .................................................................... 7
Restoration of Erathia and Armageddon’s Blade Game Players Start Here
SECTION IV: .................................................................... 9
What’s New?
SECTION V: ..................................................................... 11
Playing the Heroes III: The Shadow of Death Game
SECTION VI: .................................................................... 1 3
Campaign Games
SECTION VII: ................................................................... 1 7
Interface Reference
SECTION VIII: ................................................................. 1 8
New Neutral Creatures
SECTION IX: ...................................................................
Changes to Creatures in Heroes III: The Restoration of Erathia
SECTION X: ..................................................................... 26
Combination Artifacts Reference
SECTION XI: .................................................................... 28
Customer Support & Troubleshooting
To the Wizards of Bracada,
My tale is a long one, but I must tell it because there is
no one else who will. After all, who would believe Crag
Hack's bar room bragging? Gem seems to want certain
events swept under the rug, never again revealed. I
have heard nothing of Gelu since he found the cursed
sword, Armageddon's Blade. So that leaves me to tell
the tale history forgot.
I parted with you on shaky terms so very long ago. I
may be a genie like my mother, but I have my father's
a d v e n t u r ous spirit. Pre f e rring the life I found in
K rewlod, I had to leave the one you off e red me in
Bracada. It was on this journey of self-discovery that
this tale has its earliest beginnings. After being
accepted into Krewlod society, I began my wanderings
and met three people near the Erathian-Deyjan
b o rd e r. The four of us were all searching for a new
life and stumbled upon events far larger than each of
our petty pro b l e m s .
It was before the Restoration of Erathia war when I
met and worked with the young Gelu, the beautiful
Gem, and the barbaric Crag Hack. My three comrades
w e re from such diff e rent backgrounds it is surprising
we were able to work together. Crag Hack was an
easygoing man, with a passion for combat, wine
and lots of women. He made me smile and forget my
own troubles for a while. When Gem wasn't
slaughtering the forces of undead, she was a quiet
and re s e rved woman with a kind heart. Gelu had
b a r ely graduated from the Forest Guard, ready for
a fight and eager to prove himself. His seriousness
was surprising in one so young and contrasted
g reatly against the boisterous Crag Hack.
Somehow we managed to stop a Necromancer, Sandro,
who had plans for world domination. Manipulating
Gem, Gelu and Crag Hack, he was able to reach Deyja
with some very powerful items in his possession. Once
there, he vaulted a puppet king, Finneas Vilmar, to the
throne and threatened to conquer all of Antagarich.
My tale will begin in four separate places, but in the
end you see that all of the events were intertwined,
leading to the near destruction of us all.
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