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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
I. Read the text and do the exercises below (Przeczytaj tekst i zrb ęwiczenia)
Mexican computer program capable of writing stories
The first computer program that creates works of fiction has been developed in Mexico. The
MEXICA computer model can develop a story based on a short outline of 25 words, by using
the 'engagement-reflection cognitive account of writing'. Rafael Prez y Prez, the Mexican
scientist who created the program, believes its main objective is to produce 'novel and
interesting stories', by understanding 'story tension' and plot development. Prez y Prez
explains that the program is a tool intended for improving and aiding human writing rather
than competing against it, adding, "This work is one step towards a better understanding of
Focus 30/01/2007
1. Look at the words in bold and decide what parts of speech they are in the text
(Spjrz na sþowa wytþuszczone w tekĻcie i zdecyduj jakimi sĢ czħĻciami mowy)
1. capable ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
2. outline ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
3. engagement ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
4. reflection ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
5. cognitive ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
6. account ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
objective ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
novel ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
9. tension ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
plot ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
aid ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
12. compete ÈÈÈÈÈÈ..
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
2. Match the words from the text with their definitions (PoþĢcz wyrazy z tekstu z ich
1. capable
2. outline
a. a nervous worried feeling that makes it
impossible for you to relax
b. something that shows what something
else is like, or that is a sign of a particular
c. a written or spoken description that
says what happens in an event or process
d. to try to gain something and stop
someone else from having it or having as
much of it
e. something that you are trying hard to
achieve, especially in business or politics =
f. having the qualities or ability needed to
do something
g. not like anything known before, and
unusual or interesting
h. to help someone do something
i. the main ideas or facts about
something, without the details
j. related to the process of knowing,
understanding, and learning something
k. the events that form the main story of a
book, film, or play
l. when you become involved with
someone or something in order to
understand them
3. engagement
4. reflection
5. cognitive
6. account
7. objective
8. novel
9. tension
10. plot
11. aid
12. compete
3. Without looking back at the text complete the following sentences with prepositions
(Bez ponownego czytania tekstu uzupeþnij poniŇsze zdania przyimkami)
1. I don't think he's capable ÈÈÈ murder
2. He was too shocked to give an account ÈÈÈ what had happened.
3. The main objective was ÈÈÈ improve children's knowledge of geography.
4. The Renault Clio competes ÈÈÈsuch cars as the Peugeot 206
5. The book is intended ÈÈÈ children aged 5-7
6. The president took an important step ÈÈÈpeace
7. Success depends on a clear understanding ÈÈÈ the problem
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
II. Read the fragement of a novel 1984 by George Orwell and do the tasks (Przeczytaj
fragment powieĻci 1984 GeorgeÓa Orwella i wykonaj ęwiczenia)
In 1984, Winston Smith lives in London which is part of the country Oceania. The world is
divided into three countries that include the entire globe: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia.
Oceania, all form a totalitarian society led by Big Brother, which censors everyoneÓs
behavior, even their thoughts.
Newspeak, doublethink, the changeability of the past. He felt as though he were wandering in
the forests of the sea, lost in a world where he himself was the monster. He was alone. The
past was dead, the future was unimaginable. What certainty had he that a single human
creature now living was on his side? And what way of knowing that the Party would not last
for ever? Like an answer, the three slogans on the white face of the Ministry of Truth came
back to him:
He took a twenty-five cent piece out of his pocket. There, too, the same slogans were
inscribed, and on the other face of the coin the head of Big Brother. Even from the coin the
eyes observed you. On coins, on stamps, on the covers of books, on banners, on posters, and
on the cigarette Packet -- everywhere. Always the eyes watching you and the voice talking to
you. Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or in bed -- no
escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your head.
The messages he had received referred to articles or news items which for one reason or
another it was thought necessary to change. For example, it appeared from The Times of the
seventeenth of March that Big Brother, in his speech of the previous day, had predicted that
the South Indian front would stay quiet but that a Eurasian offensive would shortly be started
in North Africa. As it happened, the Eurasian Higher Command had started its offensive in
South India and left North Africa alone. It was therefore necessary to rewrite a paragraph of
Big Brother's speech, in such a way as to make him predict the thing that had actually
As for the other message, it referred to a very simple error which could be set right in a couple
of minutes. A short time ago in February, the Ministry of Plenty had issued a promise (a
'categorical promise' were the official words) that there would be no reduction of the
chocolate ration during 1984. Actually, as Winston was aware, the chocolate ration was to be
reduced from thirty grammes to twenty at the end of the present week. All that was needed
was to change the original promise into a warning that it would probably be necessary to
reduce the ration at some time in April.
There were occasions when Big Brother gave his Order for the Day to commemorate some
unimportant, low-rank Party member whose life and death he held up as an example worthy
to be followed. Today he should commemorate Comrade Ogilvy. It was true that there was no
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
such person as Comrade Ogilvy, but a few lines of print and a couple of faked photographs
would soon bring him into existence. Comrade Ogilvy, unimagined an hour ago, was now a
fact. It seemed strange to him that you could create dead men but not living ones. Comrade
Ogilvy, who had never existed in the present, now existed in the past, and when once the act
of forgery was forgotten, he would exist just as authentically as Julius Caesar.
1. Match the words with their Polish translations (poþĢcz wyrazy z ich polskim
1. divide
2. entire
3. changeability
4. wander
5. unimaginable
6. certainty
7. slavery
8. ignorance
9. inscribe
10. coin
11. cubic
12. refer
13. previous
14. predict
15. therefore
16. issue
17. warning
18. commemorate
19. worthy
20. faked
21. forgery
a. pewnoĻę
b. moneta
c. dlatego
d. podrobiony
e. ostrzeŇenie
f. caþy
g. niewiedza
h. odnosię siħ
i. wydaę
j. godny
k. faþszerstwo
l. dzielię
m. wħdrowaę
n. wypisaę
o. szeĻcienny
p. poprzedni
q. uczcię pamiħę
r. przewidzieę
s. niewola
t. niewyobraŇalny
u. zmiennoĻę
2. Write questions to the answers based on the text (Dopisz pytania do odpowiedzi
opartych na tekĻcie)
In London
Into Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia
a twenty-five cent piece
the chocolate ration
Comrade Ogilvy
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
III. Match the words with their definitions and complete the sentences (PoþĢcz sþowa z
ich definicjami i wstaw je w luki w zdaniach)
1. paperback
2. reference book
3. diary
4. protagonist
5. chapter
a. a book in which you write down the
things that happen to you each day
b. a book with a stiff paper cover
c. the most important character in a play,
film, or story
d. a book such as a dictionary or
encyclopedia that you look at to find
e. one of the parts into which a book is
1. This ÈÈÈÈÈ. discusses power, and how people use it
2. Inge kept a ÈÈÈÈÈ. during the war years
3. Her first novel sold over 20,000 copies in ÈÈÈÈÈ.
4. In the end the ÈÈÈÈÈ.is forced to commit a suicide
5. If you are not sure of the answer please check in the ÈÈÈÈÈ.
IV. Match the idioms connected with books with their explanations and complete the
sentences (PoþĢcz idiomy zwiĢzane z ksiĢŇkami z ich wyjaĻnieniami i uzupeþnij zdania)
1. by the book
a. to copy the way someone else behaves
because you want to be like them or be as
successful as they are
b. informal an unexpected and surprising
c. used to say that someone is pleased or
annoyed with you said when giving your
d. informal to fit well into someone's
e. exactly according to rules or
f. informal to punish someone as severely
as possible or charge them with as many
offences as possible
g. to know someone so well that you
immediately know what they are thinking
or feeling
h. a subject that you do not understand or
know anything about
i. to punish someone for breaking laws or
rules, especially when you have been
trying to punish them for a long time
2. a closed book
3. in my book
4. bring somebody to book
5. take a leaf out of somebody's book
6. can read somebody like a book
7. suit somebodyÓs book
8. a turn-up for the book(s)
9. throw the book at somebody
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