2007US Marine Corps Return & Reunion Guide for Marines and Families 21p.pdf

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Materials have been used from a variety of resources in creating this guide, including
Sister Services, Marine units, and website resources. Regardless of the material’s
source, all military members and their families prepare for what sometimes turns out to
be the most challenging part of a deployment or prolonged absence, return of the
military member and their reunion with family or significant others in the case of single
Marines. Reunion is a special time for everyone. While it may be a source of emotional
strain for all family members, it can also be a time to work together to rebuild
While we pay a great deal of attention to pre-deployment preparations, returning from
deployment can be just as stressful – sometimes more so. Now your return is quickly
approaching and you’ve no doubt been anticipating getting back home. Or perhaps
you've been managing the home front single-handedly while waiting for your spouse to
return from a deployment. Maybe you are a mother, father, significant other or friend of
a single Marine, and have been anxiously awaiting their return. Have you considered
that just as you and those with whom you live and work were required to make
adjustments prior to the deployment, additional adjustments will likely be necessary
once the deployment is over?
The purpose of this guide is to help you smoothly transition back into your home, work
and social life. To help you have a successful reunion, this guide will look at five major
areas: (1) single Marines; (2) married Marines; (3) children; (4) single parents; and
finally (5) reservists. Some of this information will be relevant to you and perhaps some
won’t. Take what’s useful to you and apply it to your life. File the rest away for future
use should your circumstances change.
Throughout this guide you’ll find a major recurring theme about settling back into your
home, work, and social environments: Go slow. Why? Because like deployment,
reunion is a process, not an event. What does that mean? When you or your family
member deployed, it probably wasn't after a morning notification followed by a same-
day departure. Rather, you and your family went through a preparation process over
several weeks. This involved attending pre-deployment meetings, receiving
immunizations, reviewing checklists, packing bags, and so on. It also involved your
spouse, friends or neighbors learning how to temporarily take over some of the
deployed Marine's responsibilities, such as child care, vehicle maintenance, pet care,
lawn care, checkbook balancing, etc.
As you were trying to take care of numerous projects and responsibilities prior to the
deployment, you may have experienced some tension in your relationships at home as
well as at work. Perhaps you were at times irritable with your spouse, children, or
colleagues. At the same time, you may have noticed some resentment toward the
deploying person for leaving, even though the deployment was necessary. Young
children may have been unable to understand why mom or dad must go away, no
matter how carefully the need is explained. The Marine preparing to deploy may have
felt guilty about leaving their family and colleagues with additional responsibilities. In
any event, such unpleasant emotions as tension and irritability may have served a
purpose as you prepared for the deployment: to create some temporary emotional
distance making it easier for you and those you care about to say farewell.
Again, just as deployment was a process that required time and effort, the process of
reunion will also require time and effort.
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