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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
512 Forest Lake Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Go Fetch!
Copyright © 2007 by Shelly Laurenston
ISBN: 1-59998-141-6
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: March 2007
Go Fetch!
Shelly Laurenston
To all the Mikis in the world…you know who you are. And no, you
can’t hide.
And to my California family for taking such amazing care of me when
I need it most.
Go Fetch!
He sniffed the air again. He knew that smell dammit. He knew it from
somewhere and it was going to drive him crazy until he remembered
where. He kept moving, tracking the scent through the forest, as the rave
went on in the clearing behind him.
He tore through the trees, the branches ripping at his fur. The scent
shifted, so he stopped and spun, sniffed the air again and moved. This
time he overshot, and they came out of the dark, attacking him from
behind. Teeth sunk into his flank. Snarling and turning, he knocked
them off before they could get a firm hold. One of his Pack mates and a
full-blood joined him, but by the time the wolves turned, they were gone.
His Pack mate spun in circles trying to see where they went, what they
looked like, and who the hell they were.
They weren’t Pride, they weren’t wolf, and they sure as hell weren’t
human. Whatever they were, they didn’t belong. They were out of their
territory. He just wished he could remember where he’d smelled that
scent before. He had no idea what had attacked him, but they were gone
now. Their scent lingering, but still unknown.
Conall headed back to where he left his clothes. He’d protected the
Pack, now he was ready to get back and enjoy the rave. He realized that,
although his Pack mate had gone off to check the area more fully, the
full-blood was following him. He let him, because he didn’t fear him. The
full-bloods let them into their territory because they knew they were
there to protect a woman. His Alpha’s mate—Sara.
Full-blood wolves howled and the full-blood with him stopped to join
in. Conall let the sound wash over him. He loved that sound, more than
anything. He stopped in his tracks and, without thought, leaned his head
back and released a howl that blended in with the howls of the two
hybrid Packs at the rave. This was something that didn’t happen every
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