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Microsoft Word - lesson_78
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Word formation
ouns – usually end with – ness (sleeplessness), ment (establishment), ity (popularity),
ence/-ance (tolerance), dom (kingdom), hood (childhood), age (coverage), th (length)
Some nouns are formed irregularly: advise – advice
Prefixes and suffixes – some prefixes and suffixes are meaningful: co (together with)
cooperation, sub (under) subway, non (no) nonalcoholic, anti (against) antidepressant, pre
(before) prepaid, auto (self) autodestruction, mis (wrong) mispronounce, ex (past) ex
boyfriend, ful (full of sth) painful, less (without sth.) painless
egative prefixes – normally we form negative adjectives with a prefix un- eg.: believable –
unbelievable. However, it changes depending on the first letter of the adjective:
adjective starting with l : il legalillegal
adjectives starting with r : ir regularirregular
adjectives starting with m (sometimes with p ) : im matureimmature (possibleimpossible)
dis is a prefix used usually with adjectives starting with o obedientdisobedient
in is a variation of the prefix un advisableinadvisable
Reflexive pronouns
Imy self youyour self hehim self sheher self itit self
Weour selves youyour selves theythem selves
The suffix –self/selves means sam (siebie) I’ll do it myself – zrobię to sam
She looks at herself – patrzy (sama) na siebie
Each other/one another means siebie nawzajem: They love each other – kochają się (wzajemnie)
Each other – 2 people; one another – more than 2 people: The parents love each other
The family love one another
Put the words under proper headings
curly elderly
oval skinny slanting wavy
in her 20s
straight toddler round loyal muscular
ginger Slim
longlashed middleaged timid
obese narrow
spiky almondshaped
Age Face
II. Match adjectives with nouns (połącz przymiotniki z rzeczownikami)
1. eyebrows
2. chin
3. nose
4. lips
5. cheeks
6. shoulders
a. hooked
b. bushy
c. broad
d. thin
e. double
f. hollow
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
III Write features of character to the sentences. The number of lines is the number of letters.
The letters given cannot be changed (dopisz cechy charakteru do zdań. Liczba kresek
odpowiada liczbie liter. Podanych liter nie można zmienić)
1. You won’t find him in the corner at the party
o_ tg _ _ _ g
2. She never lies
h _ _ _ s _
3. She always wants to be the best
a _ _ i _ _ o _ _
4. He thinks he is better than everyone
a_ r _ _ _ n _
6. You never know what he is going to do
u_ p_ _ d _ _ _ _ b_ _
7. Keep out of her way when she is angry
a_ g _ _ _ _ _ v _
8. I always cry on sad movies
s _ n_ _ t _ v _
9. He can’t remember anything
f_ _ g _ t _ _ l
10. She is only five but she always remembers to
r_ _ p _ n _ _ b_ _
feed the cat
IV Choose the right prefixes to fit the context (pobierz odpowiednie przedrostki takj aby
pasowały do zdań)
co sub
non anti pre auto mis ex
1. We are now in an …..smoking area so please wait until we leave
2. She met her …….husband only once with his new girlfriend
3. The manager of the team thanked all her …workers for finishing the project on time
4. Just before landing he switched to ………pilot and relaxed
5. She came to the station two hours early because of some …….understanding
6. During our visit in a port we went to see an old ……marine
7. …….cooked food is quicker to prepare
8. All students took part in an ……...violence protest
V. Writhe nouns to the following words (dopisz rzeczowniki do podanych wyrazów)
1. deep
3. intelligent
4. sad
5. mature
6. able
7. advise
8. free
9. responsible
10. poor
VI. Write opposite adjectives using negative suffixes and prefixes (dopisz przymiotniki o
przeciwnych znaczeniach używając predrostków i przyrostków)
5. She is like a donkey
s_ _ b _ _ r_
2. enjoy
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
1. harmful
2. friendly
3. legal
4. responsible
6. possible
7. obedient
8. normal
9. smoking
10. helpful
Complete the second half of compound nouns. (Dopisz drugą część rzeczowników
1. You have to keep to the foot……… because the road is dangerous
2. Take a paper……… and put these two sheets together
3. Do up your shoe……… or you will fall down
4. If you look at your time……… you will see that you have all Sundays off
5. She looks much better in her new hair………
6. Don’t forget to take your sun……… when you go to Greece
7. He had a terrible head……… after the party
8. He was going to fast in his new car and hit a lamp………
VIII. Complete the gaps with compound words from the list. (uzupełnij zdania dwoma
słowami z listy)
about stairs bringing skirts coat set come pour doors ground
a. What is your annual in..........?
b. After talking to Tom she was really up..........
c. On the round..........all cars have to go right
d. Don’t shout I am down..........and hear you perfectly well
e. Because it was cold out..........she took her overcoat
f. A sudden down..........washed away all the dust
g. Let’s go out.......... so that the children may play in the fresh air
h. Many people nowadays decide to move to the out..........of big cities
i. The under.......... is the fastest way of traveling in big cities
j. She has highclass manners so she probably had good up..........
5. mature
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
IX. Complete the sentences (uzupełnij zdania)
1. I don’t like when people help me, I like to do everything …………………
2. They enjoyed ………………… at the party
3. Tom and Sarah love …………………… very much
4. I don’t want to eat it, why don’t you eat it ……………….
5. Look at the house, he built it all ………………….
6. People, make ………………. Comfortable and I’ll bring some tea
7. After the divorce they can’t even look at ………………..
8. In the morning I looked at …………………. In the mirror and smiled
9. It was great fun Tom and I enjoyed ……………….a lot
10. When she was here and he was in London they missed ……………… very much
Complete the sentences with words formed from the words in the brackets. (Uzupełnij
zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od słów podanych w nawiasach)
1.After studies she started working in a …………….. agency (secretary)
2.The new building is a beautiful ……………….. (construct)
3.In order to be ………………… you need to work hard (success)
4.There always is a logical ………………… for ghosts (explain)
5.We need to find a ……………….. to this problem quickly (solve)
6.Teaching give you a lot of …………………… (satisfy)
7.Many nations still fight for their ………………. (free)
8.You should take my ……………… and leave him (advise)
9.Can you play any ………………… instruments? (music)
10. She has to use a wheelchair because she is ………………….. (able)
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
Age Face
curly elderly
Skinny slanting
straight toddler
ginger middleaged
wavy in her 20s
1. eyebrows
b krzaczaste
2. chin
e –podwójny podbródek
3. nose
a haczykowaty
5. cheeks
e – zapadnięte pokiczki
6. shoulders
c – szerokie
1. outgoing
2. honest
3. ambitious
4. arrogant
5. stubborn
6. unpredictable
7. aggressive
8. sensitive
9. forgetful
10. responsible
1. We are now in an nonsmoking area so please wait until we leave
2. She met her exhusband only once with his new girlfriend
3. The manager of the team thanked all her coworkers for finishing the project on time
4. Just before landing he switched to autopilot and relaxed
5. She came to the station two hours early because of some misunderstanding
6. During our visit in a port we went to see an old submarine
7. Precooked food is quicker to prepare
8. All students took part in an antiviolence protest
1. deep depth
2. enjoy enjoyment
3. intelligent
4. lips
d wąskie
4. sad
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