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Microsoft Word - lesson_77
Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
City and buildings
1. Complete the gaps with compound words from the box. (uzupełnij zdania dwoma
słowami z ramki)
water air traffic car centre strike shortages hour power parking bus
city failure jam park pollution rush stop ticket train
1. It was 4pm and the streets were full of cars so I was stuck in a ……… ………
2. Big cities suffer from ……… ……… and it is difficult to breathe
3. Suddenly there was a ……… ……… and all the town was covered with
4. If you park your car in a place where it is not allowed you will get a ………
5. All trains stopped due to a ……… ………
6. The big hypermarket in the city has a multistorey ……… ………
7. I will be waiting for you at the ……… ……… so get off at Swindon
8. There is a lot of traffic during the ……… ………
9. Because it wasn’t raining for many months the country is experiencing ………
10. The most interesting buildings are usually situated in the ……… ………
2. Replace the underlined words with the ones from the list. (Zastąp podkreślone słowa
wyrazami z listy)
capital urban crowded rural international neighbouring isolated local
1. After twenty years of living in the city center she moved to a country area
2. You can buy everything you need in a nearby village
3. The hotel is situated far from and signs of civilization without any contact with
other places
4. The main city of England is London
5. Edinburgh is a city with many foreigners
6. The shops in the campus are better supplied than the ones outside the town
7. During holidays this resort is full of people
8. City areas are not popular with investors any more
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
3. Match the definitions with words. (Połącz słowa z ich definicjami)
a. playground
b. crossroads
c. roundabout
d. carpark
e. footpath
f. roadside
g. suburbs
h. footbridge
1. A place where cars have to go in the clockwise direction if they want to go straight or
2. A wooden, metal or stone structure over a river or railway
3. A place where children play in the city
4. A road for pedestrians
5. A place where you can leave you car
6. A place where two streets meet
7. A place be the road when you can stop your car
8. An area surrounding a city
4. Write names of the buildings described by definitions. (Dopisz nazwy budynków do
a. A big building where kings and queens lived …………
b. A portable house on wheels …………
c. A house which is one part of twin houses …………
d. A small onestorey house …………
e. A structure over a river or railway …………
f. A house which is a part of many houses joined together ……
g. A country house
h. A tall building used as an observation point …………
5. Read the text and do the exercises below. (Przeczytaj tekst i wykonaj ćwiczenia)
A research team at the University of Bath have unveiled the prototype of a new microcar that
is set to cut congestion problems, experienced by commuters every day. The threeyear
collaborative project, involving nine European partners from industry and research and
costing £1.5 million, has resulted in a revolutionary new type of vehicle that combines the
safety of a microcar with the manoeuvrability of a motorbike. The CLEVER (Compact Low
Emission Vehicle for Urban Transport) vehicle is just one metre wide and has been
specifically designed for city driving.
The threewheeled car has a top speed of 60mph and will be fully enclosed in a strengthened
frame, providing protection for the driver and passenger. The CLEVER car will also be more
fuelefficient and less polluting than other vehicles.
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
”The CLEVER vehicle will be a tremendous leap forward in the development of vehicles,”
said Jos Darling, senior lecturer in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath, who is
in charge of its part of the project.
”The increase in traffic in our towns and cities means that we have to find a way to make our
vehicles smaller. The advent of micro cars is a sign of this, but with its manoeuvrability and
small width, the CLEVER vehicle is the ultimate in the search for a small vehicle to get
around towns like Bath in.”
Those involved in the project hope that car companies will build on the CLEVER car as a new
class of city vehicle somewhere between a motorbike and a car.
Ben Drew, a research officer at the University of Bath, said after the demonstration, “The idea
is to showcase the vehicle and start the process of laying down the groundwork for this third
way.” FOCUS 26/04/2006
A. Find in the text words which mean: (Znajdź w tekście słowa odpowiadające definicjom:)
1. to show or tell people about a new product or plan for the first time
2. too many cars in the streets
3. someone who travels a long distance to work every day
4. to surround something, especially with a fence or wall
5. the structure or main supporting parts of a piece of furniture, vehicle, or other object
6. very big, fast, powerful etc
7. a big jump
8. the time when something first begins to be widely used
9. better, bigger, worse etc than all other things or people of the same kind
10. something that has to happen before an activity or plan can be successful
B. What do these numbers relate to? Do czego odnoszą się te liczby?
1. 3 years
2. 9
3. Ł 1.5 mln
4. 1m
5. 60mph
6. Read the text and answer the questions below (przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na
The housing market has recently come back to life with the onset of cheap credits. Many
young couples on tight budgets are now in the market looking for houses of their dreams.
Here are a few examples of what one may expect to find.
1. Genner’s Mansion
This is a proposition for slightly wealthier children of rich parents. The house itself dates from
17 th century and used to be the family home of the Tudors. Its remarkable historic value is
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
emphasized by the interior design. Heavy furniture from the époque is largely original and has
been transported from as far as India to meet the expectations of future inhabitants. The living
space consists of six bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms equipped with hot baths and showers.
There is a large kitchen in rustic style which opens to a huge dinning room. There are also a
stylish livingroom, rich library and a ball room perfectly suitable for lush parties. The front
of the house faces a vast garden which is French in style, full of rose bushes and hedges. An
irresistible temptation for anyone who has about 10 million pounds to spend.
2. Saxon Hause
An ideal place for nature lovers. Situated in the middle of a forest, next to a picturesque lake it
is a perfect heaven for newlywed who enjoy the piece and tranquility of nature. Built entirely
of wood and equipped with a lovely fireplace it will be an unforgettable place for long
romantic evenings. The house overlooks a small quay and a paddle boat is included in the
price. Downstairs there is a small but cosy livingroom and a kitchen smelling deliciously of
smoked salmon. Upstairs there are three bedrooms and a bathroom ideal for a small family
who want to escape the noise of a big city for just under 800,000
3. Elizabeth’s Bridge
A middlesized detached house adjacent to an orchard with two hundred apple and plum trees.
The house is a typical countryside cottage with all necessary facilities and fully furnished. It is
a three story building with a spacious attic. There are 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms
equipped with a shower only. The state of the roof leaves much to be desired and requires
repairs to avoid leaking. The modern kitchen is open to a small livingroom. The fruit trees
provide a good quality of apples and plums which may be sold for profit. Alternatively,
cutting down the trees would produce enough space for a big garden with a swimming pool.
Ideal for creative people not afraid of slight redecoration. The price is 700,000
4. Sophie’s Apartments
A twolevel apartment in the heart of London will be a perfect choice young entrepreneurs
determined to be in the center of high life all the time. The apartment is fully furnished in a
modern, minimalist manner. Very professional with an air of bright career. The living space is
organized into a big light livingroom whose windows face the City, a cabinet and a shower
downstairs and two bedrooms with adjacent bathrooms (one equipped with sauna). Will be
appreciated by a person who spends little time at home and doesn’t enjoy cleaning very much.
Can be yours for 900,000
Which of the houses: (który z domów)
1. has a modern kitchen?
2. is perfect for romantic people?
3. in situated in the center of a city?
4. is the oldest?
5. offers water entertainment?
6. has a sauna?
7. Is good for a business person?
8. Requires repairs?
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
9. Is the most expensive?
7. Name types of houses and the parts of the house
1. ……………… 6
2. ………………
3. ………………
4. ………………
5. ………………
6. ………………
7. ………………
8. ………………
9. ………………
10. is made of wood?
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