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Microsoft Word - lesson_110.doc
Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
1. Complete the text with the correct words. Uzupeþnij tekst odpowiednimi
Modern forensic science should make 1È impossible to commit murder and get 2È
with it. But how easy would it be to outfox the detectives? With the help 3È top
forensic scientists, and real-life murder investigations , we explore whether it's
possible to 4È a perfect murder.
The body is the most important piece of evidence 5È any murder. Pathologist Dr
Richard Shepherd reveals the crucial clues that give 6È the secrets of a suspicious
death . Dr Lee Goff can work out a time of death from just a few maggots on a corpse.
To really understand the way a human decomposes he relies 7È experiments - and
dead pigs make ideal human models.
And what is the perfect murder weapon? Probably Agatha Christie's favourite -
poison . It leaves 8È marks on the body, and the victim may not even realise what
9È happened until it's 10È late. But there still might not be a perfect murder. The
world's most notorious poisoner - Harold Shipman - was eventually caught.
2. Match the words marked blue in the text with the definitions below. PoþĢcz
sþowa zaznaczone w tekĻcie na niebiesko z ich definicjami
1. a small creature like a worm that is the young form of a fly and lives in
decaying food, flesh etc
2. a substance that can cause death or serious illness if you eat it, drink it
3. an object or piece of information that helps someone solve a crime or mystery
4. relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime
5. something that is extremely important, because everything else depends on it
6. thinking that someone might be guilty of doing something wrong or dishonest
7. to gain an advantage over someone by using your intelligence
8. to make known something that was previously secret or unknown
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
3. Look at the words marked red in the text, decide what parts of speech they
are and transform as follows. Spjrz na sþowa zaznaczone w tekĻcie na
czerwono, zdecyduj jakimi sĢ czħĻciami mowy I przeksztaþę w nastħpujĢcy
1. possible ÈÈÈÈ ã Noun ÈÈÈÈ
2. easy ÈÈÈÈ ã Adverb ÈÈÈÈ
3. investigations ÈÈÈÈ ã Verb ÈÈÈÈ
4. explore ÈÈÈÈ ã Noun ÈÈÈÈ
5. important ÈÈÈÈ ã Noun ÈÈÈÈ
6. evidence ÈÈÈÈ ã Adjective ÈÈÈÈ
7. death ÈÈÈÈ ã Adjective ÈÈÈÈ
8. experiments ÈÈÈÈ ã Adjective ÈÈÈÈ
4. Complete the sentences with appropriate phrasal verbs. Uzupeþnij zdania
dopowiednim czasownikiem frazowym.
do away break in lock up hold up beat up blow up get
1. Thieves ÈÈÈÈÈ. and stole ¢10,000 worth of computer equipment.
2. Two armed men ÈÈÈÈÈa downtown liquor store last night.
3. Rapists should be ÈÈÈÈÈ.
4. After football matches many people end up in hospitals ÈÈÈÈÈby fans
5. The mob leader decided to ÈÈÈÈÈwith the inconvenient witness
6. Rebels attempted to ÈÈÈÈÈthe bridge
7. The thieves ÈÈÈÈÈwith jewellery worth over ¢50,000
5. Match the phrasal verbs from the previous exercise with their counterparts
below. PoþĢcz czasowniki frazowe z poprzedniego ęwiczenia z ich poniŇszymi
1. explode
2. escape
3. hurt
4. burgle
5. kill
6. rob
7. imprison
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
2. Do the crime and law crossword. RozwiĢŇ krzyŇwkħ
2 3
6 7
10 11 12 13
14 15
the crime of killing someone
illegally but not deliberately
system that allows some
criminals not to go to prison or to
leave prison, if they behave well
and see a probation officer
regularly, for a particular period
of time
when someone writes or prints
untrue statements about someone
so that other people could have a
bad opinion of them
failure to take enough care over
something that you are
responsible for
something that proves that
someone was not where a crime
happened and therefore could not
have done it
someone who goes into houses,
shops etc to steal things
7 a criminal who uses violence or
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
threats to take control of a plane,
vehicle, or ship
the crime of forcing someone to
have sex, especially by using
someone who murders an
important person
when someone is kept in prison
until they go to court, because
the police think they have
committed a crime
a pair of metal rings joined by a
chain used for holding a prisoner's
wrists together
said by lawyers to a judge in a
court when they think that what
another lawyer has just said
should not be allowed
the crime of copying official
documents, money etc
14 the crime of stealing
the crime of deliberately making
something burn, especially a
someone who sees a crime or an
accident and can describe what
the crime of deceiving people in
order to gain something such as
money or goods
the threat that any justice done to
one criminal will fall upon any
other who commits the same
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Bo nauka nie musi byę nudna!
1. it
2. away
3. of
4. commit
5. in
6. away
7. on
8. no
9. has
10. too
1. maggot
2. poison
3. clue
4. forensic
5. crucial
6. suspicious
7. outfox
8. reveal
1. adjective ã possibility
2. adjective ã easily
3. noun ã investigate
4. verb ã exploration
5. adjective ã importance
6. noun ã evident
7. noun ã dead
8. noun ã experimental
1. Break in
2. Hold up
3. Beat up
4. Do away
5. Blow up
6. Lock up
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