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Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics
Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics
Benjamins Current Topics
Special issues of established journals tend to circulate within the orbit of the
subscribers of those journals. For the Benjamins Current Topics series a number of
special issues have been selected containing salient topics of research with the aim to
widen the readership and to give this interesting material an additional lease of life in
book format.
Volume 17
Lexical Cohesion and Corpus Linguistics
Edited by John Flowerdew and Michaela Mahlberg
hese materials were previously published in the International Journal of Corpus
Linguistics 11:3 (2006)
Lexical Cohesion
and Corpus Linguistics
Edited by
John Flowerdew
University of Leeds
Michaela Mahlberg
University of Liverpool
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Amsterdam / Philadelphia
he paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of
American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence of
Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Lexical cohesion and corpus linguistics / edited by John Flowerdew and Michaela
p. cm. (Benjamins Current Topics, issn 1874-0081 ; v. 17)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Lexical grammar. 2. Cohesion (Linguistics) 3. Discourse analysis. I. Flowerdew,
John, 1951- II. Mahlberg, Michaela. III. Series.
P281.L49 2009
401.4--dc22 2008045370
isbn 978 90 272 2231 2 (Hb; alk. paper)
isbn 978 90 272 8971 1 (eb)
© 2009 – John Benjamins B.V.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microilm, or any
other means, without written permission from the publisher.
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