Deadlands - Player's Guide.pdf

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The Great Deadlands Round Up!
We hope you enjoy this absolutely free and complete version of the Deadlands Player’s Guide. To help you
get more out of your trip into the Weird West, we’ve put together an incredible deal!
Deadlands™ is now available in four of the most popular gaming systems in the world—the original
Deadlands Classic, Deadlands D20, GURPs® Deadlands, and detailed conversions for our new Savage
Worlds™ game as well!* That means fans of the Weird, Wasted, or Way Out West can take advantage of
over 75 different sourcebooks, character books, and boxed sets we’ve made over the last 7 years! We
know that’s a passel of books and a whole lotta dinero, partner, and we want to help you get ‘em all,
especially with the Deadlands computer game on the horizon. So we’re rounding up all our backstock
into the best deals you’ll find north, south, east, OR west of the Pecos. But when they’re gone, they’re
gone, so get ‘em now, amigo! These bundles are also available through your favorite local gaming
store, so please give them your business if you’re able. If not, head on over to WWW.PEGINC.COM and order directly
from us here at Pinnacle!
Even better, look for brand new Deadlands books, including statistics for both classic Deadlands and Deadlands D20, on their way
pronto through a unique partnership between the original creators of Deadlands and Mystic Eye (! (See for all the details!)
Conversion rules for D20 and Savage Worlds can be found at WWW.PEGINC.COM. GURPS is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games
( See for complete information on the D20 license and logo.
No, we don’t have any plans to bundle Deadlands D20, Weird Wars, or our other great games. We’re doing this to help all those new players we’ve
brought in catch up on their backstock and fully enjoy the entire world of the Weird, Wasted, and Way Out West!
Deadlands: The Weird West
501 DL Marshal’s Bundle ($60)
1101 Marshal’s Handbook
1006 Rascals, Varmints, & Critters
1009 Marshal Law Screen
1018 Tales o’ Terror 1877
1022 Marshal’s Log
502 DL Character Book Bundle ($40)
1003 Book o’ the Dead
1004 Smith & Robards
1005 Hucksters & Hexes
1007 Twisted Tales
503 DL Character Book Bundle B ($40)
1010 Ghost Dancers
1011 Fire & Brimstone
1040 Lone Stars
1007 Twisted Tales
504 DL Setting Bundle ($40)
1019 The City of Lost Angels
1027 South o’ the Border
1028 The Canyon o’ Doom
1035 The Great Weird North
505 DL Doomtown Bundle ($30)
1030 The Agency
1033 The Collegium
1036 The Black Circle
506 DL Adventure Bundle ($30)
1024 Bloody Old Muddy
1031 Ghost Busters
1034 Rain o’ Terror
1037 Dead Presidents
507 DL Devil’s Tower Trilogy ($25)
1016 Road to Hell
1017 Heart o’ Darkness
1012 Fortress o’ Fear
The Epitaph
508 DL Epitaph Bundle ($25)
3001 Epitaph #1
3002 Epitaph #2
3003 Epitaph #3
509 DL Dime Novel Bundle #1 ($10)
9002 Night Train
9003 Strange Bedfellows
9004 Savage Passage
9005 Ground Zero
510 DL Dime Novel Bundle #2 ($10)
9006 Forbidden God
9008 Skinners
9009 Worms
511 DL Cardstock Cowboys Bundle ($25)
2701 Weird West Starter Pack
2702 Horrors of the Weird West
2703 Infernal Devices
512 DL Fiction Bundle ($20)
2100 A Fist Full o’ Dead Guys
2101 For a Few Dead Guys More
2102 The Good, the Bad, & the Dead
603 HOE Character bundle II ($50)
6006 Toxic Tales
6009 The Junkman Cometh
6012 Cyborgs
6019 Spirit Warriors
6022 Waste Warriors
604 HOE Setting Bundle ($45)
6013 Iron Oasis
6016 Shattered Coast
6017 Denver
6020 The City o’ Sin
605 HOE Adventure Bundle ($25)
6004 Hell or High Water
6010 Something About a Sword
6014 The Boise Horror
6018 Urban Renewal
606 HOE Dime Novel Bundle ($10)
9501 Leftovers
9502 Infestations
9503 Killer Clowns
607 HOE Cardstock Cowboy Bundle ($25)
2801 Wasted West Starter Pack
2802 Horrors of the Wasted West
2803 Road Wars!
Hell on Earth
601 HOE Starter Set ($40)
6000 Hell on Earth
6001 Radiation Screen
6005 The Wasted West
6011 Monsters, Muties, & Misfits
602 HOE Character Bundle I ($50)
6002 Brainburners
6003 Children o’ the Atom
6006 Toxic Tales
6007 Road Warriors
6008 The Last Crusaders
Lost Colony
701 LC Lost Colony Bundle ($40)
4000 Lost Colony
2103 Banshee Screams
6021 The Unity
The Great Rail Wars
801 GRW Great Rail Wars Bundle ($35)
5500 The Great Rail Wars
5001 Derailed
By Shane Lacy Hensley
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Deadlands: The Weird West Player’s Guide. Revised Edition
Written & Designed by: Shane Lacy Hensley with John R. Hopler, Matt Forbeck, & Hal Mangold
Additional Development by: Michelle Hensley, John Hopler, Matt Forbeck, Greg Gorden, Steve
Long, Chris McGlothlin, Charles Ryan, Lester Smith, Tim Brown, Paul Beakley, Jay & Amy Kyle,
Jason Nicols, Dave Wilson, Tim Link, Tammy Webb, and George and Nate Perkins.
Revised Edition Developed by: Hal Mangold and Shane Lacy Hensley
Editing: Matt Forbeck, Michelle Hensley, Jay Kyle, Jason Nichols & Hal Mangold
Layout: Hal Mangold & Shane Lacy Hensley
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Thomas Biondiolillo, Steve Bryant, Paul Daly, Kim DeMulder Tom Fowler, Don
Hillsman, Ashe Marler, Allan Nunis, Andy Park, Jacob Rosen, Kevin Sharpe, Ron Spencer, Bryon
Wackwitz and Loston Wallace
Graphic Design by: Charles Ryan, Hal Mangold & Matt Forbeck
Cover Design by: Hal Mangold & Zeke Sparkes
Index by: Hal Mangold and Tom Huntington
Logos: Ron Spencer, Zeke Sparkes & Charles Ryan
Special Thanks to: AEG, Linda Sibold, Afterburner, Allen Seyberth, Tom Huntington, Tom Cashman,
Mark Mentzer, John Fletcher, and Pat Phalen (the whole dog-gone listserv posse), Jenny Hise (booth
babe!), Joe & Rose Wolf, Paris Crenshaw III. With a special thanks to the always patient Paul Daly and
Paolo Parente.
Deadlands created by Shane Lacy Hensley.
Author’s Dedication: Michelle. My love.
Editor’s Dedication: To John and Christopher, my oldest and best gaming buddies, my parents, and
most of all, to Audrey Anne.
Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 10908
Blacksburg, VA 24062–0908 or
(800) 214–5645 (orders only)
Deadlands, Weird West, Dime Novel, the Great Rail Wars,
the Deadlands logo, and the Pinnacle logo are
Trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
© 1999 Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Visit our web site for free updates!
Printed in the USA.
Table o’ Contents
Foreword................. 4
Chapter Three:
Gear ........................... 73
El Cheapo Gear........................... 73
Horses.................................................... 74
Common Gear .............................. 75
Shootin’ Irons ................................ 76
Equipment Notes ....................... 77
Chapter Seven:
Mad Scientists .... 163
The Life of
a Mad Scientist ................... 164
Creating Weird Gizmos ... 165
Weird Gizmos ...............................168
Posse Territory ... 5
The Tombstone
Newcomers Guide to
the Weird West ....... 5
Archetypes .................80
Chapter One:
The Basics .............. 21
Tools o’ the Trade .................... 23
Traits & Aptitudes................... 24
Trait Levels ...................................... 24
Mixing Aptitudes ...................... 24
Aces ......................................................... 25
Target Numbers ......................... 25
Unskilled Checks...................... 26
Goin’ Bust.......................................... 26
Chapter Four:
Blowin’ Things
All to Hell............... 113
Rounds ................................................. 113
The Action Deck ....................... 113
Actions ................................................. 114
Jokers ..................................................... 115
Moving .................................................. 116
Tests o’ Wills .................................. 117
Shootin’ Things........................... 118
Reloading ........................................ 126
Throwin’ Things ...................... 126
Innocent Bystanders ........... 126
Fightin’ ................................................127
Vamoosin’........................................ 129
Hit Location .................................. 130
Damage ............................................. 132
Armor .................................................. 132
Bleedin’ & Squealin’ ............ 134
Wounds .............................................. 136
Stun ........................................................137
Wind .......................................................138
More Pain & Sufferin’ ........ 139
Healin’ ................................................... 141
Chapter Eight:
The Blessed ......... 173
The Life of the Blessed ...173
Invoking Miracles ....................174
Miracles ..............................................175
Chapter Nine:
Shamans ................ 179
The Life of a Shaman........179
Calling on the Spirits ........180
Rituals ..................................................182
Favors ....................................................185
Chapter Two:
The Stuff Heroes
Are Made Of ..........29
One: Concept ................................. 29
Two: Traits ....................................... 34
Three: Aptitudes ........................ 38
Four: Hindrances ....................... 49
Five: Edges ....................................... 60
Six: Background .......................... 68
Seven: Gear ...................................... 68
Spaghetti…With Meat! .......... 68
Character Creation
Summary..................................... 69
Chapter Five:
Fate &
Bounties ................ 143
Fate ........................................................ 143
Improvin’ ........................................... 146
Chapter Ten:
Beyond the Pale .. 191
The Unlife of
the Harrowed ........................ 193
Common Powers...................... 193
Counting Coup ........................... 195
Harrowed Powers .................... 195
No Man’s
Land .................. 149
Chapter Six:
Hucksters............... 151
The Life of a Huckster .... 153
Casting the Hex ........................ 154
Hexes .................................................... 154
Afterword ................ 202
Index .......................... 203
Sheet ...................... 206
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