Earthdawn 3e - Player's Companion.pdf

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Player's Companion
Third EdiTion
• EarThdawn Third EdiTion •
Managing Director: James D. Flowers
Line Developer: Carsten Damm
Development Team: Eike-Christian Bertram, Steven J. Black,
Carsten Damm, James D. Flowers, Lars Heitmann,
Jacques Marcote, Jason U. Wallace, Donovan Winch, Hank Woon
Senior Editors: Carsten Damm, James D. Flowers
Associate Editors: Ei ke- Ch r ist ia n Ber t ra m, Steven J. Black ,
L a rs Heit ma n n, Jacques Ma rcot te, Jason U. Wa l lace,
Donovan Winch, Hank Woon
A rt Direction & Visual Concept: Kathy Schad
Layout: Carsten Damm, Kathy Schad
Cover A rtwork: Kathy Schad
Interior A rtwork: Anita Nelson, David Martin, Earl Geier, Janet Aulisio, Jef Laubenstein, Jim Nelson, Joel Biske, Kathy Schad,
Karl Waller, Larr y MacDougall, Mark Nelson, Mike Nielsen, R ick Berr y, R ick Harris, R ita Márföldi, Robert Nelson, Steve Br yant,
Tom Baxa, Tony Szczudlo
Earthdawn Classic Material: Carlton W. A nderson, Steven J. Black, Carsten Damm, Atila Hatvágner, James D. Flowers, Lars Gotlieb,
Joshua Harrison, Louis J. Prosperi, Bradley Robins, R ichard Vowles, Jason U. Wallace, Nicholas Warcholak, Olav Wikan, Donovan Winch
Original Material: L. Ross Babcock III, Randall N. Bills, Jennifer Brandes, Zach Bush, Robert C. Charrete, Loren Coleman, Robert Cruz,
Kathleen E. Czechowsk i, Tom Dowd, Nigel D. Findley, Nicole Frein, Robert Fulford, Marc Gascoigne, Greg Gorden, Keith Graham, Achim
Held, Shane Lacy Hensley, Chris Hepler, Michael L. Jacobs, Steve Kenson, Jay K rob, Christopher Kubasik, Robin D. Laws, Sam Lewis,
A ngel Leigh McCoy, Michael A . Mulvihill, Mike Nielson, Diane Piron-Gelman, Neal A . Porter, Louis J. Prosperi, Sean R . R hoades, Chris
Ryan, Carl Sargent, John J. Terra, R ichard Tomasso, A llen Varney, Daniel Viti, Jordan Weisman, Sam Wit, Teeuw ynn Woodruf
Playtesters: Pete Atkinson, Eike-Christian Bertram, Zach Best, Brad Blisset, Christopher Boothman, Gary Bowerbank, Michael Broster,
Marco Burnus, Christopher Buss, Hendrik Buyken, Mathias Buyken, Robert Cannon, Neal Costello, Björn Cordes, David Dankel, Robert
Davidson, Robert Eggly, Jens Elgeti, Dale Emer y, heodore Favinger, Stefan Freck, Dean Galitsis, Cameron Garret, Dominik Goesken, Tim
Golden, Ryan Good, A lexander Grieguszies, Craig Guarisco, R ichard Guy, Jonathon Handyside, Atila Hatvágner, Lars Heitmann, Stefan
Hoba, Edwin Huang, Erlend Johannessen, Kevin Johnston, Damien Jones, Glen Kelly, Sebastian K lein, Ingo K lein-Rauharke, Tobias Lege,
Grayson Lintell, Stian Lundli, Stefan Mauch, Svenn T. Mauseth, Ingo Michalk, Jason Murphy, Joshua Murphy, Meil O’Dw yer, Cassy Petrich,
Shawn Pitman, Julien Pritchard, A ndrew Read, Ey vonne Read, Rune B. Reinaas, Paul Rollings, John I. Sandvik, Aaron Scot, Jon Simpson,
Michael Sivertsen, John Soper, Baz Stevens, A ndrew Suton, Charles F. Tewes, Uwe hiesmann, Neil A . Uranic, Mark Walsh, Simon Walsh,
Juta Wetzel, Olav Wikan, homas Wilhelms, Gary Winchester, Hank Woon, Eric Zuller
Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Barsaive™ is a Trademark of FASA Corporation. Copyright © 1993–2009
FASA Corporation. Earthdawn Player’s Companion™ is a Trademark of FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® and all associated Trademarks
used under license from FASA Corporation. A ll R ights Reserved. Published by RedBrick Limited —Auckland, New Zealand.
No pa r t of t h i s publ ic at ion m ay be reproduced i n a ny for m by a ny mea n s , elec t ron ic , mec h a n ic a l, photocopy i ng , record i ng or
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Internet: htp://w w
October 2009 —eBook Edition
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Play er’s ComPa nion
here are many ways to categorize the world. Categorically, for
the logical. Numerically, for those who prefer numbers over
the writen leter. Alphabetically, for the ease of all. I prefer a
mixture of the three. Call it contextual or logical if you must
assign a label. All have a place in the Great Library.
• Merrox, Master of the Hall of records  •
INTRODUCTION................................................. 5
How to Use his Book....................................................... 5
ThE ELEMENTALIST....................................... 37
How the Elementalist Sees the World........................ 37
On the Need for Balance ...............................................38
Of Elemental Spirits ........................................................39
Of the Place of Orichalcum in the Balance ............. 40
On Training an Elementalist ........................................ 41
On the Signiicance of R itual ....................................... 41
Of hose W ho Follow One Element ..........................42
On hose Adepts Known as Enchanters...................42
Game Information ...........................................................42
ThE A DEPT’S WAy .............................................. 6
Personal Visions ................................................................. 6
Special Features.................................................................. 6
Specialists............................................................................. 7
Roleplaying Hints .............................................................. 7
Discipline Violations ......................................................... 7
R ituals of Advancement ................................................... 9
Discipline Combinations ................................................. 9
Circle Advancement Options ......................................... 9
Creating Experienced Characters ............................... 11
Sample Experienced Character....................................13
he Tale of Odu Fratan .................................................. 45
On the Life of an Illusionist.......................................... 45
On Training and Teaching............................................46
Concerning Charlatans ..................................................48
Game Information ...........................................................48
On Being an Air Sailor ................................................... 14
Learning the Ways of the Sky ...................................... 15
On the Races the Sky Chooses .................................... 17
Game Information ...........................................................18
WALK ERS IN ShADOW ...................................50
On the Continuum hat is Life and Death ............. 50
On the Nature of the Spirit.......................................... 50
On the Migration of the Spirit Ater Death ............. 51
On the State hat is Undeath .......................................52
On the Workings of Nethermagic ...............................53
On Understanding the Horrors ...................................54
Game Information ...........................................................54
ON ThE PATh OF ThE ARChER ..................20
On Dividing the World ................................................. 20
On the Art of Seeing....................................................... 21
Understanding the Arc ................................................... 21
Game Information ...........................................................23
K EEPER OF ThE BEASTS ................................ 25
On Becoming a Beastmaster ........................................25
On Learning Mastery from Beasts .............................25
On Avoiding the Taint of the Horrors .......................28
ON ThE WAy OF ThE SCOUT ....................... 56
One with the World ........................................................56
A Discourse on Other Environments ......................... 57
On Combat and Other Skills .......................................58
Scouts and the Passions .................................................59
Game Information ...........................................................59
DAUNTLESS CAVALRy M A N........................... 31
he World of the Cavalryman ...................................... 31
On Life in a Cavalry .......................................................32
On the Training of a Cavalryman...............................34
Of Soldiers and Horsemen ............................................ 35
Game Information ........................................................... 35
WAy OF ThE SKy AIDER .............................. 61
Of a Life in the Skies ...................................................... 61
On Training.......................................................................63
Game Information ...........................................................64
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he World of the Swordmaster .....................................66
Life as a Swordmaster ..................................................... 67
On the Art of Training...................................................68
On Specialists ...................................................................69
Game Information ...........................................................70
TA LENTS...........................................................102
Talent Descriptions....................................................... 102
TALENT K NACKS ........................................... 118
Learning Talent Knacks...............................................118
Using Talent Knacks .....................................................119
Talent Knack Descriptions ......................................... 120
ThE GIFT OF ThEFT ....................................... 73
On the Tyranny of Possession......................................73
Forging Alliances .............................................................73
Finding a Master .............................................................. 74
On Stealing Magic From the World ........................... 75
On Other hieves ............................................................ 75
On the Way of Selishness ............................................. 75
Game Information ...........................................................76
SPELLS............................................................... 132
Named Spells ................................................................. 132
High-Circle Spells......................................................... 133
Discipline Spell Lists.................................................... 134
Spell Descriptions ..........................................................135
W hy ThE TROUBADOUR SINGS ................. 78
Of Our Place in the World ............................................78
On Training...................................................................... 80
On Specialists ................................................................... 81
Game Information ........................................................... 81
ENChA NTING ................................................. 153
he Enchanting Process .............................................. 153
Enchantment Types.......................................................155
Enchanting Techniques................................................157
True Elements ................................................................ 158
ThE BATLEFIELD PATh ...............................84
he Batleield....................................................................84
he Shield ...........................................................................84
he Sword ........................................................................... 85
he Enemy..........................................................................86
Loyalty ................................................................................ 87
Training ..............................................................................88
Game Information ...........................................................88
PASSIONS & QUESTORS ................................ 162
he Nature of Passions ..................................................162
Passion Descriptions .................................................... 16 4
Astendar........................................................................... 16 4
Chorrolis ..........................................................................165
Dis (Mad Passion)..........................................................165
Floranuus......................................................................... 166
Garlen................................................................................ 167
Jaspree ............................................................................... 167
Lochost ............................................................................ 168
Mynbruje ......................................................................... 169
Raggok (Mad Passion) ................................................. 169
hystonius ....................................................................... 170
Upandal ........................................................................... 170
Vestrial (Mad Passion) .................................................. 171
Questors ...........................................................................172
Questor Powers............................................................... 175
AR MS A ND STRONGER MINDS ....................90
On Becoming a Weaponsmith .................................... 90
Being a Weaponsmith .....................................................92
Weaponsmiths and Other Adepts ...............................93
Game Information ...........................................................94
ThE WAy OF MIND A ND Sy MBOL ...............96
On Symbols and Spellcasting .......................................96
On the Idea and Its Meaning ....................................... 97
Understanding hrough Ideas and Symbols ............98
On Correspondences and Antipathies.......................98
On Branches From the Path ...................................... 10 0
Game Information ........................................................ 10 0
A PPENDIx ........................................................ 182
INDEx ................................................................184
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