World of Darkness - Legacy Security & Courier Services.pdf

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A group of ready-made player characters
for the World of Darkness
Written by Kelley Barnes Developed by Eddy Webb Edited by Genevieve Podleski Layout by Jessica Mullins Art by Avery Butterworth
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Legacy Security has been in business since
1971. Initially created as a local messenger
service, it swiftly expanded to include medical
delivery, legal delivery and commercial transport
services worldwide. By the early 90s, the man-
agement realized that adding a computer security
division along with a personal protection service
would dovetail nicely with the company’s estab-
lished business areas, and LSCS could eventually
dominate the market for those services.
A radical change in company operations oc-
curred four years ago. Robert Lennox assumed
the mantle of CEO and President, and then fired
all but one of the department heads and another
thirty lower-level employees in his first month
at the office. Now he handpicks every new hire,
spreading them out across the four office loca-
tions all over the world.
Kevin has been with LSCS for almost a
decade, and few employees since the purge
outrank him in seniority. He is also one of
the youngest members of the Legacy staff, and
can be found working at all hours – he even
has a pullout couch in his office, and has been
known to sleep there for days at time while
obsessed with a specific project. While Kevin
tolerates Robert’s presence in his lab, only Les-
ley gets invitations to wander in at will. Kevin
always appears to be tinkering with new “toys”
for her to use while on assignment; some work
better than others. There is a student-teacher
relationship developing between Kevin and
Peter Sweeny—the ex-cop has been known to
introduce Kevin to parts of the city he’s never
seen or even realized existed.
The first hiring decision Robert made as
CEO was to bring on Morgan Welles, an
acquaintance of his in the city’s elevated
social circles. Her effectiveness in landing
business deals means everyone gets work
and has a steady paycheck. But her position
in the company often requires her to work
nights, with rare daytime appearances at the
office. Morgan works closely with Lesley, un-
covering information critical to the personal
protection department. While she has fewer
interactions with Kevin and Peter, she has
bonded with the former cop over their mutual
love of dogs. Because of their odd schedules,
Kevin and Morgan have a history of talking to
each other late at night, when she calls him
after leaving a party to report any important
overhead tidbits.
Although she regards Robert’s safety as her
first priority, Lesley likes to keep tabs every
company employee. As the company has ac-
cepted increasingly high-profile jobs (such
as transporting priceless jewels and artifacts),
employees are beginning to be recognized
and targeted by thieves, private investigators
working for other “interested parties” and the
like. Lately she’s been giving Morgan and
Kevin lessons in self-defense, mostly so they
can delay any attackers long enough for help
to arrive. Peter is a great sparring partner, and
they regularly make bets over contests at the
shooting range, helping to keep each other’s
skills honed and sharp.
On the team less than a year, Peter is still
trying to figure out how he best fits in at the
company. Personally, he is most at ease with
Lesley. They both have had to kill while in the
line of duty, which has given them a bond –
comrades in arms, now acting to protect a group
instead of a greater ideal. On some level, Kevin
is like the younger brother Peter never had,
or perhaps a symbol of the kind of man Peter
might have been if not for the rough circum-
stances of his childhood. In Robert Lennox,
Peter has found a drinking buddy, someone
who appreciates good bourbon or scotch and
the willingness to share it. Not quite a profes-
sional relationship, but a Legacy Security is not
a standard corporation.
Robert Lennox is the heart of the Legacy
Security, though he may not recognize that
fact himself. Since taking over as CEO, the
company has expanded in staff and operations
at a cautious rate, but its reputation has grown
exponentially by word of mouth from satisfied
clients. Robert has a good sense for assessing
people and their skills, and for finding the right
individuals to come to work for him.
Although they are all connected as coworkers,
there is an element of closeness and trust that ex-
ists between these five people outside the office
environment. That’s something that will surely
be tested in the months and years to come.
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Robert Lennox
Quotes: “I’m not saying I see dead people, I’m just telling you I know
they’re there.”
“Listen, you look like you could use some help. Why not let me try?”
“No, I don’t remember meeting you before. Perhaps you’ve mixed me
up with someone else?”
Virtue: Charity. Influenced by the memory of his parent’s
philanthropic endeavors, Robert has made a point of support-
ing organizations and individuals in need of a helping hand,
and always seems to have a bundle of ones in his coat pocket
for panhandlers he encounters.
Vice: Sloth. Robert has always been surrounded by servants
and employees. On some level he regards the company as
an extension of his will: his eyes, hands and ears. They are
expected to do the work while he reaps the benefit.
Background: Robert was part of a perfect, happy (and wealthy)
nuclear family, the eldest of two sons. Not the first or the last to be
picked for a team in sports, he was an above average student who
needed prodding to focus on his grades. There were times Robert
defied curfews and broke promises, but no more so than any normal
kid. He never wanted for anything important, but never had to work
hard to get anything he wanted either.
According to the police report, it was shortly before 11 PM when
the accident happened. Someone ran the Lennox’s family car off
the road on the way to Rice University, where Robert would be
starting his freshman year. The impact killed Robert’s brother and
father, and his mother died on the operating table. Robert had been
at the wheel.
Although he was cleared of any responsibility, Robert blamed himself.
While recovering in the ICU, he started to sense things that couldn’t
possibly be there, hearing voices and seeing intangible apparitions.
Robert’s fevered insistence that his mother was still alive, that she had
visited his hospital room at night, soon placed him under the care of a
psychiatrist. From there it was a short trip to Bishopsgate, the mental
institution he called home for several years. While trapped there, Robert’s
condition became worse. There were more ghosts in the rehabilitated man-
sion than he’d encountered in those two months at the hospital. Sensing
the unremitting presence of these entities, like an angry hive of bees,
drove Robert nearly insane.
Over time, Robert successfully convinced his doctors that he was “cured” because of his therapy
combined with a regime of prescription medications. But his strange sensitivity to ghosts remains as
strong as ever, when he’s not drugged into a stupor. Robert simply learned to say what the medical
staff wanted to hear and when to keep silent about the rest. He continues to be cautious, almost
to the point of paranoia, about keeping up the appearance of fitting in and being well-adjusted.
Robert is currently under court-ordered supervision of the Lennox family’s law firm until he turns
30 – something that he takes pains to keep secret, since his personal wealth is far less than others
would believe.
Looking over the family holdings four years ago, he became interested in Legacy Security. After
appointing himself the new President and CEO, Robert has used staff and company resources to
transport items and books purchased from around the world back to the company offices, in order
to facilitate his beginning research of supernatural myths and legends.
Description: Robert carefully cultivates an image of understated fashion in his tailored navy
blue suits. His sandy-blond hair is cut short, and a pair of wire-framed glasses draws attention to
his ice-blue eyes. Perhaps it’s an unconscious habit, but he rarely looks anyone directly in the
eyes unless they engage him in conversation first. To the casual observer he seems more malleable
because of this behavior, but Robert is rarely swayed from his own point of view.
Roleplaying hints: When possible, you cultivate the manners of a gentleman, trying to be polite
even when dealing with unpleasant people or situations. But you remain awkward in high profile
situations, because your social development was stunted by the time spent in the mental institu-
tion. Although you’d never admit this to the rest of the group, this company has come to replace
the family you lost. The happiness and safety of your employees is important to you.
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