1994 - The Metastases of Enjoyment.pdf

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First published by Verso 1994
© Slavoj 2iiek 1994
ll ighs reserved
U: 6 Meard Sreet. London WI V 3HR
USA: 29 West 35th Sreet. New York. Y 1 0001-2291
Verso is the imprint of New Left Books
ISBN -8609144-5
ISBN 0-8609l-68-X (pbk)
Bish ibry Calo n g n ubicaion Daa
A catalogue record for this book is available from the Biish Library
ibry of Conres Calogin g-n-ubiaion Data
2iiek. Slavoj.
The metastases of enjoment: six essays on woman and causality /
Slavoj 2izek.
p . c m . - (Wo es war)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN -8609144-5: ISBN 0-8609l-68-X
I. Violence. 2. Women. 3. Plesure. 4. Philosophy. Mrxist.
5. Pychoanalysis and philosophy. I. Tile. II. Seies.
BI05.V5Z58 1994 9-19936
Tpeset by Solidus (Bristol) Limited
Pinted and bound in Great Biain by
Biddies Ld. Guildford and ing's Lnn
1 The Deadlock of 'Repressive Desublimation'
Criical Theory against Psychoanalyic 'Reisionism' 9 -
Contradicion s he Index ofTheoretical Truh 13 -
'Repressive Desublimation' 16 - Habermas: Pychoanalysis as
Self-Relecion 22 - 'The Object's Preponderance' 26
2 Does the Subject Have a Cause?
Lacan: From Hermeneuics to he Cause 29 - Beween Subsnce
and Subject 34 - The Syllogism of Christianiy 38 - Why Isn't
Hegel a Humanist Aheist? 41 - The Enigma of'Mechanical
Memory' 43 - Hegel's Logic ofthe Signiier 47
3 Superego by Default
A Law That Enj oys Isef 54 - The Split Suject of Interpellation
57 - Kundera, or, How to Enjoy Bureaucracy 62 - 'Do not give
up your desire!' 65 - Eg-Evil, Superego-Evil, Id-Evil 70-
The Impotent Gze and Is Guilt 73 - The Wr ofFnsies 75 -
Traversing the Fansy 80
4 Courly Love, or, Wo man s Thing
. ,The Masochisic Theare of Courtly Love 89 - The Courtly 'Imp
of the Perverse' 94 - Exempliicaions 99 - From he Courly
Gme to Te Crying ae 102 - Te Crying ae Goes East 105
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5 Daid Lynch, or, the Feminine Depression
Lnch as a Pre-aphaelite 113 - A Voice That Skins the Body 116-
A Crack in the Causal Chain 117 - The Birth of Subjectiiy out
of the Feminine Depression 119 - The Pure Surface of the
Sense-Event 122 - Deleuze as a Dialecical Mat e r i lis t 125-
The Problems of 'Real Genesis' 129
6 Otto Weininger, or, 'Woman doesn't exist'
'Woman is only and thoroughly sexual .. .' 137 - The Feminine
'Night of the World' 143 - Beyond the Phallus 148 - The
'Formulas of Sexuaion' 153
16 7
Subjecive Desitution 167 - hy Popular C ult u r e? 173 - Fantasy
and the ojet petit a 177 - Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Philosophy 181
The Decenred Subject 184 - Lacan and Hegel 188 - Lacan,
Derrida, Foucault 193 - 'Phallocenrism' 199 - Power 203 - From
Pariarchy to Cyn i ci s m 205 -·Bosnia 210
From Sarajevo to Hitchcock
'. and Back
here can we grasp 'enjoyment as a poliical factor' at is purest? A
fa mous photo from the ime of Nzi anti-Semiic pogroms shows a
frightened Jeish boy driven into a corner and surrounded by a group
of Germans. This group is extremely interesting in so far as the facial
expressions of is members render the enire scale of possible reactions:
one of them 'enjoys it' in an immediate, idiotic way; another is clearly
scared (perhaps he has a premonition that he might be next) ; the
fe igned indifference of the third conceals a freshly awakened cuiosiy;
and so on, up to the unique expression of a young man who is obiously
embarrassed, even disgusted, by the enire afair, unable to yield
wholeheartedly to it, yet at he same ime fascinated by it, enjoying it ith
an intensiy hat surpasses by far the idioy of immediate plesure. He s
te ost danrs: his quaveing indecision exactly corresponds to the
unique expression of the Rat Man's face noticed by Freud when the Rat
Man was relaing the story of the rat torure: 'At all the more imporant
momens while he ws telling his story his face took on a very strnge,
composite expression. I could only interpret it s one of horror at
pleasure of his on of which he himselfwas unaware.' 1
This enjoment'is the primordial generative element, ith is mesa­
ses spreading out in he wo interconnected series, one politi c al and one
sexul, which account for the partiion of this book into wo pars. How,
then, are we to conceive of this interconnecion? In autumn 1992, after
I had delivere d a lecture on Hitchcock at an meican campus, a
member of the public asked me indignantly: How can you alk about
such a triling subject when your excounry is dying in lames? My
answer s: How is it that you in the UA can alk about Hitchcock?
There is nothing raumaic in me behaving as beits a icim and
testiing to he horrible events in my counry - such behaiour cannot
but arouse compassion and a false fe eling of guilt hat is the negative of
a narcissistic saisfaction - that is, of my audience's awareness that they
are all right while things are going badly f o r me. But I iolate a silent
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