Secrets Of A Sex Magnet_Chris Jackson.pdf

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Secrets Of A Sex Magnet - By Chris Jackson
Thank you for purchasing Secrets Of A Sex Magnet. I promise that if you
follow this program, and are willing to have an open mind, you will easily
meet the kind of women that you're looking for, and be able to get them into
There’s one thing you must know beforehand. This book isn’t going to do it
for you. What I mean is… most guys buy a product on how to seduce
women, and they automatically think that just by having the book, that
women will start knocking on their door begging to go down on you (oh
wait, that’s MY fantasy… woops).
If you wanted to go from New York to Los Angeles, and you were driving
by car, there are two things you’re going to need to know:
1. Where you are right now.
2. A map to get you where you want to go.
You could easily just hop in your car and drive west, and hope that you’ll
get to Los Angeles eventually. That’s what most guys do with dating. They
try a bunch of crap that gets them nowhere, and wonder why their penis is
always dry and alone.
You see, if you wanted to go from New York to Los Angeles, you wouldn’t
want a map made by a guy who has only been back and forth from New
York to Texas a few times. If you did that, then you wouldn’t get an accurate
set of directions to get to Los Angeles.
The same goes for seduction. Most guys go out and buy these bullshit
“dating and relationships” books at the bookstore, and wonder why they
can’t get laid. That stuff doesn’t work, because it’s not designed for
If you want to learn how to get a woman into bed, you need to learn from
someone who has figured it out. You need to learn from someone who has
gotten many women in bed, and learned how to teach it to others. And that
brings us to right now.
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Secrets Of A Sex Magnet - By Chris Jackson
To stick with the above analogy, I’ve been from New York to Los Angeles
more friggen times than I can even count, and so I have a damn good map
which I am about to share with you. What’s the advantage of having such a
Well, to begin with, you will be able to avoid all the stupid mistakes that I
made, and discover some really amazing shortcuts and tricks that will have
women screaming “fuck me now!” faster than you can say
DAAAAMMMMNNN Chris, that’s nice!
The main thing that I want you to understand is that although I’m going to
show you some really amazing stuff, you ARE going to have to get your ass
out into the real world and do what I say. But when you do, you’ll find out
that meeting women was never hard at all. So have fun, and don’t take
yourself so seriously. For cryin’ out loud, this is about getting tons of
poontang, not world peace!
In order for you to get the most from this book, it’s important that you set
your goals ahead of time, so that while you read this material, you’ll gain a
deeper understanding of how you can use this material in your specific
Example: If you’re looking to improve your ability to meet women in malls,
then while you read this book, you will see certain ideas and skills that might
make sense intellectually, but you won’t have a functional understanding of
them until you start to think about how you can actually USE it in the real
If you have a clear understanding of what you’re looking to gain right off the
top, you will have a much greater chance of remembering the skills when
you need them.
Also, there’s no need to write down every single goal you’ve ever had when
it comes to getting laid. Just choose the most important one, and work with
that as you read this book the first time.
Chances are… once you get out there and start getting laid regularly, you’ll
want to read this book again and again to improve your skills.
Copyright © 2003 – All Rights Reserved
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Secrets Of A Sex Magnet - By Chris Jackson
Please print out this page, and read the entire page before you fill in the
What do you want to be able to do as a result of reading this book? (Be
What is your biggest strength when it comes to seducing women?
What is your biggest weakness when it comes to seducing women? What
one specific area needs improvement more than anything else?
List three ways that your life would improve if you could not only overcome
this weakness, but also gain incredible skills when it comes to seducing
women and getting them to want to have sex with you. How, if at all, would
you life be different?
Write down any additional notes or ideas that you think would are relevant
to seducing women.
Copyright © 2003 – All Rights Reserved
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Secrets Of A Sex Magnet - By Chris Jackson
Last week I was in one of my favorite bars with my friend Frank. Now
Frank is someone who’s always wanted to meet beautiful women, but could
never understand how… like most guys I think.
So we were sitting there, and I was explaining how seduction works, and
why looks really don’t matter as long as you have skill. But all he heard me
say was that looks don’t matter, and missed the part about the skills being
So Frank got upset and started ranting and raving about how he’s asked
many women out, and they always say no, and how no woman who is
beautiful is going to want to be with a guy who looks average.
Well, God must have been listening in on our conversation, because 15
seconds later… in walks this absolutely stunning brunette. She had it all,
legs, breast, long flowing hair, and she moved very gracefully. She
obviously knew she was hot.
I got excited, because I was getting ready to go talk to her. So Frank and I
are watching her walk across the room, and she walks RIGHT up to this guy
who was obviously her boyfriend, hugs and kisses him.
Well Frank’s jaw hit the floor, because the guy was easily 10 years older
than her, and he looked like just your average guy in his mid 30’s. He was
losing some hair, had a pot belly, and dressed average. There was nothing
unique about the way this guy looked at all.
So Frank and I watched this couple as their friends joined them for drinks
over the course of the night. Eventually I was so curious, I decided to find a
way to make conversation with these people. I had to find out what this guy
was like, and I wanted to show Frank too.
10 minutes later I was chatting with him and his girlfriend (I confirmed that
it was his girlfriend), and Frank and I were blown away by his personality!
He was cracking dirty jokes, telling stories, and just generally entertaining
the whole group. Everyone seemed really comfortable around him, and his
girlfriend was obviously in love with this man.
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Secrets Of A Sex Magnet - By Chris Jackson
So later that night, Frank and I were talking and he said, “You know Chris,
if that plain looking guy can get women just with his personality, I can too!”
In that night, his entire perspective changed, because he saw with his own
eyes that it was possible to have what he wanted. He knew it was possible,
because he saw someone else who was uglier than him who had a woman
that was better looking than anyone Frank ever dated.
Now here’s the thing… Frank could have always gotten women, but what
stood in his way was a Limiting Belief about women. This might be what’s
going on with you. In fact, I’m willing to bet that if you’re not getting what
you want in terms of women right now, it’s because you’re getting in your
OWN way.
So what do you do? Well, remember the map analogy? First we have to
discover where you are, before we can go someplace better.
What does a limiting belief look like? Well, here are some examples of
beliefs that I used to have. I like to keep a record of them, so that I can look
back and see how far I’ve come.
I hope that when you’re having tons of women wanting to be with you,
you’ll be able to look back to this moment as being the start of getting your
thinking straightened out.
Examples of limiting beliefs about women:
• Beautiful women only go for good looking, popular “alpha male” type
• She won’t go for me, because I’m not attractive enough.
• Women should accept me just as I am now. I shouldn’t have to
improve myself. (this was a big one for me)
• Women don’t want to have sex with me unless they are my girlfriend,
and I commit to having a relationship with them.
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