Choose_and_use - podręcznik angielsko-rosyjski.doc

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Пособие для учащихся

910 классов

средней школы

Москва   1971





Book for Pupils

of the 910th Forms

of the Secondary School

Mo scow  1971

4И{Лнгл) (075)
К 72

Костенко Г. Т.

К72              Какое  слово   выбрать.   Пособие для   учащихся  9—10

классов средней школы. М., «Просвещение», 1971.

239 с. с илл.

Парал. тит. л. на англ.  яз.

В английском языке, так же как и в русском, существуют слова-синонимы,
близкие по значению, но различные по своей сочетаемости с другими словами. От
tforo, правильно ли употреблено то или иное слово, эависит часто смысл высказы-
вания в целом.

«Какое слово выбрать*, пособие по синонимике для учащихся 9-10-х классов
средней школы, поможет учащимся правильно излагать свои мысли на английском
языке. Оно является продолжением пособия для учащихся 6 — 8-х классов сред-
ней школы «Выбери правильное слово», авторов Костенко Г. Т. и Павлович Р. П.,
выпущенного издательством «Просвещение» в  1968 году.

По своей структуре данное пособие построено по образцу предыду-
щего и содержит занимательные тексты, диалоги, шутки, пересказ по серии карти-
нок, разнообразные упражнения, помогающие активно усвоить случаи употребле-
ния лексики.

Книга иллюстрирована и снабжена постраничными примечаниями.


4И(Англ) (075)


"Choose and use" is a book for you, senior pupils. Its aim
is to help you learn the differences between some English words
that are very often confused with one another. One Russian
word may have two or more English translations. Take, for
instance, the Russian word кроме which has two meanings in
English: besides and except', or the Russian verb предлагать
which has two English verbs corresponding to it: to offer and
to suggest; or, again, the Russian word хозяин, which has three
equivalents in English: owner, master and host. These words
cannot be used interchangeably. Compare the following Russian
sentences with their English translations and you will see this
for yourselves.

Кто хозяин этого дома? —Who is the owner of the house?
Кто в этом доме хозяин? —Who is the master in this house?
Хозяин дома тепло принялThe host of the house received
гостей.              the guests warmly.

There are many such words. But which ones does one choose
and how must they be used? This book is intended to be a
practical guide to the correct use of some of them. It consists
of 40 groups of words, 20 of them for 9th form pupils, and 20
for the 10th form.

At the beginning of every group, explanations are given with
the help of pictures or examples in context. These are followed
by various exercises and some reading matter funny stories,
jokes, riddles, etc.which give additional training in an en-
joyable way. At the end of the book you will find keys to some
of the exercises and riddles.

We recommend that the book be used in the following way.
Begin by studying the explanations, reading them more than
once if necessary, to ensure complete understanding. When this
has been done, pass on to the exercises which are meant to be
used for oral training primarily, alone or in groups together
with your class-mates. Do all of them— numerous repetitions
will lead to a better mastery of the given lexical material. If
they are all done properly they will develop your ability to
find the right words to fit your thoughts.

Choose and use them correctly.




"Where shall we keep it?"

Tanya is holding the letter in
her hand which her class got from
their friends in Bulgaria.

They keep the letters they
recieve from their foreign friends
in a special box for everyone to

Borya, Lena's brother, keeps
rabbits. He feeds them, cleans
their boxes and gives them his
best attention.




Lena is holding
a rabbit in her
hands. This is
one of her  pets.

The coats are not
heavy. Only one
nail holds them

In summer they keep their
dresses in cellophanel bags
so that they will not be
eaten by moths.2


To hold means to have in the hands, to support with the hand,
arms, etc., or by any other means, e.g. to hold a book
(a hammer, a parcel, a picture).

To keep means to maintain3 or to preserve,4 e.g. to keep sheep,
birds, fish, etc. To keep books on a shelf, to keep food in a
frig5, etc.


I.   Fill in the blanks with to hold or to keep, using the correct tense. Explain
your choice.

1. The coat is quite wet; ... it near the fire for a few minu-
tes. 2. The eagle is ... the prey6 in its sharp beak.7 3. Will you
... the bag for me? 4. The little girl was ... her father's hand.
5. Where do you ... your tortoise? 8 6. A poorly-dressed man
was sitting  in  front  of  the fire.   He  was ... his head in his

1              cellophane ['sebfem] целлофановый

2              moth моль

3              to maintain [men'tem} содержать

4              to preserve [pn'zatv] сохранять

6              a frig coll. (a refrigerator) холодильник
e prey добыча

7              beak клюв

8              tortoise ['toitas] черепаха


hands. 7. If you ... my box a minute, I'll go and get you a
chair. 8. We must not ... library books more than   ten days.

9.              We must ... the tram  ticket till  we are out of the tram.

10.              Where do you ... your wollen dress in summer?

II.              Give English equivalents of the following, then make up sentences of your
own, using these phrases:

держать знамя в руке, держать лошадей (коров, рыбок и
т. д.), держать зонтик, держать руки над головой, держать
деньги в сберкассе (savings-bank), держать что-либо во рту,
держать (хранить) оружие, держать что-либо в клюве (beak),
держать продукты в погребе (cellar), держать книги в книж-
ном шкафу, держать кого-либо за руку, держать одежду в
шкафу  (wardrobe).

III.              Translate these short dialogues into English.


                     He пойму, что случилось с ручкой. Не пишет.

                     Да ты ее неправильно держишь. Дай-ка я покажу тебе,
как держать.


                     Подержи, пожалуйста, мое пальто. Я надену шапку.

                     Хорошо. А потом ты мое подержишь, да?


                     Где ты держишь Рекса?


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