Citizens for Larouche, The Real Story Behind the Trilateral Commission. The 1980s Plot to Destroy the Nation 1980.pdf

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Special Report to the American People
The 1980s Plot
to Destroy the Nation
Issued by Citizens for LaRouche
March 1980
This Man is the
Trilateral Commission's
Number 1 Enemy
This is why
"The United States is not a heap of people piled on top of one another. It is a
nation with a proper moral destiny, a mission to perform among nations on
behalf of civilization.
We are going to give every child in this nation a sense of moral purpose—that
they are producing, that they are developing their skills, that they are
producing wealth which is going out from our ports around the world to areas
where people are miserable and hungry and faced with death from famines
and epidemics. That wealth is going to uplift the productive powers of those
people, and we are going to change the world."
Lyndon LaRouche, February 23, 1980
the American People
1. The Real Story Behind
the Trilateral Commission
2. The 1980s Plot to
Destroy the Nation
• How the Trilateral Commission
Created Jimmy Carter 14
• LaRouche: A Carter Presidency
Means War
3. The Trilateral Commission
Dictatorship, 1976-80
4. The Trilateral Commission and
the 1980 Election
For Further Reading
A Report to
The Real Story
As a campaign issue during this election year, the
Trilateral Commission has already had a determining
influence in the New Hampshire, Florida, Alabama,
and Georgia primaries, and it is coming up as a crucial
issue in the Illinois primary.
The Commission is a group of 300 powerful public
figures from North America, Japan, and Western Eu-
rope, formed in 1973 with advice and guidance from
the Council on Foreign Relations and from British
aristocrats, such as the Earl of Cromer of Baring Bros.,
Lord Roll of S.G. Warburg & Co. and director of the
Bank of England, Lord Harlech, Sir Kenneth Keith,
Sir Arthur Knight, and others. One hundred and ten
members of the Commission are Americans, and 27 of
them have served or are now serving in the Carter
administration. This includes President Carter, Vice-
President Mondale, Secretary of State Vance, Secretary
of Defense Brown, and others. David Rockefeller,
Henry Kissinger's piggy bank, is accorded the honor of
calling himself the founder of the Commission.
The candidacy of George Bush is now in ruins
because the candidate has been overidentified with the
Trilateral Commission. John B. Anderson deserves and
probably will get a sound trouncing by the voters for
the same reason as Bush: his long-standing identifica-
tion with the Trilateral Commission.
The electorate knows very little of substance about
the Trilateral Commission, but this is compensated by
the fact that it knows that President Carter was hand-
picked and put into office by the Commission. There-
fore, not without justice, the average informed Ameri-
can citizen identifies the debacles and disasters of the
Carter administration with the Trilateral Commission.
They do not want any of it, and they do not want any
other candidate close to or identified with the Commis-
sion. This year's general election is, on a fundamental
level, fought around the issue of the "Eastern Estab-
lishment's" control over American policymaking insti-
This is true even for the Democratic Party primaries
so far. The principal reason why ordinary Democrats
continue to vote for Carter despite his identification
with the Trilateral Commission is the fact that Kennedy,
the liberal lion of the Eastern Establishment, is consid-
ered a worse evil than even the hated Trilateral Com-
mission. The Democratic vote that goes for LaRouche,
for example the 20 percent vote in the New Hampshire
primary, represents the more sophisticated and intellec-
tually tougher voters who have reached the conclusion
that what is worth fighting for in this year's presidential
election is a result which will deny the liberal, anti-
American Eastern Establishment any access whatsoever
Behind the
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President Jimmy Carter under the banners of the International Monetary Fund, the
international Development Bank, the International Finance Corporation, and the
World Bank. The issue is not the existence of a conspiracy, but the policy upon
which it acts."
to the Executive of our government. Thus, despite the
notoriety the Trilateral Commission has achieved so
far, the real issue in the election is the liberal Eastern
Establishment, and within this, the Trilateral Commis-
sion draws attention because it is, as it was meant to
be, a more visible instrument of the liberal establish-
ment, for the purpose of drawing to itself the fire of
popular outrage.
Right now, upward of 35 to 40 pamphlets, brochures,
books, and major essays about and against the Trila-
teral Commission are circulating around the country,
totaling millions of copies reaching and informing to
varying degrees (and occasionally misinforming) the
electorate. This publication is now offered to the public
to place the issue of the Trilateral Commission in its
proper perspective, within its proper context of the
liberal Eastern Establishment, to clarify the fundamen-
tal policy issues on which the Eastern liberals pin their
efforts at this time, and to identify the special "point
man" role the establishment has assigned to the Com-
The liberal Eastern Establishment, for which the
Trilateral Commission is a special-purpose instrumen-
tality for a limited period of time, is a grouping of
powerful families in New York, Boston, Connecticut,
and elsewhere, which exercises permanent control over
the nation's major universities, investment banks, law
firms, and federal civil service, and through them, over
an important number of manufacturing corporations.
This control per se does not necessarily have to be evil
It is the purpose to which it is used, the policy to which
it is used that makes it evil or good.
The Tool of the British Oligarchy
The principal use to which this social power has been
used increasingly since the assassination of President
McKinley and decisively since the accession to power
of President Woodrow Wilson, is to control the foreign
policy of the United States on behalf of the ruling
aristocracy of Great Britain. The Eastern Establishment
itself is not the center of ultimate power, it is an
instrumentality on behalf of policies of the British
Most Americans, upon being informed of this fact,
react with incredulity, even the most committed anti-
liberals among them. It is however an easily proved
fact. What no American will deny is that all those
policies generally identified as liberal in the domestic
domain, have the unmistakable stench of direct and
outspoken hostility to American nationalism. This is
the case for every domestic policy from the issue of
school prayer, to pledging allegiance to the flag in
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