Camino al espanol A Comprehensive Course in Spanish.pdf
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Camino al español: A Comprehensive Course in Spanish
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Camino al espa nol
This intensive course is expressly designed to lead
the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge
of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention to
the four key language skills: the development of
listening comprehension and speaking skills is
supported by quality audio materials recorded by
native speakers, while answer keys support written
work and grammar-acquisition exercises, and
facilitate independent study. Authentic written
materials develop important receptive skills and
encourage the transition to independent reading.
Based on a style of Spanish easily understood
by most speakers, thoughtful explanations make
clear the main differences between Peninsular
and Latin American forms and usage
Features an abundance of pair and group work
activities ideal for classroom use
Authentic materials and website references
foster cultural awareness
Clear, attractive layout with lively illustrations
to reinforce learning
Extensive reference features including a
grammar guide, verb tables and vocabulary lists
Teachers’ guidelines promote practical
application in the classroom
is Senior
Lecturer in Spanish at the University of Plymouth.
She is co-author of
Abuen puerto: tipos de cambio
is a Language Tutor in the
Department of Hispanic Studies, University of
Sheffield, where her major interest has been
developing material for listening comprehension.
is European Administrator in the
School of Health and Related Research at the
University of Sheffield. She also tutors in German
and Spanish.
is Senior Lecturer in the
Department of Hispanic Studies at the University
of Sheffield. He has been engaged in teaching and
organizing courses of Spanish for beginners for
more than twenty-five years.
Anthony Trippett initiated this project and has been
its administrative co-ordinator.
teaches Spanish at the
University of Sheffield. Her main areas of interest
are language teaching methodology and pragmatics.
Camino al
espa nol
A Comprehensive Course in Spanish
Consuelo de Andr es Martınez
Eugenia Ariza Bruce
Christine Cook
Isabel Dıez-Bonet
Anthony Trippett
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