34 OJA test etapu okregowego.pdf

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2 ETAP MC 2010
ETAP OKRĘGOWY – styczeń 2010
© Henryk Krzyżanowski (str. 1 8), Tomasz Skirecki (str. 9 10)
16 PKT
Zakreśl wyraźnie kółkiem literę, przy której znajduje się najlepsze rozwiązanie.
1. Already in 1960, TV was ________ that it may have won the election for Kennedy.
C/ so powerful media
B/ so powerful a medium
D/ so powerful medium
2. Sometimes reducing the population of predators is a sad neccessity. If we _______ over 80
percent of cormorants, the fish population would now be nonexistent.
A/ wouldn't have shot
B/ didn't shoot
C/ hadn't shot D/ wouldn't have to shoot
3. In my opinion, it was stupid on her part __________ the conversation she had overheard.
B/ pretending having understood
D/ to pretend to have understood
4. The system was so designed as to stop the machine whenever the operator __________ the
danger zone.
A/ was sensed to have entered
C/ sensed to be entering
B/ would sense to enter
D/ had sensed to enter
5. Well, the task __________ was clearly beyond her capacity.
A/ to explain the judges her behaviour C/ of explaining her behaviour the judges
B/ of explaining her behaviour to the judges
D/ to explain her behaviour the judges
6. Now and again during the ride, the reflected light ________ off the metal elements of the
vehicle, making it an easy target for snipers.
A/ has been shining
B/ shun
C/ shined
D/ shone
7. Our problem is that while most experts do not speak the local language, _________ can
hardly be trusted.
A/ the few that do B/ a few who do C/ those little who do
D/ few that do
A/ such powerful medium
A/ to pretend having understood C/ pretending to be understanding
8. In dry periods such as the long drought of the 1950s, our engineers __________ water
tanks fitted to car rooftops, because the local wells were uncertain.
A/ would have carried
C/ would have to carry
B/ must have carried
D/ were able to carry
9. Over a ton of steel was required to complete the bridge, but since _________ we had to
find some substitute.
A/ not any would be available
C/ none has been found
B/ none would have been found
D/ none was to be had
10. The bed comes with one of the four matresses of varying firmness, which ensures that it
suits a wide range of ___________
A/ people's weight
C/ people's weights
B/ peoples' weights
D/ the weight of people
11. After the alarm clock finally ran __________ its battery, she turned and slept.
B/ through
C/ out
D/ off
12. With the permanent pass we __________ for permission to enter the bay, and so our
presence remained a secret.
A/ needn't have asked
C/ hadn't needed ask
B/ didn't need to ask
D/ needn't have to ask
13. I'm afraid his recent speeches suggest him completely ________ the voters.
C/ without touch on D/ out of touch with
14. The writer responded by sending an angry letter, demanding that his name __________
removed from the list by the end of the week.
A/ is
B/ will be
C/ be
D/ would be
15. Roman Polanski, regarded as a fugitive since he __________ the US, escaping a possible
jail sentence, might soon reappear before an American judge.
A/ fled
B/ flew
C/ has flown
D/ had flown
16. He surprised everybody saying in his retirement speech he _________ a career in the film
A/ would rather take
C/ had rather taken
B/ would rather have taken
D/ had rather took
A/ down
A/ beyond touch of B/ off touch on
16 PKT
Przetłumacz na angielski. Nie należy niczego zmieniać we fragmentach już przetłumaczonych. Podpowiedzi w nawiasach nie podają
dokładnej formy, w jakiej dane słowo ma wystąpić w tłumaczeniu.
1. Druga opcja jest dostępna tylko dla tych, którzy woleliby {=PREFER}, żeby im zapłacono gotówką.
The second op tion is _____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___
_________________ ___ in cash.
2. Analitycy napisali, że jeśli obecne zapotrzebowanie na szczepionkę będzie nadal {=CONTINUE} rosło,
krajowi producenci mogą nie być w stanie go zaspokoić {=SATISFY}.
The analysts wro te _______ ____________ ____________ _ de mand on vaccine s _____ ____________ ____________ __
the ho me manu fa cturers ______________________________________________________________________
3. Z mniej więcej 60 mieszkańców wioski przesłuchanych przez policję, żaden nie wydawał się mieć cokolwiek
wspólnego z terrorystami a nie więcej niż jedna trzecia była Muzułmanami.
Ou t o f the six ty or so villager s questioned ____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Mu slims.
4. NHS napisał do mojego wujka, żeby go ostrzec, że nie będzie miał operacji kolana, o ile nie rzuci palenia.
The NHS has written ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __
his an kle opera ted on unle ss __ ____________ ____________ ___________ ____________
5. Czy pytaliście ankietowanych od kiedy używają internetu czy komputera osobistego?
Did ____________________ in terviewees since __________________________________________________________
6. Informacja zebrana {=GATHER} ze źródeł oficjalnych może być znacznie cenniejsza niż ta z tajnych
The informa tion _____ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______
valuable ________ ____________________________________ ____________ _______ under cover operatio ns.
7. Po zwiedzeniu Starego Rynku zjedliśmy lunch w tanim barze {=CAFETERIA}, co nie było tym, co obiecano
nam w ulotce reklamującej wycieczkę.
After visiting __________ ________________________ _____________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________ by the tour lea fle t.
8. Ciało gen. Parkera przewieziono samolotem {=FLY} do bazy lotniczej w Teksasie, gdzie syn Generała ze
swoimi dwiema córkami wsiedli {= BOARD} do samolotu. Na prośbę {=REQUEST} syna ceremonia
pożegnalna była bez udziału władz.
_____________________________________________________ to an airba se in _ ____________ ____________ _____
_________________________________________ _____________________________________ the farewell cere mony
was private.
9. Mężczyźni, którzy zdawali się naprawiać przebitą oponę, w rzeczywistości byli agentami prezydenckiej
_____________________________________________________ ____________ ___________ a fla t tyre were in fact undercover
agents o f the pre siden tial security.
10. Poczekajmy trochę co się stanie. Jeśli zaraz po tym, jak on dostanie gotówkę, natychmiast powie "do
widzenia", będziemy wiedzieli, że wykorzystuje {=USE} nas dla pieniędzy.
Wa it and see _______ ____________ ____________ __________ I f once __ ____________ ____________ ____________ _
_________________________________________________________________________________ us for mo ney.
11. Weinstein przyjechał do Plainsville podczas kadencji burmistrza Turnera, z poparcie m {=SUPPORT}
którego założył pierwszą orkiestrę symfoniczną w stanie.
______________________________________________________ the ter m o f Mayor ____________________________
____________________________________________________________________ philhar monic orche stra in the sta te.
12. Dla zaspokojenia potrzeb energetycznych miasta tej wielkości {=SIZE}, potrzebowalibyśmy aż 60 turbin
wiatrowych usytuowanych na plaży. To całkowicie nierealne.
To mee t the power needs o f __ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
____________________________________________________ loca ted on the bea ch. Tha t's co mp le tely unrealistic.
13. Słuchanie prognozy pogody było ważną częścią wieczoru, ponieważ wiedza jaka będzie pogoda następnego
ranka często miała wpływ {=AFFECT} na nasze plany.
Listen ing to the fore cast wa s ___________________________________________________________ becau se knowing
_________________________________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________
our plans.
14. Taktyka polega na tym, żeby przesłuchać młodych ludzi zanim otrząsną się {=RECOVER} z szoku zakucia
w kajdanki {=HANDCUFF} i wrzucenia do policy jnego samochodu.
The tactic is to in terroga te the youngsters ________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________ in to a police van
15. Będąc z powodzeniem przez kilka lat agentem ubezp ieczen iowy m, To m Clancy tak się znudził
ubezpieczeniami, że zajął się {=TAKE} pisaniem beletrystyki.
____________________________ a su cce ssfu l in surance broker _________________________________, To m Clan cy
_________________________________________________________________ ____________ _ writing fiction.
16. Dla mnie narzekanie na to, że nie ma dosyć ciekawych filmów, nie ma sensu.
__________________ co mp lain ing abou t _ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __
________________________________________ sen se.
32 PKT
W każdą z luk wpisz po jednym wyrazie. Liczba kresek odpowiada liczbie liter brakującego słowa. Nie wolno zmienić litery już podanej.
1. In those days running water was considered a _ u _ _ _ _ , as no more than 5 per cent of homes had it.
2. Loitering is defined by law as remaining in any one place with no apparent _ _ r _ _ _ _ .
3. One of the most important uses of sulphuric _ _ _ _ is in car batteries.
4. There are more consonants than _ _ _ _ _ _ in English.
5. The title of Copernicus' work was "On the Revolutions of the _ _ _ v _ _ _ _ bodies."
6. The wounded man's suffering would be _ _ b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ without strong painkillers.
7. Until recently most _ _ _ s _ _ _ cities discharged their sewage straight into the sea.
8. When she looked at me _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I knew I must have said a stupid thing.
9. The new law will quicken the _ _ _ o _ _ _ of barriers to the disabled in public spaces.
10. For _ _ _ _ _ _ a _ _ mothers, seeing the ultrasound images of their unborn babies is a great experience.
11. As we ran for cover, bullets _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ past our heads. But nobody was hit.
12. After Parker's retirement in 1948, Joe Cox was _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ to serve as his successor.
13. T he Christian dogma of the Holy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ shows the three divine persons as one.
14. Fred Ponti was a man of legendary _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; he gave millions of dollars to charity.
15. He had a very _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ laugh: when he burst into laughter, it was impossible not to join him.
16. Very young children can walk around with no clothing at all as they feel no shame of _ _ k _ _ _ _ _ _ .
17. Salt and vinegar were used as traditional _ _ e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to combat meat decay.
18. A de vout catholic, before making a decision, he often seeks spiritual _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ in prayer.
19. People of the name Hudson are not grouped in one province, but are _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ all over the
20. Gypsies are seen as nomads _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ from place to place and depending on various skills for
their livelihood.
21. T here was no mention of his resignation even two days earlier. Its _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , therefore, raises a
question of whether there is a scandal forcing him to step down
22. Kansas City is _ _ _ _ l _ _ _ with water drawn from the Missouri river.
23. A written contract signed by the buyer and seller is legally _ _ n _ _ _ _ to both parties.
24. Speaking to his male _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ the Prince would occasionally use some coarse language.
25. Running away from the brawl without trying to protect his sister was a rather _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ act on Mike's
26. T he application must be handwritten and two portrait photos must be _ _ c _ _ _ _ _ to it.
27. In the area surrounding the lake, there are six marked _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ for trekkers.
28. T he entries in her blog are not original and just _ _ r _ _ _ opinions of liberal columnists.
29. An _ _ _ d _ _ _ _ _ training at a reliable dog school is necessary if you want to avoid problems when the
puppy grows up.
30. T he oven door must be _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to allow the cook to look at the baked meat.
31. I went to the locksmith to _ _ _ l _ _ _ _ _ my keys.
32. In a well-known Aesop's fable, the fox _ _ t _ _ _ _ the crow and steals the bird's cheese.
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