Koncert na 50 serc - Meryl Streep cd2.txt

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{32}{104}- Next one is -- Could be you.|- Look at this , Ramon.
{104}{200}Ladies and gentlemen,|Vanessa Klein.
{227}{323}Vanessa, good for you, honey.|Wow, such a good class.
{336}{375}|And the very last one, okay?
{375}{470}- And that is Ramon Olivas.
{483}{579}All right, Ramon.|Good for you. Oh, my gosh.
{897}{968}- Thank you!|- Yea!
{968}{1016}I got it!
{1016}{1111}I got it!
{1499}{1561}Does that really work,|the ticket thing?
{1561}{1609}- Oh. Oh, hello.|- Hello.
{1609}{1688} No, that doesn�t work,|but I keep trying.
{1688}{1758}You know, maybe one day, the school|will give me a parking space.
{1758}{1807}- Oh.|- That would be nice.
{1807}{1903}- Here. Photographs.|- Oh!
{1937}{2033}Oh, no!|They�re fantastic!
{2068}{2141}Those copies are for you.|- Oh, thank you so much!
{2141}{2216}Oh, they�re great!|Oh, can I pay you for them?
{2216}{2292}Oh, don�t be silly. You�ll need| your money for parking tickets.
{2292}{2380}Oh, thank you so much!|That�s fantastic!
{2380}{2457}I think what you�re doing|for these children -- It�s wonderful.
{2457}{2553}My husband's a violinist. He was very|impressed when I told him about you.
{2555}{2651}- Oh, really? What's his name?|- Arnold Stein hardt.
{2669}{2765}- Of the Guarneri String Quartet?|- Yeah. Oh, here.
{2789}{2860}Stay in touch. Let us know|when the kids have a concert.
{2860}{2916}I will, I will.|Oh, thank you.
{2916}{3000}Thank you so much.|That's really--
{3000}{3035}- Here.|- That's-- Oh, gosh.
{3035}{3118}- Keys. Bye.|- Bye-bye.
{3118}{3196}Very good! Okay, now when you|take your violins home,
{3196}{3292}I�m gonna ask you to put your|music-- Tape it up on the wall|directly in front of your nose.
{3335}{3430}�Cause you don�t want to be bending over|like this, trying to read your music.
{3430}{3526}- Your parents are gonna be|so excited to see you... play.|- Stop!
{3611}{3687}Yeah, okay.|Let�s try it again.
{3844}{3939}Ramon, how many cats| you killing back there?
{4279}{4375}Ready and --
{4421}{4517}Myesha, your stop sign|should be touching, honey.
{4534}{4613}Don�t let it wiggle around|like that.
{4613}{4705}- Justin, you�re on the wrong string.
{4705}{4769}Look at your feet.|All right, hold it, hold it, hold it.
{4769}{4816}Wait a minute.|Wait a minute. What time--
{4816}{4911}- Vanessa, where is your violin?|- I forgot it.
{4992}{5033}This is --|Good-bye.
{5033}{5100}Go on. Good-bye.
{5100}{5162}I�m sorry, but, you know,| you may be dropped.
{5233}{5321}Hey, Ramon, that�s very much better.|I have to tell you, I�m very impressed.
{5321}{5417}- That practicing is paying off.|Let me see your nails, Rosario.
{5428}{5523}See? You gotta keep these clipped.|And I�m looking at you too, Myesha.
{5528}{5585}- Everybody, I�ve told you --|- Drop dead, Justin!
{5585}{5648}- It was an accident.|- It was not!
{5648}{5720}Hey, Ramon, I don�t like|that kind of talk in here!|You pick that stand up now.
{5720}{5767}You get the music.|Come on.
{5767}{5863}Listen to me, buddy.|We have a big concert coming up.|You�re not gonna be in it maybe.
{5904}{6000}- Is that what you want?|- No.
{6006}{6102}- Ooh.|- Nothing funny here.
{6124}{6191}- Here you go, sweetheart.|Come on, I got it.
{6191}{6241}- Good night.|- Bye- bye. Work hard.|- Get inside.
{6241}{6296}That a girl. We just got--|We�re in a hurry, that�s all.
{6296}{6344}- Mr. Klein?|- Yeah?
{6344}{6440}You know, I�m gonna have to drop|Va ness a from class if she keeps|forgetting her violin.
{6491}{6542}Hey, look...
{6542}{6627}she�s going back and forth|between houses.
{6627}{6723}My wife and I split up.
{6728}{6797}Oh. I�m sorry.
{6797}{6869}Vanessa, why don�t you write down|for your mom and dad...
{6869}{6965}which days are violin days,|okay?
{7164}{7252}Relax your two, Simon.|Good.
{7252}{7347}Kenny, your stop sign should be up.|Up, up, up, up. That�s better.
{7360}{7455}Stephanie, you look like| you never had a violin lesson|with me in your entire life!
{7511}{7559}Oh, Carlos.|Where�s your violin?
{7559}{7642}- Um... it�s  coming.|- What�s it, walking here by it self?
{7642}{7728}- I�m coming!|- Thank you.
{7728}{7823}- Your buddies giving you a hard time?|- Look, it�s just not cool.
{7823}{7889}- You wouldn�t understand.|- You want your sister to carry| your violin, that�s fine.
{7889}{7968}But is she practicing|for you too? Because that�s|the way it sounds to me lately.
{7968}{8016}- I�ve been busy.|- I don�t want to hear it.
{8016}{8064}Get here on time and commit to|this  class or I don't want you in here.
{8064}{8117}You understand me?|Go.
{8368}{8434}You�re a good violinist,|Carlos,
{8434}{8509}but it is definitely not cool|to waste your talent.
{8509}{8580}- Okay?|- Yeah.
{8580}{8673}So, let's do it again.|Perfect this  time.
{9100}{9196}What happened?
{9320}{9416}- I guess you�ve all heard|the bad news about Justin.|- I didn�t hear.
{9449}{9518}There was a drive-by|shooting by his house,
{9518}{9614}and he got shot by a cci d ent|and he died.
{9780}{9875}Would anybody like|to talk about this  now?
{10203}{10299}I think we should|just play violin.
{10887}{10983}- Roberta, come in.|- I just wanted to stop|by and check on Ramon.
{11016}{11111}- Why?|- Didn�t he tell you what happened|at school today?
{11441}{11537}- Hey, Roberta wants|to talk to you, okay?|- Okay.
{11894}{11964}- Did that sound okay?|- That sounded very good.
{11964}{12059}|Very good.
{12132}{12180}I�ve been thinking|about Justin.
{12228}{12317}Remember how mad I was|at him the last time I saw him?
{12317}{12401}Yeah. You got|really strict with him.
{12401}{12497}Yeah, but, you know, it wasn�t|always easy to be nice to him.
{12517}{12613}You think Justin's|in heaven or hell?
{12754}{12804}I told him to drop dead.
{12804}{12899}Well, Justin didn�t die|because you said that.
{12924}{12997}- I promise.|- How would you know?
{12997}{13093}Well, I don't think| you�re that powerful. You know?
{13135}{13188}If you had such powers,
{13188}{13272}just imagine what kind of|a violinist you�d be by now.
{13272}{13368}- Yeah, I�d be better than you.
{13544}{13620}It�s okay to cry.
{13620}{13672}Not for a man.
{13672}{13741}My boys still cry,
{13741}{13837}and they�re big, strong| young men now.
{13840}{13909}And I�ll bet Justin�s|daddy cried.
{14134}{14230}|It�s okay.
{14479}{14535}What�s this ?
{14632}{14728}Oh. What is all this ?
{14952}{15022}What is this ?
{15152}{15248}I --
{15263}{15359}Nick! Lexi!|You come down here right now!
{15413}{15509}|Mom, we were just trying to help.
{15510}{15576}|This is so humiliating.
{15576}{15632}No one even knows|it�s  you.
{15632}{15696}I mean, you don�t even have to|read them, if you don�t want to.
{15696}{15757}- Al though, look, obviously,
{15757}{15816}a lot of guys are interested|in dating you.
{15816}{15911}No, a lot of guys are interested|in dating you and Lexi.
{15968}{16030}What did you say|about me anyway?
{16030}{16104}|Beautiful musician,
{16104}{16158}Late thirties,|tired of playing solo--
{16158}{16254}Seeks a healthy, stable, attractive man|who's not afraid of a duet...
{16260}{16320}- with a strong, independent woman.
{16320}{16376}My violin playing|will feed your soul.
{16376}{16426}And my lasagna will be music|to your palette.
{16426}{16474}Oh, my God!
{16474}{16547}Did you catch|all the music metaphors?
{16547}{16632}Oh, no. Listen, don�t you think|it�s  a little weird...
{16632}{16680}that you�re trying|to get your mother a date?
{16680}{16735}And don�t hit him again|or I�ll smack you.
{16735}{16806}Don�t you think it�s  a little weird that| you�re not even interested in dating?
{16806}{16900}Look, even if I were|interested in dating,
{16900}{16972}which... which I�m not,
{16972}{17051}I don't have time to do that,|and, besides, you know,
{17051}{17147}I have my teaching...|which I love.
{17151}{17247}I have you...|and you.
{17267}{17363}That's all I need.
{17385}{17481}- I really thought she'd|like the music metaphors.
{17484}{17580}She said don�t hit me.
{17952}{18048}" Dan Paxton."|
{18177}{18250}That�s good.|That's good.
{18335}{18369}-You�re flat, Nick.
{18369}{18435}- I�m not flat, Mom.|- Sounds flat to me.
{18435}{18531}Play the violin.|I�ll take care of the cello, okay?
{18627}{18680}So, you nervous, Mom?
{18948}{19044}I�m -- I�m just--|I�ll be right back. I just--
{19060}{19155}Let him in.
{19278}{19374}Hi. I�m Dan Paxton.
{19378}{19426}- Is this  the right place?|- Yeah.
{19426}{19475}- Roberta, right?|- Yeah. I�m her son, Lexi.
{19475}{19571}- Oh, hi, Lexi. Nice to meet you.|- You can go in the living room.
{19663}{19716}- Hi.|- Nick.
{19716}{19768}- Uh, Dan.|- Dan, nice to meet you.
{19768}{19864}- This is Allegra and--|- Hi. Oh, hey.
{19864}{19960}She should be--|She should be out in a minute.
{20115}{20172}- Dan?|- Yeah.
{20172}{20245}- Hi, I�m Roberta.|- Wow. An honest woman.
{20245}{20304}- " Honest "?|- Your ad.
{20304}{20400}You said you were a beautiful woman,|and you were telling the truth.
{20529}{20625}- We should probably take off... soon.|- Okay, all right.
{20633}{20729}I�ll get my bag.
{20763}{20859}Make sure you�re home|by midnight, young lady.
{20896}{20990}- He's like six four.|- I know.
{20990}{21052}|To the right. To the right.
{21118}{21177}- That�s the car. They' re here.
{21177}{21250}- All right.|- Oh, Mommy's late.
{21250}{21300}- What time is it anyway?|- 12:30.
{21300}{21360}- That�s promising.|- Ten bucks says he tries to kiss her.
{21360}{21441}That�s an o-brainer. Of course,|he'll try. There all question|is whether she lets him.
{21441}{21513}- O�kay, ten bucks she lets him.|- You�re on.
{21513}{21577}Well, I had a good time|to...
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