Bbuddah...Hoga Terra Baap - DVDRip - XviD - 1CDRip - [DDR].txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  688x272 23.976fps 697.5 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (
{5535}{5585}I've kept aside your commission.
{5676}{5726}Your gift is waiting|for you in the bedroom.
{5822}{5867}I have the money, don't worry.
{6255}{6282}Kabir bhai..
{6298}{6325}I've planted the bomb.
{6489}{6513}Call me after the blast.
{7320}{7368}What's the count?|- About a dozen, I guess.
{7516}{7566}Sources say the bomb was|planted in a motorcycle.
{7568}{7608}About 15 people have been killed|by the blast and..
{7610}{7656}..a large number are injured.
{7658}{7779}The government hasn't sent any|assistance as yet to the blast site.
{7785}{7884}The local MLA|Dr. Sudesh Maheshwari and..
{7885}{7949}the mayor of Mumbai, Dr. Nayar|have just arrived at the site.
{8094}{8151}It's suspected the bomb|was planted in a motorcycle.
{8152}{8219}The blast wasn't very powerful|yet its effects were felt..
{8221}{8255}..for a 20 meter radius.
{8388}{8423}Let them come.
{8456}{8486}We're still not sure.
{8501}{8527}Finally, they showed up.
{8529}{8578}They stay in the shadows.. and|now they're here for the encore.
{8580}{8653}Bittoo, time for the second blast.
{8698}{8737}Yo, Ballerina!|- Bhai!
{8739}{8783}Ever saw a cricket match live?|- Yes.
{8800}{8839}Ever saw a bomb go off?
{8841}{8884}No.|- Now, you will.
{9296}{9369}People have gathered at|the site of the blast..
{9430}{9488}Never again!
{11399}{11431}Bhai.. the ACP has arrested Bittoo.
{11432}{11518}So what are you still doing here?
{11523}{11591}If Bittoo confesses..|that will be the end!
{11593}{11620}You guys are..
{11622}{11670}Hey.. just a minute.. hold on!
{11672}{11736}What's did he say?|Turn up the volume.
{11737}{11779}There's no terrorist|outfit behind the blast.
{11784}{11839}They're mere hired killers..|mafia dons.
{11842}{11883}We've arrested one of them.
{11884}{11934}And we will get the|information from him.
{11937}{11972}Two months.
{11984}{12051}Two months and Bombay|will be rid of this disease.
{12052}{12078}I will get rid of it.
{12080}{12152}This is my, Karan Malhotra's word.
{12260}{12292}How dare he call me a disease!
{12296}{12330}He thinks he is with the PWD!
{12332}{12359}Anju!!|- Bhai!
{12360}{12391}I've had it.
{12404}{12475}Everyday he appears on TV|like a soap star.. and warns me!
{12477}{12516}Enough is enough!
{12558}{12627}till he isn't shot dead..
{12629}{12716}no booze, no women for you. Get it?
{12718}{12751}Bhai, let's not waste any time.
{12776}{12811}Don't worry..
{12827}{12911}I'll assign this task|to our best shooter.
{12913}{12947}Yeah right!
{12948}{13030}Your best shooter was captured|by the ACP and shot in cold blood.
{13048}{13149}What you need is better|than the best.
{13267}{13302}Hire an assassin..
{13314}{13362}who has no previous police record.
{13458}{13529}An ace shooter who|never misses his mark.
{13628}{13756}The bullet that kills the|ACP should be from his gun.
{14429}{14466}Please go back.
{14472}{14505}Back, buy why?
{14523}{14549}What do you mean, but why?
{14551}{14619}I mean.. why should I go back?
{14620}{14670}Listen, just go back|and stand in the queue.
{14692}{14744}This is where I stand, and|that's where the queue begins.
{14745}{14778}Oh really?
{14838}{14864}I told you so.
{14903}{14950}Umm.. what's your name?|- Vijju.
{15072}{15101}Your age?
{15105}{15145}My passport has the date of birth.
{15147}{15194}You have a problem in telling me?|- Hey!
{15224}{15271}There are sexy-young-girls|behind me..
{15273}{15341}let's not talk about age.|- Sexy girls, eh?
{15343}{15389}You don't think they're sexy?|- No, I didn't see..
{15390}{15466}Hey ladies, this gentleman|doesn't think you're sexy at all.
{15472}{15507}I do apologise on his behalf.
{15509}{15552}Shut up, you idiot.
{15561}{15621}And old man with raging hormones..
{15635}{15670}What did you call me?
{15702}{15738}What did you call me?
{15764}{15796}And old man.
{15801}{15835}How old are you?|- Why?
{15837}{15868}Tell him.
{15884}{15939}I.. I'm 43.
{15941}{16002}You're a kid.|- Who're you calling kid?
{16004}{16052}There you go. It hurt, didn't it?|- Huh?
{16056}{16102}You never tell someone|they're a kid or an old man.
{16104}{16133}It's like an insult.
{16135}{16175}So, whoever you are..|don't ever repeat that again.
{16176}{16202}Is that so?|- Yes.
{16204}{16239}Arrest him.
{16240}{16271}I'll tell him who I am. Arrest him.
{16272}{16320}You lay a finger on me|and you'll know who I am!
{16348}{16374}Who are you?
{16376}{16420}Oh man, do I need to spell|everything out for you?!
{16422}{16506}Now listen, there are|two kinds of people.
{16514}{16556}The first, who give|their own introduction.
{16558}{16628}The second, the rest of the world|gives an introduction about them.
{16632}{16720}And you belong to|the second category.
{16729}{16806}Oh no! You are saying that I|belong to the second category.
{16808}{16839}But I belong to the first.
{16841}{16871}I give my own introduction.
{16872}{16922}Take my phone.
{16937}{17031}Dial any number you like and|tell them you want to arrest Vijju.
{17032}{17062}You'll know who I am.
{17168}{17226}It's okay.|- No, it's not okay. Dial a number..
{17249}{17327}It's okay.|- You just said you'd arrest me.
{17330}{17394}No, it's okay. I'm sorry.
{17396}{17449}Sir, please pardon him.|He has a wife and kids.
{17450}{17509}He dials a number|and he'll lose his job.
{17518}{17567}It's okay..
{17588}{17656}You may go.|- You're a kid, I told you so.
{18096}{18125}Hi baby..
{18138}{18173}Vijju, your tenant.
{18175}{18236}Oh.. you're the tenant?|- Yes.
{18240}{18267}David, I'll call you back.
{18269}{18330}I am Meenakshi. Let me|show you to your room.
{18332}{18363}After you.
{18385}{18434}How was your flight?|- Beautiful.
{18435}{18496}We never have a power outage.|- Neither do we.
{18520}{18579}Nice room, isn't it?|It's quite lucky.
{18592}{18627}For me or for you?
{18637}{18675}For the one who lives here.
{18709}{18780}It's my husband, he works in Dubai.
{18808}{18836}Please carry on.
{18904}{18938}yes, I've rented the room.
{19021}{19058}hair's grown long.
{19060}{19104}Yes, I've rented the room.
{19106}{19148}A bachelor.. Girls..
{19173}{19205}An old man!
{19211}{19271}Girls.. no way! Only the|ambulance will come around.
{19415}{19443}What happened?
{19444}{19508}You won the lottery! The|glass broke, can't you see?
{19510}{19536}But how?
{19538}{19574}How should I know. Get a new one.
{19969}{20030}Ask Mishraji why he still|hasn't sent the report to me.
{20042}{20076}I want the report immediately.
{20078}{20108}And I want an answer.
{20110}{20137}What is it?|- I want to lodge a complaint.
{20139}{20171}Complaint about what?
{20173}{20203}Eve teasing.
{20236}{20267}Alright, have a seat.
{20276}{20349}If guys harass girls|it's called 'Eve teasing'.
{20374}{20439}But what if girls harass guys?|What do you call that?
{20495}{20521}No idea, sir.
{20523}{20609}Have you ever harassed a guy?|- No, sir.
{20611}{20700}Of course, girls never misbehave.|- Yes, sir.
{20702}{20738}What do you mean yes sir? Tell me?
{20760}{20820}My wife tortures me everyday.
{20823}{20879}Girls are fine till|they get into college.
{20881}{20973}But once they're married|they begin 'Adam teasing'.
{20999}{21073}My complaint?|- Oh yes, write it down.
{21100}{21227}Who harassed you? How? Where? When?|Write everything down.
{21237}{21274}Also write the guys name.
{21304}{21349}Name? I don't know his name, sir.
{21351}{21394}You don't know his name?
{21455}{21507}Then write it down.|Mention everything.
{21515}{21601}If you give more details, it|will add weight to your case.
{21635}{21680}Mention your address, mobile number..
{21682}{21716}And sign your name at the end.
{21718}{21768}What's your name?|- Tanya.
{21771}{21806}Tanya.. yes, mention that.
{21811}{21835}Yes, that's fine, Patil.
{21838}{21891}Report to the Bandra police station.
{22003}{22029}Tanya, what are you doing here?
{22030}{22082}Sir, it's a case of eve teasing.|She wants to lodge a complaint.
{22090}{22117}Who harassed you?
{22213}{22268}Hey.. sir has asked you|a question. Answer him.
{22291}{22319}What are you staring at?
{22323}{22358}Do you know him?
{22402}{22436}Shinde, listen to me..
{22437}{22476}Take down her phone number.
{22478}{22523}It's an important case.|I'll handle it myself.
{22595}{22634}It's my bad luck that I came here.
{22643}{22671}I don't want to lodge the complaint.
{22673}{22737}Madam.. at least lodge the complaint.
{22769}{22819}If I leave my phone number|behind not just eve teasing..
{22823}{22868}your sir might begin teasing.
{23102}{23215}Even though we may have|crossed the limits of evil..
{23216}{23315}we can still stop|ourselves from doing evil.
{23328}{23391}We can repent for|our misdeeds with love.
{23398}{23482}It's possible to tread|the path of goodwill..
{23483}{23530}..without doing any harm to others.
{23551}{23579}Just leave it all.
{23584}{23627}Now it's time for me to leave.
{23633}{23699}Hari Om. Hari Om.
{23712}{23782}May God bless you always.
{24182}{24207}How are you, my friend?
{24209}{24255}Is that all you can say?|Come on, give me a hug.
{24299}{24337}Look at you.. you've put on weight.
{24394}{24442}I may be your teacher|but he is my teacher.
{24511}{24539}Come on.
{24615}{24659}Your business seems to be doing well.
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