Essential Words for the Toefl.pdf
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The TOEFL is a comprehensive English language examination required by more than 3,000
colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and other parts of the world. In addition,
foreign born professionals frequently need a TOEFL score for certification to practice their
profession in the United States or Canada.
The TOEFL is a timed test that consists of the three sections listed here.
Section 1 Listening Comprehension
50 questions
35 minutes
Part A
20 questions
Part B
Short Dialogs
15 questions
Part C
Minitalks and Extended Conversations
15 questions
Section 2
Structure and Written Expression
Written Expression
40 questions
25 minutes
15 questions
25 questions
Section 3 Vocabulary and Reading
Reading Comprehension
60 questions
45 minutes
30 questions
30 questions
This section of the TOEFL test your ability to understand spoken American English. You will hear
taped conversations to which you will make responses. Part A and B contain samples of informal
American English. Idiomatic expressions and two-word verbs are common in these parts.
Single Statement
In Part A you will hear a single statement made by a man or a woman. In your test booklet, there
are four sentences. You must choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to the one you heard.
To get to the post office, cross the street, go three blocks, and you'll see it right on the corner.
The post office is right on the corner.
The post office is at the next corner.
The post office has a cross near it.
The post office is three blocks away.
The correct choice is, which most closely gives the same meaning as the sentence you heard. It is
important for you to know that if similar sounding words or the same words appear in an answer
choice, that answer choice is seldom correct.
Short Dialogs
Part B contains short dialogs followed by a question about what the people said in their
conversation. Generally, key information is found in the second speaker's sentence. You will need
to understand the meaning of the conversation and also the context , such as the time or place in
which it could occur. The correct choice directly answers the question.
(Man Did you get to go shopping last night'? (Woman) They'd already locked the doors by the time
I got there.
(Man) What does the woman mean?
She arrived in time to shop.
She was too late.
She locked the doors.
She had to buy the door.
The correct choice is. Since the doors were locked when she arrived, she could not have gone
shopping. Note that the other choices use words heard in the conversation. Choices that contain
such words are usually not correct.
Extended Conversation / Minitalks
In Part C you will hear an extended conversation or a minitalk. The English in this section is
generally more formal and academic, typical of English conversation or lectures that take place in a
university or college setting. After each conversation or minitalk, there are between four and eight
spoken questions about its content. Choose your answer from among the four choices that appear in
your test book-let. Look at the example here.
Man: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this tour of one of the nation's most
important cities, Chicago. Before we begin, I'd like to give you some background information that
will make the tour more enjoyable for you. The city was founded in 1837. Its strategic location on
Lake Michigan quickly made it the center of commerce for the Midwest section of the country. It is
currently the third largest metropolitan area In the United States. The city's site is generally level,
built mostly on glacial plain. The narrow Chicago River extends one mile inland from Lake
Michigan, where it splits, dividing the city into North, West, and South sides. Chicago's weather is
subject to rapid changes, but generally the climate is cold and windy in the winter, and hot and
humid in the summer.
Woman: What gave Chicago an advantage over other Midwest cities?
Its level site.
Its location on Lake Michigan.
Its large population.
Its location along the Chicago River.
According to the minitalk, would be the correct choice. Remember that you will not have a written
copy of the speaker's talk or conversation and you will only hear it once. You must concentrate on
details, such as names, dates, and the main idea of the selection that you hear. Do not read the
choices as you listen to the talk. Listen care-fully and try to remember what you hear.
This section contains two types of questions, both designed to test your ability to recognize correct
style and grammar in written English. The sentences are academic; ones that you typically find in
college level texts, journals, and encyclopedias. The sentence topics include the social sciences,
physical and life sciences, and the humanities.
The structure questions test your ability to recognize correct structure and word order. These
questions consist of a sentence with one or more words missing. You must make the choice that
best completes the sentence. Here is an example of this type of question.
__________ a short time after the Civil War, Atlanta has become the principal center of
transportation, commerce, and finance in the southeastern United States.
While rebuilt
It was rebuilt
When rebuilt
The correct choice is (C). The other choices make the sentence incorrect or awkward.
Written Expression
The written expression questions test your ability to recognize errors in grammar or expression.
These questions consist of complete sentences with four underlined words or phrases. You must
identify the underlined part of the sentence that needs to be changed in order to make the sentence
correct. An example follows.
The Navajo Indians have displayed a marked ability
to incorporate aspects of other cultures into a changing,
flexibility lifestyle
The correct choice is (D). Flexibility, a noun, appears where an adjective must appear. In addition to
inappropriate parts of speech, be sure to check for missing words and extra words that are
inappropriate for the context.
Good reading skills and an ample vocabulary are keys to doing well on all sections of the TOEFL.
This section of the TOEFL specifically test these skills. Many TOEFL test takers complain that they
do not have enough time to carefully answer all questions in this section. It is very important that
you follow the instructions in this book so that you will use all the allotted time to your advantage.
The first questions on this section will test your English vocabulary. There are 30 academic
sentences, each containing an underlined word. You must choose the word that has the same
meaning from among the four choices. Here's an example.
The United States has instituted a set of forest conservation measures to maintain forest land.
The word that is closest in meaning to the tested word, instituted, is choice (C). Further hints for
vocabulary questions can be found in Chapter 2.
Reading Comprehension
Your ability to read and understand college level reading material is test on this part of the TOEFL.
You will find five or six reading passages, each followed by four to seven questions. You must
work quickly and efficiently. Here is a sample passage.
A lens has one or more curved surfaces that refract or bend, light rays passing through it to form an
image on a surface beyond the lens. Examples of such surfaces are the retina of the eye or a movie
screen. The distance from the lens to the focal plane is known as focal length. In cameras,
telescopes, and similar devices, the lens is turned on a screw-thread mounting to adjust the focal
length. This action allows focusing of images of objects at various distances. In the human eye,
focal length is adjusted by muscles that alter the lens curvature. Light rays of different colors are
bent by varying degrees as they pass through a curved surface. This causes a distortion of the
image, known as chromatic aberration. In cameras, sharp images are obtained by arranging two or
more lenses so that the aberration of one cancels out the aberration of another. Such an arrangement
of lenses is called an achromatic lens.
According to the passage, what is focal length?
A curved surface that refracts light.
The distance from the focal plane to the lens.
Adjustment by the muscles that alters lens curvature.
The degree that light rays of different colors are bent by the lens.
This is a factual question. The information needed to answer this question is directly stated in the
text. Choice (B) is the correct answer. Some questions will ask you to draw conclusions based on
material in the passage, other will ask about the main idea of a selection. Some may even ask what
information does not appear in the passage.
Most TOEFL test sessions now require the Test of Written English. The TWE will test your ability
to respond to topics that you may find on typical college level writing assignments. It will test your
ability to
express yourself as well as your organizational skills . The score on this test is reported separately
and is not used to determine your TOEFL score.
On all parts of the TOEFL, be sure to answer every question. If you must guess, choose choice (B)
or (C) since they are slightly more likely to be the correct choice than (A) or (D).
Watch your time! Be sure to wear a watch and be aware of the time you have remaining in each
section. Do not waste time reading directions or example in your test booklet. You should become
familiar with these before you take the test. When you are told to begin, go directly to the first
question. When time has expired on a section, you may not return to it. Work quickly and
accurately. If it seems obvious that you will not finish a section within the time limit, guess or
choose answer (B) or (C) in order to complete the section.
Prepare yourself for the test. In addition to this book, Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFL
provides you with practical hints, tapes with sample questions, model test, and a grammar review to
help you maximize your TOEFL score.
Vocabulary and Reading
Comprehension Section
Developing a good English vocabulary is the most important way to prepare for the
vocabulary you will see on the TOEFL. In addition to developing a good English vocabulary, it is
very important to know the kind of vocabulary you will see on the TOEFL and to understand how it
is tested.
Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension make up Section 3 of the TOEFL. This section
contains 30 vocabulary questions and 30 reading comprehension questions. Remember that your
general vocabulary is tested in all sections of the TOEFL. However, it is in this section of the
TOEFL where your knowledge of specific vocabulary is tested.
You will have 45 minutes to complete this section of the TOEFL. Many test takers report that
they do not have enough time to complete the reading comprehension questions, so you should
work quickly in order to complete the vocabulary questions as soon as you can. If you follow the
strategies in this book you will have more time to complete the Reading Comprehension section of
the TOEFL.
The Vocabulary Question
Vocabulary questions are written in a formal, academic style, typical of most college or
university level texts and journals. The topics of these sentences are those that a first-year college
student in North America would be likely to encounter. The topics come from such areas as the
natural sciences, business, liberal arts, and the social sciences. Many sentences contain references to
North American places and personalities. Others will refer to historical events and may include
dates. It is important for you to understand that your knowledge of these areas is never tested on the
TOEFL. You do not have to be familiar with the content of the sentences to be successful on this
section of the TOEFL.
Each TOEFL vocabulary question consists of a single sentence followed by four choices.
These choices are marked by letters (A), (B), (C), (D). Most sentences have one word underlined,
and less frequently, some sentences may have a phrase underlined. You must identify the word
among the choices that has the same or similar meaning as the under-lined word or phrase in the
question. These words are called synonyms. Let's examine a sample question.
Many organisms change their role in habitats from one season to another
This question is typical of the Vocabulary section. The topic is from the natural sciences and
the sentence contains a single underlined word. The correct answer is (D) function. Function is a
synonym for role. As in this example, the word you select is the one that best matches the meaning
of the underlined word. Note that all four of the choices make sense in the sentence. Vocabulary
questions are written so that the con-text of the sentence seldom helps you to determine the meaning
of the word. Therefore, you must understand the vocabulary to select the correct choice
Remember that your reading comprehension skills are not tested on this section of the test.
Therefore you should not waste time reading the sentences. Simply look at the underlined word and
choose its synonym from among the four choices. This strategy will save you time and prevent
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