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I. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that they still mean exactly the same.

1.They were watching me continually for 24 hours.

I ................................................................................


2. Someone repaired my leaking roof.

I ............................................................................


3. I'll visit you if the baby-sitter comes.

Unless .......................................................................


4. "I arrived yesterday and I want to have a rest now", he explained.

He explained .............................................................


5. It's ten years since I played bridge.

I ................................................................................. ten years.


6. He would prefer you to pay him immediately.

He'd rather you .........................................................


7. Let's try that new restaurant that's just been opened.

How about .................................................................. ?


8. The accident happened because the driver in front of me stopped so suddenly.

If ................................................................................


9. It's a pity we didn't go to her funeral but we were on holiday then.

We wish ......................................................................


10. "Don't make such a noise because the baby is sleeping", I told them.

I told them ....................................................................


II. Supply the correct verb forms.


1. It's time he .............................................. (realise) he is not the most important person here.


2. She won’t take him from hospital till he ................................... (get) better.


3. Yesterday when I ............................................ (walk) down the street, a man ........................................ (attack) me with a knife.

4. He .......................................... (leave) prison last month and since then he ........................................ (be) homeless.


5. He used ................................................... (wear) long hair when he was a teenager.


6. Hurry up! Everybody ..................................................... (wait) for you.


7. My cat ................................................. (eat) all the cake before my guests arrived.


8. It ...................................................... (get) dark and cold, so let's come back home.




Read the text and choose the correct answer.

Outside Rita Smallbum's home is parked a sparkling blue Renault Clio. Mrs Smallburn won it. It is the fifth car she has won. Inside her sitting room are a video, television, compact disc system, three-piece suite, canteen of cutlery, decanter and glasses, silverware, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble and an enormous bottle of champagne: all prizes.

In her kitchen are a dishwasher, microwave, French saucepan set, toaster, coffee maker, electric carving knife, kettle, can opener and iron: more prizes.

In fact there is virtually nothing in Mrs Smallburn's entire house, apart from her dog, which she hasn’t won. She did not actually win the house she and her family live in, but seven years ago she won another one worth £50,000 which she sold two years later for £100,000. For the last sixteen years she has Been the "Queen of Competitions" or "compers" as they are known in the trade. Locally she is known as Mrs Win-a-lot.

Since she gave up her job as a geography teacher sixteen years ago, Mrs Smallburn believes she has become much more skilled at winning competitions. "I expect to win between twenty and forty per cent of the competitions I enter," she says. "But my winnings could vary enormously year by year. One year I might win £3,000. The next it could be £100,000." All her earnings are tax-free. She enters only about twelve competitions a month now, down from a peak of about fifty when she was younger. Nowadays she is busy running a consultancy in which she shares her competition winning skills with others who would like to achieve success, but the postman's arrival is still a thrill. If her family wants something, she will try to win it. At the moment she is competing for a fax machine. She wouldn’t dream of buying anything.

It is an odd life, though Mrs Smallburn denies it is an obsession. "It's more like an extreme enthusiasm," she says. To work, the thrill must be in the winning rather than prizes. The disadvantage is the lack of freedom to buy what you choose. The dog is not allowed to have his favourite brand of pet food. He has to be content with a year's supply of another brand Mrs Smallburn won.


1.    Which of the following is something that Mrs Smallburn did not win in competitions?

A. A house.

B. The house where the family live.

C. Money and goods to the value of £3,000.

D. Five cars.


2.    How does Mrs Smallburn earn a living?

A. She works as a geography teacher.

B. She enters and wins competitions.

C. She runs a service giving advice on how to win competitions.

D. She has her own business and she makes money from competitions.


3. Mrs Smallburn used to

A. win more than she does now.

B. enter more competitions than she does now.

C. be better at winning competitions than she is now.

D. be known as the "Queen of Competitions".

4. Mrs Smallburn does not

A.    want to buy a fax machine.

B.     B. want to win a fax machine.

C.     look forward to the postman coming.

D.    D. try to win things her family want.


5. The writer of the text thinks Mrs Smallburn's extreme enthusiasm is the result of

A. the excellent prizes she has won.

B. the feeling she gets from winning.

C. not being free to buy what she wants.

E.     an obsession.





Nagranie w formacie *.mp3


Listen to the interview and complete the notes.


Your most important piece of survival equipment is 1. ................................. .

Rule number one is 2 .............................................................. unless you can

see 3 . ........................................ .

You should make sure you have the following things in the car: blankets,

4.  ................................ , a shovel , 5. . .................................................

You should make sure your window is open 6. ..................................... on the

side  7.  ..................................... .

Car fumes can kill you in 8.  ..........................................

You should run your car engine for a maximum of 9.  ................................ every


Before you leave on your journey, you should 10 . .............................................







Choose one of the following subjects and write a composition of between 120 and 180 words. Write the number of the subject you choose and the number of words you have actually written in the spaces provided.


1. What is your ideal of husband/wife?

2. Should people produce and eat genetically modified food?

3. Write an application letter in answer to one of the following adver­tisements. Write the date and the address though these are not to be counted in the number of words.












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Topic _________                                                                      Number of words ______________






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