angielskie zestawy.doc

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1.          “Don’t sit on that stone Peter”               (R1)

Mother told him not to sit on the stone.

2.          It isn’t necessary to know much about the engine to get a driving license.

You needn’t know much about the engine.

3.          “Is it the first day of your holiday Jane?”

Martha asked if it was the first day Jane holidays.

4.          You should get more exercise in future. That’s the way to keep fit.

If you get more exercise, you will keep fit.

5.          She is very young. She can’t get married yet.

She isn’t old enough to get married

6.          It’s very cold today. We can’t go swimming.

If it was wormed we could go swimming.

7.          I go out less than I used to.

I don’t go out as much as I used to.

8.          My advice is to go end see the doctor.

If I were you, I would go end see the doctor.

9.          They have to find a solution.

A solution has to be found soon.

10.        Look! Somebody has broken this old vase.

This old vase has been broken.



1.          I flew from Warsaw to London in less then 2 hours.

It took me less two hours to fly from Warsaw to London.

2.          Those two pictures looked exactly the same.

There was no difference between those to pictures.

3.          He is still too inexperienced to drive a car.

He isn’t experienced enough to drive a car.

4.          They didn’t let him go out.

He wasn’t allowed to go out.

5.          Could I please use the telephone?

Do you mind if I use the telephone?

6.          “Can I help you? ” I asked her.

I asked her if I could help her.

7.          There are fewer candidates for the examination than there were last year.

There aren’t as many candidates for the examination as there were last year

8.          You’d better not touch that red button.

If I were you I wouldn’t touch that red button.

9.          It’s a pity I don’t know how to operate a camera.

I wish I knew now to operate a camera.

10.        I haven’t enjoyed myself so much lot ages.

It’s ages since I enjoyed myself so much.


1.                      “Why are they crying?” she wondered.   (R3)

She wondered why they were crying.

2.                      This fur coat is too expensive for me to buy

This fur coat isn’t cheap enough for me to buy.

3.                      They last played tennis three days ago.

They haven’t played tennis for three days.

4.          It’s a pity you went there last night.

I wish you hadn’t gone there last night.

5.          Shakespeare wrote the comedies at the end of the sixteenth century.

The comedies were written by Shakespeare at the end of the sixteen-century.

6.          I won’t buy a CD player unless you lend me L50.

I will buy a CD player if you lend me L50.

7.   “Is there any beer left?” Paul asked Lucy.

Paul asked her if there was any beer.

8. The sun is shining today.

It’s a sunny day.

9.          Helen can’t afford a holiday in Egypt. She hasn’t got enough money.

If Helen had got enough money, shy could afford a holiday in Egypt.

10.        The staff in this shop speaks English.

English is spoken here.


1.          Helen said, “ I want to go away for holiday.”  (R4)

Helen said that she wanted to go away for a holiday.

2.          I think you should sell your car.

If I were you, I would sell your car.

3.          I don’t normally eat at restaurants.

I’m not used to eat at restaurants.

4.          You are very young.  You can’t have a front- door key.

You aren’t old enough to have a front- door key.

5.          People are using computers in all kinds of work.

Computers are being used in all kinds of work.

6.          Would you like a cup of tea?

How about a cup of tea?

7.          Please do not interrupt me when I speaking.

I’d rather you didn’t interrupt me, when I’m speaking.

8.          I can’t cook as well as my mother does.

My mother cooks better than I do.

9.          London has many beautiful parks.

There are many beautiful parks in London

10.        Could you lend me one of your books?

May I borrow one of your books?

1.          If he doesn’t work harder, he’ll lose his job.  (R5)

Unless he works harder, he’ll lose his job.

2.          I wont to have as little of this as possible.

The less I have of it the better.

3.          She and I had never been there before.

Neither she nor I had ever been there before.

4.          They didn’t paint the house themselves.

They had in painted the house themselves.

5.          I often get up early.

I am used to getting up early.

6.          Please don’t interrupt me all the time. 

Would you mind not interrupting me all the time?

7.          People are carrying the chairs out into the garden.

The chairs were being carried out into the garden.

8.          I think you should know the truth.

I want you to know the truth.

9.          “I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key, “ he said.

He said that he hadn’t been able to get into the house because he had lost his key.

10.        You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?

You didn’t forget to post the letter, did you?



1.          It is necessary for me to pay for my ticket now?

Do I have to pay for my ticket now?

2.          You can only see these particles through a microscope.

These particles can only be seen through a microscope.

3.          “I’ll fax that letter first thing tomorrow”.

He promised that he would fax the following day.

4.          Go to Britain and you’ll be able to speak English all day long.

If you go to Britain*

5.          No one can imagine a more frightening illness than AIDS

AIDS is the most frightening illness *

6.          I would advise you to book a seat in advance.

If I were you I would book a seat.

7.          I’ll be happy when I can see my friends on Friday.

I’m looking forward to seeing my friends on Friday.

8.          The ticket inspector didn’t let us go onto the platform.

We weren’t allowed to go onto the platform.

9.          “Have you already phoned our clients or will you do it later?”

She asked if I had already phoned or if I would do it later.

10.        I’ve got so much to do today.

I wish I didn’t have so much to do today.



1.          I did not spend as much money as you.

You spent more money than I did.

2.          Liz and Robin didn’t come to the party.

Neither Liz nor Robin comes to the party.

3.          Would you like to work for us?

Are you interested in working for us?

4.          Sue always comes to work late.

Sue never comes to work early.

5.          May I sit here?

Do you mind if I sit here?

6.          He is too young to join our team.

He is not old enough to join our team.

7.          Tom spent three hours trying to get to the right place.

It took him three hours to get to the right place.

8.          Could you lend me your car?

Could I borrow the car from you?

9.          This coffee is very hot. I can’t drink it.

This coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.

10.        My father and I are the same height.

I’m as tall as my father is.



1.          He fell to the ground, I saw this.

I saw him fall to the ground.

2.          She repeatedly asked numerous questions concerning the subject of the lesson.

She kept asking repeatedly numerous questions concerning the subject of the lesson.

3.          What a pity you did not send him an invitation.

I wish you had sent him an invitation.

4.          Would you be so kind as to refrain from smoking in the presence of children?

Would you mind refraining not smoking in the presence of child?

5.          Don’t go there, it is dangerous.

You had better not go there.

6.          We must hurry or we’ll miss the train.

We’ll miss the train unless we hurry.

7.          He has never lied to me.

He has always told me the truth.

8.          Tom wants to telephone Betty but he can’t do it because he doesn’t know her number.

If he know her number he would telephone her.

9.          It was a surprise that you come so late.

We did not expect you to come so late.

10.        “Well I passed that test easily,” he said to her.

He told her that he had passed that test easily


1.          I can’t cook as well as my mother does.   (R9)

My mother cooks better then me.

2.          He failed to win the race.

He didn’t win the race.

3.          She asked John how he liked her new dress.

“How do you like my new dress?” she asked.

4.          They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.

All the prisoners will be catch by tonight.

5.          Mike enjoys playing golf more then I do

I don’t enjoy playing golf such as Mike.

6.          Smoking is forbidden in this compartment.

You are not allowed to smoke in this compartment.

7.          I regret selling my car.

I wish I hadn’t regret selling my car.

8.          She is too young to get married

She isn’t old enough to get married.

9.          “Will I ever become rich?” he wondered.

He wondered to be rich.

10.        You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?

You didn’t forget post the letter, did you?



1.          She caught a cold because she didn’t put a coat on.

If she had put a coat she wouldn’t have caught a cold.

2.          Whose car is it?


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