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Lead Developer
Ross Watson
Managing RPG Developer
Michael Hurley
Dark Frontier Written by
Owen Barnes with additional writing by Sam Stewart
Christian T. Petersen
G a m e s W o r k s h o p
Leigh Anne Reger
Graphic Design
Kevin Childress
Licensing Manager
Owen Rees
Thanks to all staff of the GW Design Studio—your work is
an inspiration.
Cover Art
Imaginary Friends Studio
Licensing & Acquired Rights Manager
Erik Mogensen
Interior Art
Matt Bradbury, Colin MacNeil, Karl Richardson
Intellectual Property Manager
Alan Merrett
Art Direction
Zoe Robinson
Head of Legal & Licensing
Andy Jones
Production Manager
Gabe Laulunen
Special Thanks to Our Playtesters
“All Records Expunged” Sean Schoonmaker with Cliff Drozda,
Nate Grover, Andrew McDonnell, Eric Ullman, “No Guts, No
Glory” Sean Connor with Mathieu Booth, Karl Lloyd, Stephen
Pitson, Benn Williams with Kat Glass, Chris Lancaster, Matt
Ricicki, Rebecca Williams
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Game Workshop Limited 2009. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Rogue Trader,
the foregoing marks’ respective logos, Rogue Trader, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/
devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer
40,000 universe and the Rogue Trader game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000–2009, variably registered
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reserved to their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
Product Code: RTP2
For more information about the Rogue Trader line, free downloads, answers
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R u n n i n g t h e A d v e n t u R e
You do not need a copy of r o g u e t r a d e r to play this
adventure. It can be run using the characters and rules
presented in the F o r s a k e n B o u n t y booklet (available
for download from the Fantasy Flight website). However
if you do possess a copy of the r o g u e t r a d e r rulebook,
guidelines have been presented to allow the GM to
expand on certain encounters and challenges—adding
such things as space battles and alternative enemies.
“You think man is the only race to dabble in the darkness of the
warp? No my friend, there are creatures far older and evil than us
out there among the cold stars—aliens whose worship of the warp
makes humanity seem as naughty children screaming at the sky.”
–Interrogator Milos Helacania, Lost to the Warp 673M40
B o u n t y . After facing off against malign inluence of
the Psycharus Worm, the Explorers ind themselves
in possession of both the Emperor’s Bounty and the fell Halo
Device that led to its demise. Unfortunately for them, their
actions have had more far reaching consequences than they
could imagine, and in defeating the thralls of the Worm,
they have stirred up dark forces and ancient alien powers. In
this adventure, the Explorers will learn of the true power of
the Worm and catch a terrifying glimpse into the legacy of
its creators. Their vessel and crew will be subverted by the
power of a terrible xenos race known as the Yu’vath—an evil
thought by most to have been long since extinguished from
the galaxy—and they will be drawn into an ancient trap from
which they must ind a way to escape or become lost forever.
This scenario picks up where F o r s a k e n B o u n t y left off with
the Explorers in possession of both the Emperor’s Bounty and the
Halo Device known as the Psycharus Worm. After stripping
the ship and deciding what to do with the Worm—keep it,
discard it or destroy it—they make a transition into the warp
leaving the battleield behind. At this point things begin to go
wrong for them; it seems that whatever powers they quelled
aboard the Bounty have infected their own vessel and taken
possession of their ship’s systems. Out of control, their vessel is
cast into the deep storms of the Maw and swept far off course.
When the Explorers inally still the horrors that rage across
their ship and return to real space, they ind that the Worm
has taken them somewhere far inside the Ragged Worlds to
a remote system where an ancient alien space station hangs
in the void in place of a star. This solar fortress was created
long ago by the dark and alien Yu’vath and seems to have
complete mastery over the system and a gravity shadow strong
T his adventure follows the events detailed in F o r s a k e n
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W h e R e i s t h e W o R m ?
At the conclusion of F o r s a k e n B o u n t y the Explorers
will be in possession of the Psycharus Worm, though
it will seemingly be inert. The Worm is linked to the
warp, and able to phase in and out of real space, so
attempts to destroy it, discard it, or lock it away will
fail as it creeps about (though never when the PCs are
observing it) and attempts to stay on their ship. If the
Explorers do choose to discard or destroy it, then it
will simply vanish (the GM can lead them to believe
they have been successful) and hide within their vessel
until the time is right. The GM can take advantage to
this to heighten the PCs’ anxiety by having it strangely
move across a table when they look away, or having a
crewman discover it in a vent decks away from where
they left it. For more details on the Psycharus Worm
and Halo Artefacts, see page 17 in F o r s a k e n B o u n t y .
As it has done countless times before, your ship once again
prepares to pierce the fabric of the immaterium and plunge into
the warp. Like a sickness rising from the pit of your stomach you
feel the warp engines roar to life a dozen decks below your feet
and the charge in the ship’s stale air as the Geller Field’s empyreal
web envelops the vessel. The ship’s structure shudders and groans
as the transition begins and then…
Something is wrong. All of a sudden the bridge is plunged
into shadow and the ship seems to buck under the weight of some
unseen force—the very deck underfoot rippling and bending. All
around you servitors cease their mindless tasks and throw their
heads back screaming out of ruined mouths. You are struck by the
unshakable feeling that something terrible has just happened.
Although the ship’s Gellar Field is active at this point,
the ship is wholly within the warp and the proximity allows
the Worm to regain its power despite the Field’s interference
(incidentally, this is what also happened aboard the Emperor’s
Bounty ). The Worm has infected their vessel with a Yu’vath
Dark-Energy Construct known as a Warp Maggot which has
begun to attack the ship’s machine spirit. This means that the
Explorers will lose control of their ship’s helm and systems
and servitors all across the ship will go berserk as they are
tortured by the presence of the Maggot writhing around
inside their sensory links and power feeds.
The Explorers may attempt to use their Gellar Field to
disrupt the Worm’s control. Unfortunately, while they are
in the warp, the Gellar Field will have no affect on the
Worm’s powers.
enough to hold orbiting planetary bodies, snare ships crossing
the Koronus Passage, and worst of all, create some kind of
powerful warp-lock preventing their escape. In addition to the
brooding presence of the Yu’vath Fortress, the Explorers will
also discover that they are not alone; others have been drawn
here and are equally eager to escape. Using their cunning and
skill, the Explorers must unite these marooned travellers and
lead an assault against the Yu’vath Fortress to break the warp-
lock and escape back into the void.
The adventure begins when the Explorers are preparing to
make a transition into the warp, at which time the Worm will
become active once more. When exactly this happens is up
to the GM. If the adventure follows directly after F o r s a k e n
B o u n t y , then this can be at the point that the Explorers are
preparing to leave the Battleground after stripping much of
the Bounty . Alternately, any amount of time could go by with
the Explorers pursuing other opportunities and adventures,
unaware that the Worm slumbers within their ship until
at some point, when making a transition into the warp (a
common occurrence for Rogue Traders), it stirs to life. If this
adventure is used directly after F o r s a k e n B o u n t y and is
being played using the r o g u e t r a d e r Core Rulebook, the
GM should allow the PCs to spend experience gained from
that adventure and to acquire new items (it can be imagined
that they are salvaged from the Bounty ) before pressing on.
As the Explorers’ ship begins its transition, read or
paraphrase the following:
d e s c e n t i n t o d A R k n e s s
At this point, the Explorers will probably be screaming to ind
out what is going on and why their ship is failing all around
them. Finding out that their ship has been attacked by a Warp
Maggot (since few people will even know what a Warp Maggot
is) is not going to happen straight away—if at all. Instead, the
GM should have them treat the symptoms of the problem and
show off their leadership skills by putting out some ‘spot ires’
caused by rampaging servitors and the Maggot’s assault on the
machine spirit. These can include:
Warp Engine Overload:
The Explorers must direct
power relays away from the warp engine as its energy
ield luctuates. This task can be performed over the vox,
requires a Hard (–20) Fellowship Test (although for
the Rogue Trader or Void-Master, the Test is Challenging
(+0) instead), while personally aiding the Enginseers
requires a Challenging (+0) Tech-use Test .
Hull Breech:
• A section of the ship is open to the warp
and must be sealed swiftly. This can be done over the
vox, but requires Dificult (–10) Intimidate or Charm
Test to convince the crew to sacriice those trapped in
the compartments. It can be done linking with the core
cogitator, requiring a Challenging (+0) Tech-use Test .
Finally, Explorers near the decompressing section can
personally seal the pressure doors using an Ordinary
(+10) Strength Test .
The atmosphere
within the ship is failing (see page 18 of F o r s a k e n
B o u n t y for running out of air). This can be ixed in the
same way as a Hull Breech above, however the increased
dificulty modiies all Tests by –10.
Failing any of these Tests should not be fatal for the Player
Characters, but the GM can go to lengths to describe the rising
body count to the rest of the crew and the brutal damage their
ship is suffering. The Explorers may also jump to the conclusion
(rightly so) that the Worm is behind the chaos, and try to ind
it. A thorough search will locate it attached to servitor where
it released the Maggot into the machine spirit. By this stage,
the Maggot will have completed its subversion of the machine
spirit and disappear (perhaps to return later) and control of
their ship will return. At this time (several hours in game time)
their ship will abruptly drop back into real space—heralding
the beginning of more pressing problems…
Catastrophic Life-Support Failure:
Probing the darkness with your ship’s sensors, you slowly
assemble a picture of the near void around your vessel. At irst
you think you must be in deep space—such is the emptiness that
presses down upon your hull. However after a few moments you
begin to detect the presence of what must be a remote solar system
containing little more than fragments of cold dead rock and a
ring of gutted space hulks. At the centre of the system—beyond
the rocks and ring of debris—a tiny black star burns and lickers
against the darker void beyond.
At this point, the Worm will also vanish from wherever it
linked into the ship’s machine spirit, and will not be seen again
on the ship. The Worm used the Sovereign Venture to ind its way
back to this ancient alien fortress—which had been its goal
even when it took over the Emperor’s Bounty . Now that it has
arrived, it cares little for what happens to the Explorers.
While they were ighting the Maggot and the effects of its
rampage, the Worm has guided their vessel into the waiting
web of a Yu’vath trap—a region of warp space altered to snare
the unwary and draw them toward an ancient alien fortress.
As soon as they return to real space and take their bearings—
scanning the near void to ind out where they are—read or
paraphrase the following:
W A R p - l o c k e d
The dark star is in fact a Yu’vath Fortress—an alien artefact
of unimaginable power forged long ago by a twisted and
corrupt xenos race. Equal in size to a medium-sized world,
it hangs in the void like a black sun, arcing with power and
blotting out the stars behind it. Across its surface, hundreds
of small islands form a matrix of power relays and energy
webs—their true purpose unknown. What is apparent is that
the Fortress emits a tremendous gravity ield across the near
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