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H.M.S. VICTORY (Main Section)



Introduction. This assembly kit enables the ship modeling fan to build a scale 1:98 model of the MAIN SECTION of the famous English man-of-war VICTORY. The finished model appears as a very interesting piece for display, both when kept on a piece of furniture or hung on the wall.

The VICTORY was NELSON'S flagship, both entering history books thanks to the famous battle of Trafalgar between the English and the French-Spanish fleets (1805).

COREL also supplies the whole Victory in assembly kit, illustrated in our catalogue with the list number SM23.

Generalities. As is known, the COREL assembly kits contain all the necessary for constructing a given model (adhesive excluded)according to the system "fully-cut", in other words each component of the chosen model is ready and finished for its assembly. An exception to this rule are those few parts the modeler makes himself from pieces of off-cuts following the drawings and instructions accompanying our kits. Before starting the assembly (and not during the same) we suggest the modeler, and in particular the less skilled one, to carefully read this booklet and study the appurtenant construction drawings. In this manner, he will approach the assembly of the model he has chosen, with more confidence and speed, without obstacles and without...breaking anything. Sure there is always the possibility of breaking or damaging the pieces contained in the kit, especially when the relative instructions and drawings have neither been read nor studied. And it is not very easy to find the broken or damaged pieces on the market. Thanks to the programmed assortment of woods of various tonalities and grains, it is possible to finish the model in "natural" wood, finished to one's liking with mat or semi-mat transparent varnishes or, else, with suitable waxes for wood. Remember also that the dyeing mordant-stuff is to be applied before the finishing or polishing. For those interested in constructing a model historically more accurate, by means of painting and ageing of some parts, we propose the following general suggestions:

Coloring. To be carried out, with exception of the hull, before gluing on of the pieces. All the colors should be mat. Oxidized copper (Plate 5, Fig. A, area "a"): bottom (up to the waterline). Black (area "b"): 4 planks of the hull (over the waterline); outside of the port lids; plank sheer; cranes and handrails; gun barrels; channels , deadeye straps and deadeyes; lower top, bibbs", caps, topmast trees; part of the mast between the lower top and the cap and between the topmast trees and respective cap; yards; standing riggings and respective blocks. Ochre (area "c"): 3 planks of the hull (over the water-line and alternating with the black planks); inside of the bulwarks; gun carriages; mast; top pillar; stunsail booms. Red: inside of port lids; posts of the gun ports. We advise however those who wish to color the model to find some color photo of the ship, comprising the inside spaces, easily obtained from naval history books and magazines, for sight of the colored parts and of the correct shades.

Ageing. The wooden and other oil- or enamel painted parts are aged by treating the surfaces with sepia or neutral-grey distemper thinned with bull bile (obtained from vendors of fine arts articles) or milk. Remove any excess with a damp cloth.


Preface. To ensure the smooth and perfect assembly of the model remember the importance of the following instructions and the list of parts, it being practically impossible to complete the assembly work using only the drawings and one's personal experience. The list of numbered parts comprises all the components forming the model to be built and contains, in addition to the identification number appearing also on the drawings, the denomination, type of material, size (where required), the catalogue number (for the buying of parts which have been damaged) and a code for finding the piece in the box. N.B. - The letter "R" indicates that the piece is not cut to size in the box: the modeler has to make from a board or other indicated material a quite easy operation.

The gluing of wooden parts shall be made with vinyl glue while difficult and resistant joints or those between different materials (e.g. wood and brass) are best made with twocomponent adhesives for metals. A final recommendation regarding the working times: do not rush the completion of the work but proceed slowly, checking carefully the parts already completed and carefully programming the following steps.

Assembling of the inside parts. Fix the drawing to perfectly flat wooden chipboard showing the profile of the frame and the deck beams (Plate 2, fig. D). Fix to the working plank the triangular supports No. 1, suitable clamped by the bases No. 2 at the outside edge of the frame (Plate 2, fig. C). Now join the two half frames No. 3 then fix them to the plank and against the supports with small nails driven along the inside edge of the half-frames. Glue on, as shown, the boards No. 4 and No. 5. Use a small square to trace on the inside face on the frame the outlines of the beams supporting the decks, indicated in the drawing with the letters A,B,C,D and E (Plate 2, fig. A,C). Use the boards No. 6 and No. 7 and, starting at the base, line the inner side of the frame up to the mark E (Plate 2, fig. A and Plate 3, fig. F). To outline the joints between the planking we suggest to slightly bevel the edges of the boards not in contact with the frame. The ends of the boards shall be perpendicular to the respective long sides. It is also useful not to use too much glue for the parts to be joined to avoid an excess coming out. To make the fixing of the boards easier, we suggest placing the assembly plank vertically and retaining it with a clamp. Fix, using the parts No. 8 and No. 9, six pillars of the height indicated by the assembly plan (Plate 3, fig. E,F). Glue to the model the first two pillars and thereon the beam No. 10 fixing the latter with a few nails: if the beam has been located as required, it should present a slight convexity toward the top. Glue against the beam the boards No. 11, length exactly 22,5 mm serving as fillers and spacers between the beams (always Plate 3, fig. F). Then place the remaining two beams, supported by pillars and separated by other fillers. Then join to the structure as shown the two parts No.12 of the waterway. Place the boards No. 13 between the two beams, to be spaced 10 mm and flank them with the boards No. 14, accurately following the centre line of the model (Plate 3, fig. E). Add a length No. 14 to the front beam, then fix the deck planking No. 15 if you wish to emphasise the joints, pass the point of a pencil along the edges of the boards before assembly. If you so wish, you may cut along the beam very slight notches for simulating the head joints of the planks. Always using the same procedure, line the inside up to the height of the deck D and fix the required pillars and beams. Glue thereto, in the order given, the mast partners No. 16, the squaring No. 14, the waterway No. 12,the plan-king No. 15 as well as the shot garlands No. 17 already perforated and the shots No. 18 (Plate 2, fig. A and Plate 3, fig. D). Cut, at the height shown, the ladder sides No. 19 and assemble the two ladders with the steps No. 20 and fix them to the model. Assemble the decks C and B identical as fittings and fix thereto in the opening, the gratings No. 21, to be separately assembled (Plate 3, fig. B, C). Assemble the deck A, gluing on, in the given order, the mast partners No. 16, planking No. 15, the gratings No. 21, the profiles No. 22, the bases No. 23 and, to conclude, the ladders Nos. 19 and 20. The front beam is not lined with planking, but is to be slightly engraved, see the drawings, before assembling it so as to indicate two planks joined diagonally (Plate 3, fig. A).

Outside planking. At this point remove the external model supports but leaving the model on assembling plank (to which it is without doubt glued). Use a square and a ruler to draw on the outside face of the frame the shapes of the gun ports and of the two doors as indicated on the underlying drawing. Beginning at the keel begin to apply the external lining consisting of the planking No. 24, the wales No. 25,the plank sheer No.27 and the moulded strip No. 26 (Plate 2, fig. A and Plate 5, fig. A). All the boards shall be cut and squared off at the tracings of the openings, taking care to slightly chamfer the outer edges of the boards. Now remove the model from the working plank, then carefully finish the two cut faces with a large piece of sandpaper fixed to a table. Proceed now with the cutting out of the openings using a fine drill to drill 2 mm dia. holes at the inner edge of the traced outlines, then using a saw blade or a well-honed knife to cut them out. It is important to make the holes very close to each other and perfectly perpendicular to the centre axis of the model. Having now removed the hull sections so drilled, finish the edges of the openings carefully with a small file. Now join to the model the outboard No. 32 whose depth is to be adapted to the planking or projecting wales; also fix the label No. 31 supported by the supports No. 30 (Plate 2, fig. A and Plate 3, fig. G).

Superstructures. Glue on the channel No. 28 supported by the brackets No. 29, which must be made of brass rod, with the ends of the pieces penetrating for about 2 mm into the planking (Plate 3, fig. A). Complete now the top deck with the pieces No. 33, the breast-posts No. 34, the rail No. 35, the belaying rack Nos. 36 and 37, the belaying pins No.38, the cranes Nos. 39 and 40 and the handrail No. 41 (Plate 3, fig. A). Line the port lids No. 42 with pieces of boards No. 24; glue on the port lids the hinges No. 43 and lengths of rope No. 92, passing the latter through holes provided for this purpose in the bulwarks and gluing then

the port lids to the model. The latter operation can be made in two ways: by cutting the bent back end of the hinge or by cutting with a file two small notches into the profile of the hull opening and insert therein the ends of the hinges - this latter method being that suggested by us (Plate 3, fig. G and Plate 4, fig. A). The guns (items Nos. 46 to 55), after assembling, are glued to the decks in the order shown (Plate 1). It is also possible to fix the guns with the breeching No. 116 and tackles No. 115, the latter with 3 mm blocks Nos. 113 and 114 obtained by filing off the excess thickness of the 4 mm blocks (Plate 4, fig. B).

Masting. The preparation of the masting is perhaps the most delicate phase of the whole assembly, in particular for less skilled modelers. We suggest to prepare first all the separate parts (mast -sections, lower top, topmast trees, yards etc.), and to assemble the mast separately; the latter is then fixed to the model already equipped with all the fittings for the riggings such as the blocks, eyebolts etc. Those possessing a complete profile of the ship will observe that the mainmast is in fact slightly inclined toward the stern, but when considering the limited part of the hull used in this model, the final result would be rather unpleasant and we suggest, therefore, as also shown, to place the mast in a perfectly vertical position: a solution though not quite correct from a historical point of view, surely giving a better effect. The sizes and shapes as well as the location of the supplementary boards not only for the mast but also for the yards and booms must be obtained from the pictures to actual size given on Plates 1 and 4; the tapering, that is the thinning of the round sticks, is an operation to be made with maximum care, being very important for the good final effect of the model and is made first with a file, followed up with sandpaper of always finer grade. Much attention should also be paid to the preparation of the topmast trees: the characteristic curvature of the cross tree No. 73 is obtained by dipping the board into warm water bath, while the joints between the trees are prepared with files of the right size checking from time to time the fit of the pieces. Always using a file, prepare at the ends of cross trees No. 73 small notches for receiving the topgallant mast shrouds No. 100d, to be fixed with a drop of glue. The lower section of the mast shows in the real ship metal bands which could be embodied on the model in a very realistic manner with black cardboard strips about 2 mm wide. The joint between the single mast sections should be invisible: it is sufficient to use a limited amount of glue removing first the paint or other finishing from the surface destined to receive the glue, the final gluing of the mast in its seat should be made only after a careful check of its perpendicularity, during the drying period keep mast in correct position using temporary ropes tied to various points of the model. The deadeye straps No. 81 are bent at the two points shown, then inserted into the notches made for this purpose on the channels No. 28 and then fixed to the hull with a drop of glue and a small nail, then use the boards No. 83 to complete the said channel (Plate 4, fig. C). On the lower tops the deadeye straps are made of lengths of rope No. 98d, the same used for making the futtock shrouds (Plate 5, fig. B).

Riggings. Numbers 92 and 93 are riggings, lashings and various lengths of rope of the given diameter; all the other riggings ( standing riggings Nos. 95d to 102 and running riggings from No. 103d to No. 112d) are progressively numbered according to the chronological sequence to be observed in the assembly procedure; the diameter of the ropes to be used is, as always, given in the final list of parts. To return to the riggings and with exception of Nos. 102 and 105, each number indicates two symmetrical riggings: a right-hand one and a left-hand one of the mast (in fact, the small "d" indicates double riggings). If it is impossible to insert the end of the indicated rope into a block, use the point of a red-hot needle to enlarge the hole, taking care not to force it, to avoid the breaking of the block. All the knots should be fixed with a brush-stroke of glue, while the lashing can be covered with sewing yarn of the right color. For the correct location of the riggings refer not only to the illustrations, but also to the following scheme:

-No. 94: yard foot ropes supported by stirrups of rope No. 93.

-No. 95d: each length of rope forms two shrouds running down to the same side of the model and to be fitted alternately that is two to the right side, then two to the left side and again two to the right and two to the left).

-No. 98d: forming both the futtock shrouds and the top deadeye straps and are fixed to Nos. 95d (see Plate 5, fig. B).

-No. 99d: proceed as above to alternating Nos. 95d.

-No. 100d: single and end, after passing over the notches of the cross trees No. 73, on Nos. 99d.

-No. 101d: begin at the mast No. 58 and end at the block through which passes a length of rope No. 93, the latter is still tightened with a tackle of rope No. 92. -No. 102: standing rigging slung to the main yard No. 74 at the lower mast cap No. 70.

-No. 103d: starting, as shown, at the mast No. 56; the two end lines of the tackle are fixed to the heads of the bits No. 36 of the belaying rack.

-No. 104d: starting at the topmast No. 57, passing through the block on the topsail yard No. 75, through the blocks below the  trestle trees No. 72 then down to be fixed at the belaying pins.

-No. 105: beginning at the topgallant yard No. 76, through the hole in topgallant mast No. 58, down to the bealaying pin.

-No. 106d: from the block on the lower mast cap No. 70, through the block hooked to that of No. 108d (on the main yard No. 74),  again through the block on the cap, then to the belaying rack.

-No. 107d: from the topsail yard No. 75 through the blocks hooked to No. 108d to the block on yard No. 75 and to the balaying rack.

-No. 108d: from the block of No. 107d through the blocks on ends of the main yard No. 74 and the block at the center of the same, then to the belaying rack.

-No. 109d: from the block on the channel No. 28, several times through the block hooked to the rope length No. 93 (coming from the main yard No. 74) and again to the channel, then tied to the loop of the starting block.

-No. 110d: from the topmast cap No. 71 through the block on the topsail yard No. 75 and that on the cross tree No. 73 then seized to a shroud No. 95d, just above the upper deadeye.

-No. 111d: from the topsail yard No. 75 through the block on the top gallant yard No. 76, then seized to the shroud like No. 110d.

-No. 112d: from the topgallant mast No. 58 through the block on the topgallant yard No. 76 and that on the mast No. 58, then seized to shroud like No. 110d.

Basement. The model can be erected on the base No. 120 by fixing it with screws through the keel and the name plate No. 121. Is is possible also to make it still more realistic by fitting to the decks the buckets Ho. 117, rolls of rope and heaps of shots; the kegs and casks (Nos. 118 and 119) are located in the hold, preferably on a layer of dark, broken stone, easily to find, of about 5 to 8 mm. If you are interested examine the photo on the top of the kit box.


Plate ref. number


Quality of material or workmanship

List number



Triangular assembly slip

plywood 5 mm




Slip base

obeche board 8x10 mm





many-plies wood





walnut board 5x7 mm





walnut board 5x5 mm




Inner strake

beech board 3x3 mm

LS 256



Inner planking

walnut board 2x3 mm

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