Najlepsze lata naszego życia - Napisy cz. 2.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: DX50 416x304 23.976fps 701.1 MB
{81}{201}That's just it.|You haven't said anything about anything.
{318}{383}- That's not loaded, is it?|- Of course it isn't.
{386}{444}Don't you think l know|how to handle a gun?
{447}{496}l don't know what to think, Homer.
{499}{626}All l know is, l was in love with you when|you left and l'm in love with you now.
{629}{728}Other things may have changed,|but that hasn't.
{979}{1032}You wanna see how the hooks work?
{1035}{1087}You wanna see the freak?
{1147}{1209}All right, l'll show you!
{1222}{1288}Take a good look!
{1291}{1359}l didn't mean anything, Homer.
{1389}{1450}l was only...
{1519}{1579}l'm... l'm sorry, Luella.
{1583}{1644}lt isn't your fault.
{1647}{1713}Go on and play with your friends.
{2026}{2086}l know, Wilma. l was wrong.
{2089}{2147}l shouldn't have acted like that.
{2150}{2236}lt wasn't her that... burned my hands off.
{2298}{2378}l'll be all right.|l just gotta work it out myself.
{2382}{2506}- l could help you, Homer, if you'd let me.|- l've gotta work it out myself.
{2509}{2595}All l've wanted is for people|to treat me like anybody else,
{2598}{2647}instead of pitying me.
{2673}{2746}l guess it's hard for them to do that.
{2749}{2859}l've just gotta learn to get used to it|and pay no attention.
{2885}{2976}- Couldn't l...?|- No! l've gotta do it myself.
{4847}{4917}- Yes?|- OK, Pop, l'm going to bed now.
{4921}{4971}Be right with you, Homer.
{6849}{6907}- Night, son.|- Good night, Pop.
{7471}{7524}- Hello, babe.|- What you got there?
{7528}{7620}Our supper. Cream of corn soup,|potato salad, salami and liverwurst.
{7623}{7695}We're going to Jackie's Hot Spot.|l made a reservation.
{7698}{7783}- We're eating at home.|- Are you sick or something?
{7786}{7835}No, dear. Broke.
{7878}{7926}- Broke?|- You got it.
{7930}{7994}Well, what happened?|Where did it go to?
{7997}{8057}We spent it, babe.|That's what happened.
{8083}{8139}l didn't tell you|the money was almost gone
{8143}{8225}because l kept hoping|l was gonna land a good job.
{8229}{8300}But l'm not going to get one,
{8304}{8435}so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot|Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest.
{8439}{8492}Why couldn't you get a job?|Have you tried?
{8496}{8599}Sure. l've been all over town -|all the employment offices and the USES.
{8603}{8687}They say l ought to spend|a couple of years as an apprentice,
{8691}{8761}or go to a trade school.
{8765}{8836}A couple of years,|with you going to kindergarten.
{8840}{8898}And what would l be doing|in the meantime?
{8902}{8982}You can always help me|with my homework.
{9069}{9120}- Fred.|- Yeah?
{9123}{9209}- Are you really all right?|- Of course l'm all right. Why?
{9212}{9282}l mean, in your mind. ls anything...?
{9285}{9376}My mind?! You mean|you think l'm going goofy?
{9428}{9476}l've been wondering.
{9480}{9546}What was Gadowsky?
{9549}{9624}- Where did you hear about him?|- You talk in your sleep.
{9628}{9712}Something's on fire|and you want somebody to get out.
{9716}{9772}You keep saying ''Gadowsky! Gadowsky!''
{9825}{9905}He was a friend of mine, a B-1 7 pilot.|He got it over Berlin.
{9909}{9978}- Can't you get it out of your system?|- Oh, sure
{9982}{10091}The war's over. You won't get anyplace|till you stop thinking about it.
{10095}{10200}- Come on, snap out of it!|- OK, honey, l'll do that
{10242}{10335}l didn't tell you, Fred,|but l got a little money saved.
{10339}{10387}Dinner's on me tonight.
{10416}{10500}You'd better keep on saving it.|lt might come in handy sometime.
{10504}{10564}l appreciate the offer,|but we're eating at home.
{10568}{10644}Well, l'm hungry.|l'm going out by myself.
{10647}{10739}- You're not going. You'll eat what l cook.|- Let go of me!
{10743}{10861}When we married, the justice of the peace|said ''For better, for worse''. Remember?
{10865}{10922}- This is the ''worse''.|- When do we get the ''better''?
{10925}{10977}When l get wise to myself, l guess.
{10981}{11056}When l realise l'm not an officer|and a gentleman any more,
{11059}{11118}l'm just another soda jerk out of a job.
{11121}{11263}Go and sit down and read a magazine or|listen to the radio while l cook the soup.
{11309}{11374}l'll fix you a nice meal, honey.
{11378}{11480}Just like l used to do behind|the fountain, before the war.
{11837}{11905}Perfume and Cosmetics|is our outstanding feature.
{11909}{12003}lt accounts for 34�/. of gross intake|and an even higher proportion of profits.
{12007}{12095}As you will surmise, our customers|in this department are women.
{12098}{12156}Yes, l'd surmised that.
{12159}{12282}You must familiarise yourself with the|correct pronunciation of all the perfumes.
{12285}{12352}- R�ve Romantique.|- That means Romantic Dream.
{12356}{12456}- You speak French?|- Sticky, just enough to go to Paris bars.
{12459}{12562}Let's get one thing straight, Derry.|The name ''Sticky'' is out.
{12566}{12622}Yes, Mr Merkel. l understand.
{12625}{12734}This week we're pushing the new|Champagne Bubble Bath. $1 .98.
{12737}{12811}Down here are some special... Come here.
{12815}{12906}Down here are some|specially made-up toilet sets...
{12997}{13073}- Thank you.|- Morning, Mr Latham.
{13077}{13162}- Morning.|- Good morning, Mr Stephenson.
{13196}{13270}What have we here?|The Bretton Woods Agreement?
{13273}{13388}That's a Mr Novak, waiting over there.|He's applying for a Gl loan.
{13392}{13470}- Oh, good. l'll see him.|- Mr Novak.
{13473}{13549}- Sit down, Mr Novak.|- Thank you, sir.
{13572}{13623}Don't ''sir'' me, Mr Novak.
{13648}{13697}l'm a sergeant.
{13789}{13839}- l see you were in the navy.|- Yes, sir.
{13843}{13915}l mean, yes, l was. ln the Seabees.
{13919}{13967}Where'd you operate?
{13971}{14036}All over the Pacific.|One island after another.
{14040}{14093}What'd you do, mostly?
{14096}{14202}Go in before the landings and clear|the mines and underwater obstructions.
{14206}{14281}When they'd taken enough ground|for an airstrip we'd build it.
{14284}{14368}- Fairly interesting work, eh?|- No, it got monotonous.
{14371}{14481}Those islands all look alike.|Until lwo Jima. That was different.
{14484}{14550}So l've heard.
{14554}{14631}l see you have quite a family.|A wife and four children.
{14634}{14738}Yes. There'd have been more|if l hadn't been away three years.
{14742}{14815}- And now you wanna buy a farm.|- Yes, sir.
{14819}{14876}Got my eye on a fine piece of property.
{14880}{14938}40 acres, out near Anton Corners.
{14942}{14990}What about collateral?
{15021}{15116}- Collateral? What's that?|- Security for your loan.
{15120}{15174}What can you put up|in the way of property?
{15178}{15299}Have you any stocks and bonds?|Real estate? Valuables of any kind?
{15303}{15402}No, Mr Stephenson. You see, the point is,|l haven't got any property.
{15406}{15490}That's why l want the loan,|so l can get the property.
{15494}{15547}l see.
{15550}{15622}No collateral.|That makes things difficult.
{15625}{15678}l'm a good farmer, Mr Stephenson.
{15682}{15741}Why, even during the war|l kept my hand in.
{15745}{15840}l used to spend my spare time down on|those islands working truck gardens
{15844}{15941}so my outfit could have fresh tomatoes|and green corn and all that.
{15945}{16059}And before the war l was a sharecropper,|like my father before me.
{16062}{16175}And now, l feel l'd like to have|a little piece of my own to work.
{16179}{16253}- You like to grow things, eh?|- Yes, sir.
{16257}{16316}And with the food shortage|all over the world,
{16320}{16394}farming's about the most|important work there is.
{16397}{16501}l mean... Well, don't you think so,|Mr Stephenson?
{16605}{16737}You see, Mr Stephenson, l don't feel|this is asking the bank for a handout.
{16741}{16861}l feel it's my right. At least, that's what|l've been told by other ex-servicemen:
{16865}{16924}that the government|guarantees loans to us...
{16928}{17016}Your loan would be administered|through this bank,
{17020}{17113}which would put up|half of the $6,000 you require.
{17117}{17215}Now, that involves risk|for this bank, Mr Novak.
{17345}{17393}Excuse me.
{17659}{17691}- Al!|- Homer!
{17695}{17762}- Look at you!|- Look at you!
{17766}{17855}- So this is where you work.|- Sort of. Are you sticking up the bank?
{17859}{17977}Look, 200 leaves of cabbage. That's|what l get every month from now on.
{17981}{18032}- Pretty soft, eh?|- Pretty soft.
{18035}{18164}- You sure we haven't short-changed you?|- l kept my eye on the guy counting it out.
{18168}{18238}Did you know Fred Derry|had a job at the Midway Drugstore?
{18242}{18303}- No, l didn't.|- He introduced me to his wife.
{18307}{18360}- Yeah?|- (whistles) Some dish.
{18364}{18433}We'll all have to get together at Butch's.
{18436}{18494}- Fine. That's where l'm going now.|- Yeah?
{18497}{18578}- To take a piano lesson.|- You... Uh-huh?
{18582}{18636}Take one for me.
{18640}{18705}- See you later.|- So long, Homer.
{18895}{19021}Well, as l was saying, Mr Novak,|there is an element of risk involved.
{19024}{19160}We'll have to have the property appraised.|But you'll get your loan.
{19164}{19254}Say, Mr Stephenson,|l don't know how to begin to thank you.
{19258}{19323}Don't try. You look like|a good risk to me.
{19327}{19406}When the tomato plants start producing,|l want free samples.
{19409}{19547}- l'll tell you when the papers are ready.|- Thank you, sir. Thank you.
{19550}{19599}God bless you.
{19768}{19820}l've seen advertisements about this.
{19823}{19890}Night of Bliss.|ls it all that they say it is?
{19894}{19972}What do they say it is?|''Haunting, provocative, languorous.''
{19975}{20025}Oh, yes, l'm sure it's all of those.
{20307}{20373}- Don't play with those toys, bud.|- My name ain't Bud!
{20377}{20452}- Dexter, stop...
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