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Based on the novel by Lewis Carroll
Written by
Ewa Wolańska and Adam Wolański
With illustrations by
Michał Dąbrowski
Translation by
Jerzy Chyb
Warsaw 2005
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Dariusz Kętla
Copy editor:
Natica Schmeder
Production editor:
Barbara Gluza
Cover designer:
Michał Dąbrowski
Krzysztof Świstak
Text and illustrations copyright by FELBERG SJA
Publishing House, 2005
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro-
duced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the Publisher.
Printed in Poland
ISBN 83-88667-48-3
t was a hot afternoon. Alice was sitting next to
her sister in the garden, under a tree. The girls were
telling each other stories about their cat Dinah.
Suddenly Alice saw a white rabbit running close by
her. The Rabbit stopped, took a watch out of his
pocket, looked at it, and then hurried on. Alice ran
after him. She saw the Rabbit pop down a rabbit-
hole under a big tree. The girl jumped into the hole
after him.
The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel
and then dropped suddenly down like a deep well.
While falling, Alice had time to look around her.
She noticed that the sides of the well were filled
with cupboards and bookshelves full of jars, lamps
and books. Then Alice landed safely at the bottom
of the rabbit-hole.
The girl jumped to her feet and looked around.
She was standing alone in a long, low hall. The White
Rabbit was nowhere to be seen. She walked down the
hall. Suddenly she came upon a little table. There was
nothing on it but a golden key. With it, the girl tried
to unlock a little door hidden behind a curtain, and to
her great delight the key fitted! Alice opened the door
and saw a beautiful garden full of colorful flowers. But
the door was so small that she could not even get her
head through it.
Alice was sad when she returned to the table. She
was about to put the key back on it when she saw
a little bottle that had not been there before. The
bottle had a label with the words “Drink me.” Alice
drank the contents and started to get smaller and
smaller. Her face brightened. The girl knew she was
now the right size to go through the little door into
that lovely garden.
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