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Lists of Idiomatic Expressions
One of the most difficult aspects of a language to master is the usage of idiomatic expressions.
Idiomatic expressions are phrases that carry a specific meaning within the language. Normally,
there is no logical way of translating them word by word. The only way to learn them is to
memorize them, and to practice their use. Below, you will find a series of Spanish idiomatic
expressions grouped by types, according to the verb or the preposition they contain, and their
English counterparts.
Expresiones con DAR (Idioms with DAR)
dar a
to face; to look out upon
dar la espalda
to turn one’s back
dar a conocer
to make known
dar gritos
to shout
dar a luz
to give birth
dar gusto
to please
dar un abrazo
to embrace
dar la hora
to strike the hour
dar asco
to disgust
dar gato por liebre
to gyp; to swindle
dar la bienvenida
to welcome
dar las gracias
to thank
dar brincos
to jump
dar guerra
to cause a lot of trouble
dar los buenos
to say good
dar largas
to prolong an affair
(días, tardes)
(morning, afternoon)
dar calabazas
to jilt; to flunk
dar lata
to make a nuisance of
dar la cara
to take responsibility
dar lugar a
to give cause for
dar carta blanca
to give someone a free hand
dar una mano
to lend a hand
dar con
to come upon; to find
dar lo mismo
to make no difference
dar con la puerta
to slam the door
dar la nota
to stand out
en las narices
in one’s face
dar cuenta de
to give a report on
dar pena a
to aggrieve
dar cuerda a
to wind
dar que hablar
to give grounds
for criticism
dar de alta
to discharge (a patient)
dar que hacer
to cause trouble
dar de baja
to drop (from a list)
dar que pensar
to give grounds
for suspicion
dar de beber (comer)
to give a drink (to feed)
dar palos de ciego
to swing out wildly
dar de palos
to beat; to thrash
dar parte
to inform
dar en
to strike against; to hit
dar un paseo
to take a walk
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dar por + past participle
to consider
dar una vuelta
to take a stroll
darse por aludido
to take it personally
darse a
to devote oneself to
dar a hecho
to take for granted
darse cuenta de
to realize
dar por muerto
to consider dead
darse de baja
to withdraw; to drop out
dar por sentado
to take for granted
darse ínfulas
to put on airs
dar razón
to give account
darse la mano
to shake hands
dar la razón
to agree with
darse por + past participle
to consider oneself
dar recuerdos a
to give regards to
darse por vencido
to give up
dar rienda suelta a
to give free rein to
darse prisa
to hurry
dar al traste con
to destroy; to spoil
dársela a uno
to make a fool out of
dar voces
to shout
dárselas de
to pose as; to claim to be
dar vueltas a
to think something over
Expresiones con ECHAR (Idioms with ECHAR)
echar a + infinitive
to start to
echar en cara
to throw in one’s face
echar a perder
to ruin; to spoil
echar en el olvido
to forget completely
echar abajo
to demolish
echar flores
to flatter
echar al correo
to mail
echar mano a
to lay hands on
echar la bronca a uno
to give someone
echar raíces
to take root
a dressing down
echar chispas
to be furious; to be angry
echar todo a rodar
to make a fizzle
echar la culpa
to blame
echarse atrás
to lean backwards; to retract
echar de comer
to feed (animals)
echarse a dormir
to lie down to sleep
echar de menos
to miss
echárselas de
to boast of being
Expresiones con ESTAR (Idioms with ESTAR)
está despejado
it’s clear
estar al corriente de
to be up to date
está nublado
it’s cloudy
estar apurado
to be in a hurry
estar a
to be priced at
estar calado
to be soaked to the skin
estar a dos velas
to be broke
estar como pez en el agua
to be right at home
estar a punto de
to be about to
estar con el alma en vilo
to be in suspense
estar a sus anchas
to be comfortable
estar conforme con
to be in agreement with
estar al caer
to be about to happen
estar de acuerdo
to be in agreement
List of Idiomatic Expressions
estar de buen humor
to be in a good mood
estar en el limbo
to be lost
estar de mal humor
to be in a bad mood
estar en todo
to have a finger in everything
estar de más
to be in excess
estar en un tris
to be about to happen
estar de paso
to be passing through
estar fuera de sí
to be beside oneself
estar de sobra
to be in excess
estar hecho polvo
to be worn out
estar de vuelta
to be back
estar hecho una fiera
to be furious
estar en Babia
to daydream
estar hecho una sopa
to be soaked
estar en brazos de Morfeo
to be sleeping
estar loco de remate
to be completely crazy
estar en condiciones
to be in good shape
estar para + infinitive
to be about to
estar en forma
to be in good shape
estar pez
to ignore (something)
estar en la luna
to have one’s head
estar sin blanca
to be flat broke
in the clouds
estar en las nubes
to daydream
Expresiones con HABER (Idioms with HABER)
haber de + infinitive
to be supposed to;
haber lodo
to be muddy
to have to
haber gato encerrado
there is something fishy
haber neblina
to be foggy
haber sol
to be sunny
hay luna
there is moonlight
haber polvo
to be dusty
hay que + infinitive
it is necessary; one must
Expresiones con HACER (Idioms with HACER)
hace + time expression +
hacer calor
to be warm
que + preterite
hace mucho tiempo
long time ago
hacer caso de
to pay attention to; to notice
hace poco
a little while ago
hacer cola
to line up
hacer su agosto
to make a killing
hacer daño
to harm; to damage
hacer alarde
to boast
hacer de
to work as; to act as
hacer alusión
to allude
hacer de cuenta
to pretend; to act as though
hacer añicos
to break to pieces
hacer de nuevo
to do over
hacer buen tiempo
to be good weather
hacer de las suyas
to be up to one’s old tricks
hacer buenas migas
to hit it off with someone
hacer de tripas corazón
to pluck up courage
hacer burla de
to make fun of
hacer falta
to be in need of
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hacer el favor
to do a favor
hacer señas
to signal
hacer frente
to face; to take
hacer viento
to be windy
the responsability
hacer fresco
to be cool (weather)
hacer un viaje
to take a trip
hacer frío
to be cold (weather)
hacer una visita
to pay a visit
hacer fuerza
to exert force
to become
hacer juego
to match
hacerse con
to provide oneself with
hacer el papel de
to play the role of
hacerse ilusiones
to fool oneself
hacer mal tiempo
to be bad weather
hacerse de rogar
to like to be coaxed
hacer mofa
to mock; to scoff at
hacerse tarde
to become late
hacer morisquetas
to play pranks
hacerse daño
to hurt oneself
hacer las paces
to make peace
hacerse de la
to turn a blind eye
vista gorda
hacer pedazos
to break to pieces; to tear
hacerse el muerto
to play dead
hacer un pedido
to place an order
hacerse el sueco
to pretend not to understand
hacer una pregunta
to ask a question
hacerse el tonto
to play dumb
hacer saber
to inform
hacérsele agua la boca
to make someone’s mouth water
Expresiones con PONER (Idioms with PONER)
poner al corriente
to inform
poner las cartas
to lay one’s cards
sobre la mesa
on the table
poner al día
to bring someone up to date
poner pies en polvorosa
to take to one’s heels
poner al sol
to expose to the sun
poner por las nubes
to praise highly
poner aparte
to set aside
poner los puntos
to dot the i’s and
sobre las íes
cross the t’s
poner nuevo
to humiliate; to reprimand
poner reparos
to make objectionss
poner como un trapo
to wipe the floor
ponerle el cascabel
to stick one’s neck out
with someone
al gato
poner las cosas en claro
to clear things up; to explain
ponerse + adjective
to become (involuntarily)
poner de manifiesto
to make public
ponerse a + infinitive
to begin to
poner en apuros
to put in a jam
ponerse bien
to get well
poner en claro
to make clear
ponerse colorado
to blush
poner en duda
to question
ponerse de acuerdo
to come to an agreement
poner en marcha
to start; to get going
ponerse de pie
to stand up
poner el grito en el cielo
to complain bitterly
ponerse en ridículo
to make look ridiculous
poner mala cara
to give a dirty look
ponérsele la carne de gallina
to get goose pimples
poner la mesa
to set the table
List of Idiomatic Expressions
Expresiones con TENER (Idioms with TENER)
tener a bien
to find it convenient
tener mundo
to be sophisticated
tener ángel
to be charming
tener los nervios
to have one’s nerve on
de punta
the edge
tener años
to be old
tener ojo de buen cubero
to have accurate eye
tener buena estrella
to be lucky
tener pájaros en la cabeza
to have bats in the belfry
tene corazón de piedra
to be hard-hearted
tener palabra
to keep one’s word
tener calor
to be hot
tener la palabra
to have the floor
tener cuidado
to be careful
tener pensado
to intend to
tener la culpa
to be to blame for
tener un pico de oro
to be very persuasive
tener un disgusto
to have a falling out
tener por + past participle
to consider
tener dolor
to have a pain
tener presente
to bear in mind
tener en cuenta
to take into account
tener prisa
to be in a hurry
tener en mente
to have in mind
tener que + infinitive
to have to do something
tener en la punta
to have on the tip
tener que ver con
to have to do with
de la lengua
of one’s tongue
tener entendido que
to understand that
tener razón
to be right
tener éxito
to be successful
tener sed
to be thirsty
tener frío
to be cold
tener sueño
to be sleepy
tener ganas de
to feel like
tener suerte
to be lucky
tener gracia
to be funny
tener vergüenza
to be ashamed
tener hambre
to be hungry
no tener arreglo
not able to be helped
tener los huesos molidos
to be exhausted
no tener la menor idea
to not have the slightest
tener inconveniente
to mind; to object to
no tener nombre
to be unspeakable
tener lástima (a alguien)
to feel sorry for someone
no tener un pelo de tonto
to be nobody’s fool
tener la lengua larga
to have a big mouth
no tener pelos en la lengua
to be very outspoken
tener líos
to have difficulties
no tener pies ni cabeza
to not make any sense
tener lugar
to take place
no tener razón
to be wrong
tener madera para
to be made for
no tener remedio
not able to be helped
tener mala cara
to look bad
no tener donde
to be penniless
caerse muerto
tener malas pulgas
to be short-tempered
no tenerlas todas consigo
to be anxious;
to be worried
tener miedo de
to be afraid of
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