Vampire the Masquerade - Clanbook - Ahrimanes clanbook.pdf

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Bloodlinebook - Ahrimanes
A Net Sourcebook for
Vampire: the Masquerade
by Mark Antill
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Credits and Thanks:
Jess Heinig - For suggesting having a Lhiannan connection
Sven Skoog - For suggesting having a Yaryan connection
Chris Tembreull - The Ahrimanes logo
Rebeca Lloyd - The terms Ritemother, Wildform and Third Birth
Kabael - For some ideas from his Ahrimanes stuff, most notably "Another Slant"
Krissy Knight - For helping with most of the rules stuff during our game, and being a
wonderful ST.
Mark Antill - Everything else
A big thank you to everyone who emailed me or posted to with
suggestions, comments and advice
The cover picture comes from an online image archive
The Ahrimanes are a small Bloodline,
an all female offshoot of the Sabbat
Gangrel first introduced in the
Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat ,
and getting a very brief mention in the
Vampire Storyteller’s Handbook . You
do not need either book to use this work
as all the information required here. The
purpose of this book is to expand on the
given information there, to give some
depth, purpose and hopefully interest to
the Bloodline by updating and expanding
on the original 2nd edition information.
In the end, use this like any
supplement, take the bits from it you like
and incorporate it into you game world in
the way that suits you best. If some people
find some things they like and use here,
I’ll consider this work a success.
First Birth : Being born a mortal
Indulging : Spending most of the time
in or around just one of the Three Worlds.
Some Ahrimanes do this to better
understand a world, others believe it is a
loss of control and balance.
Kingdom : Another term for one of the
three worlds. So, for example, the World
of Beasts is sometimes referred to as the
Kingdom of Beasts.
Manitou : A spirit.
Medicine: Magical power including
but not limited to Disciplines. Younger
Ahrimanes sometimes call it Mojo.
As a rather culturally isolated group, its
not unsurprising the Ahrimanes have
developed some terms of their own.
Mentor : An older Ahrimane who is
training up a Gangrel as a potential
member. Sometimes called a Mother as
Big Chief : Muricia, the Bloodline’s
founder. Used by younger Ahrimanes and
never in her presence.
Ritemother : A Mentor who has
successfully lead their charge through the
Third Birth is now that Ahrimane’s
Cat : An Ahrimane, not considered
Second Birth : The Embrace.
Chief : Informal term for an Ahrimane
pack leader.
Shaman, Shamaness : An Ahrimane
pack priest, both terms apply to females.
Den : A place where a founded
Ahrimane pack dwells, rationally a remote
estate in southern USA but that has been
changing recently.
Third Birth : The ritual that transforms
a female Gangrel into an Ahrimane.
Wildform : The Cat-woman form
granted by the fifth level of Spiritus.
Witch : Someone who calls upon evil or
malevolent spirits. Doing such things is
considered witchcraft.
It is also probably worth noting that
Ahrimanes do not go around using Lupine
and Mage terminology. No Cat talks about
the ‘Umbra’, ‘Gafflings’, ‘Preceptors’ and
other such terms. Very few of them would
have the slightest idea what such terms
mean, even if they are familiar with the
World of Beasts: The world of animals
and also the vampire’s Beast, also called
the Beastsworld.
World of Man : The world of
humankind, of mortals, also sometimes
called Mansworld. Some Ahrimanes insist
on the term ‘humans’ rather than ‘man’.
World of Spirits : The place the spirits
dwell in, also called the Spiritworld, the
Otherworld and the Umbra.
Chapter One:
History and Practices
Like the Gangrel from which they came
the Ahrimanes have a very strong tradition
of oral history, and storytelling is
customary at any of their gatherings.
Given the small size and relative youth of
the bloodline its not surprising many
stories do not involve its members at all
but draw their sources from the native
myths and legends of the spirit world. One
story that is about an Ahrimane is story of
Muricia, the founder and mother of the
bloodline. That story is told to all
Ahrimanes and although, as with any
culture with an oral history, the details
change with each telling the following is
something that all Ahrimanes can usually
agree upon.
The history of the Ahrimane bloodline
starts with the history of its founder, the
Gangrel antitribu Muricia. Muricia
originally came to America with her sire
and his pack but before then they had been
roaming the dwindling wilds of Europe.
As befitted a Country Gangrel, Muricia
often travelled apart from her pack and it
was during one of these periods that the
seeds of the Ahrimanes creation was
While journeying by herself, Muricia
came across an ancient, long neglected
burial mound surrounded by imposing,
carved standing stones and hidden in the
depths of a forest. Intrigued by this place
she decided to force her way inside to see
what it contained. The large stone over the
entrance would have kept out any mortal,
but eventually her vampiric strength
enabled her to move it and enter the
The darkness inside was no obstacle to
one as adept at Protean as she and with her
powers she could clearly see the inhabitant
of the mound. Lying on a stone slab was
the form of a torporus vampire.
Completely naked, she was covered from
head to foot in pagan symbols which were
etched into her flesh with blood. Having
found what she believed to be the resting
placed of an Elder, Muricia did what any
Sabbat would do, she diablerised her.
It soon became apparent that this elder
had been a practitioner of some form of
blood magic. Muricia soon found herself
exhibiting some strange new powers under
stress, although she was unable to call
upon them at will. Fascinated by this she
started to study pagan history, beliefs and
magic as she was finding herself being
drawn closer to natural and spiritual
world, and she was convinced that this
was the root of her new abilities.
However, her studies were soon cut
short by her sire, who was taking his pack
to America where the Sabbat were rapidly
expanding while fighting a bloody war
against the Camarilla for control of this
new land. Unable to resist the ties of the
Vinculum and her vestigial feelings of
loyalty towards him, Muricia went with
him to the new land. However, the war
she found their was not the one she had
been expecting. Factions within the
Gangrel antitribu had gone to war with
each other, Country Gangrel against City
Gangrel and her sire had joined the
fighting against his own kind with a relish
that revolted her.
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