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Teacher’s Notes
JOBS / PROFESSIONS – matura rozszerzona
by Aleksandra Prochalska
Type of activity : individual work
Focus: to check and revise vocabulary concerning JOBS
based on “Revise ForMatura – Repetytorium”
Level: Intermediate – Upper Intermediate
Time : 20 – 25 minutes
2. Translate into Polish / 15 points
1. menial job – niewdzięczna, służalcza praca
2. manual job – praca izyczna
3. perks – dodatkowe korzyści
4. a dead end job – praca bez perspektyw
5. to talk shop – r ozmawiać o sprawach
z awodowych
6. to earn a living – zarabiać na życie
7. shift work – praca na zmiany
8. a vacancy – wolna posada
9. to be short-listed – być na liście kandydatów
10. to be promoted – dostać awans
11. an obstetrician – ginekolog – położnik
12. an employee – pracownik
13. jet-legged – z męczony zmianami stref
14. estate agent – agent nieruchomości
15. a copywriter – autor tekstów reklamowych
1. Photocopy the test.
1. Explain the tasks in the test if necessary.
2. Set the time limit.
Extension / Follow-up:
You may discuss marked tests with the whole class.
The key just provides suggestions, there might be
other possible answers.
1. In English explain the difference. / 16 points
a) an interview – i s a meeting with a possible
employer when you have applied for a job /
an audition – i s a meeting with, for example, a
t heatre director when you want to perform in a
1) A doctor who does operations in a hospital – surgeon
2) Someone who owns or works in a shop that sells
lowers and indoor plants for the home – lorist
3) Someone whose job is making and repairing wooden
objects – carpenter
4) Someone whose job is to advise people about laws,
write formal agreements, or represent people in
court – l awyer
5) Someone whose job is to check that people have
not parked their cars illegally – t rafic warden
6) Someone whose job is to give beauty treatments to
your skin, hair, etc – beautician
7) Someone whose job is to keep and check inancial
accounts, calculate taxes, etc – accountant
8) I applied f or a job as a marketing manager.
9) I would like to take one day off , as I am very tired.
10) He is in charge of a marketing department.
11) He set up his business last year and his company is
developing all the time.
12) She gave birth to a child and went on maternity
13) Someone who chooses to work a lot, so that they do
not have time to do anything else – workaholic
14) Someone who is being trained for a job – t rainee
15) Someone who is trained to give medical care and
treatment to sick animals – vet
16) Someone whose job is to arrange funerals –
17) He was dismissed f rom his post.
18) If you work more than 8 hours a day you work
overtime .
19) Everybody has to pay i ncome tax, which is tax paid
on the money that you earn.
b) full time job – you work 8 hours per day /
part time job – you work less than 8 hours per
c) to be made redundant – you lose your job
because of, for example, economic reasons /
to be ired – you lose your job because of your
poor work
d) staff – a group of people in, for example, a
company /
crew – a group of people employed on board a
plane or ship
e) employer – a person who gives you a job /
employee – a person who works for an employer
f) unemployment – a situation in which you do not
have a job /
retirement – a situation in which you do not
work any more because you are over 65 and you
get a pension
g) temporary – not permanent, for some time only /
permanent – steady employment
h) a tailor – a person who makes clothes mainly for
men /
a dressmaker – a person who makes clothes
mainly for women
© Macmillan Polska 2010
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