There was a castle but there weren´t any skyscrapers.doc

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There was a castle but there weren´t any skyscrapers

C:\Documents and Settings\vanda\Ambiente de trabalho\htere weren´t.JPG

I:\clip grafiels\ga12.gif

A)      Look at the picture and write sentences. Follow the example:

Hundreds of years ago …..

Example: There was a castle but there weren´t any skyscrapers. (Castle / skyscrapers)

·         _____________________________________________ ( dragons / mobile phones)

·         ­_____________________________________________ (coaches / cars)

·         _____________________________________________ (bridge / airplanes)

·         ­_____________________________________________ ( Cliffs / fire station)

·         _____________________________________________ (hills / Zoo)








B) Rewrite the sentences in the simple past. Change the adverb if necessary.


·         (Are there) __________________________________ any airplanes in those days?

·         ( Is there ) __________________________________ a fire station in this city?

·         ( There aren´t) __________________________________ any crossroads with traffics lights at that time.

·         ( Aren´t there) __________________________________ boats on the river in the nineteenth century?

·         (There is now) __________________________________ a taxi rank at that time.

I:\clip grafiels\Garfield-painting.jpg







C) Rewrite the sentences in the simple past, change the adverbs, if necessary.



·         Nowadays there is an embassy in town.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         There are some street lights in those avenues.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         There´s a petrol station near the supermarket.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         Are there any traffic lights.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         There aren´t any traffic jams at this time.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         There aren´t any traffic lights in the country.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         There isn´t much traffic in this village.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         Is there a fountain in the square?

I:\clip grafiels\Garfield_mail.gif

·         There are some lampposts in that lane.

·         _____________________________________________________________

·         Isn´t there a postbox near this house?

·         ___________________________________________________________


D) Write yes / No questions and answer according to the information given in brackets.


·         There was a bank in this road.

·         _________________________________________________________?

·         Yes, _____________________________________________________.


·         There were some public gardens in town.


·         _________________________________________________________?

·         No, ________________________________________________.( car park)



·         There was a big factory here ten years ago.

·         _________________________________________________________?

·         No , _______________________________________________. (campsite)


·         There were some ponds in the park.


·         _________________________________________________________?

·         Yes, _____________________________________________________.



E) Complete the sentences using there + to be in the simple past.



a)      ________________ a fire station and a student hall of residence in 1984.

b)      ________________any cinemas, but ________________a small pub .

c)       Near the pub ________________ a post office.

d)      ________________ many trees and animals, but __________ a forest.

e)      ________________ a town hall? Yes, ______________.

f)        ________________ tree hotels? NO, ______________ .
I:\clip grafiels\Garfield_mail.gif

g)      _______________ three guest houses.



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