25 KB
Microsoft Word - map-of-spain
Map of Spain
Directions: Draw and label Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla, Bilboa, and Malaga. Also, draw and label the Pyrenees and
the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Color the map.
Plik z chomika:
Inne pliki z tego folderu:
A Day at the Space Station.pdf
(448 KB)
Action Noun Collocation Crossword.pdf
(563 KB)
action verbs.pdf
(140 KB)
Action Verbs matching.pdf
(130 KB)
Action Verbs search.pdf
(116 KB)
Inne foldery tego chomika:
Metoda Callana
Plansze Edukacyjne
Successful Writing - Intermediate
Successful Writing - Proficiency
Successful Writing - Upper-Intermediate
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