Teach Yourself Guitar Using Flash.pdf

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Teach yourself guitar using Flash
James Fassett
NM 44-07
Pre-Production 101
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Executive Summary
As a resource, the Internet is able to provide information on a
huge array of subjects. The environment the medium provides
allows those who wish to educate themselves on any particular
subject the ability to learn at their own pace. Tutorials are and
excellent way for someone to learn a subject they have never
before had experience with, as they involve the user in the
learning process. This is why I chose the Internet as a delivery
medium for an interactive guitar tutorial site.
The traditional way to learn guitar would be to buy or rent a
guitar and then attend lessons with a tutor. In some cases, such
as remote areas this is not possible. This creates a need for an
alternative means of learning. Although there are books and
videos available for learning guitar, they face certain
First of all, both are limited by their length. Content cannot be
added after the product has been purchased. Also the nature of
video makes self-paced learning a difficult endeavor. One must
start and stop the tape at different times, sometimes during
each session, to practice what has just been taught. Videos also
make learning guitar in a non-linear fashion near impossible.
Books are also inadequate, as they do not provide multimedia
instruction on how to play the guitar. Although pictures are
available, they often do not convey all of the information a video
is able to.
The Internet provides an environment where the user is in total
control over the way lessons are delivered and ordered.
Multimedia content can be downloaded and viewed in any
sequence making learning the guitar a much simpler task.
My online guitar tutorial will use Flash to provide the user with a
multimedia learning environment. Flash allows users with
computers and a connection to the Internet the ability to
download content which is rich in multimedia quickly and easily.
I hope to provide a beginner guitar player with all of the tools
and tutorials necessary to learn how to play guitar in a short
amount of time.
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The site will be separated into several sections. The first section
will contain the tutorials which make up the bulk of the content
on the site. These tutorials will also link to videos inside a
separate video section so that students can see a video
representation of what the tutorial teaches. I also feel an
archive section would add an interactive element to the site by
allowing users to create, save and rate guitar phrases. No
education on guitar would be complete without some explanation
on how a guitar works and the equipment involved, so I have
provided that in a section as well. Finally there will be a help
section which will explain the conventions used within the
I am very excited about this project and I hope to adequately
provide a resource which will fulfill the needs of a beginner guitar
player. I feel that through the use of text, flash, sound and
video I will be able to provide an immersive learning
environment which will keep the guitar player coming back for
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Primary Objective
This site will use Flash delivered through the Internet to create a
captivating learning environment where guitar players of all ages
are able to learn the fundamentals of chord formation and
intervals. This content will be available to users who have an
Internet connection with a modem speed of at least 53Kbps and
Flash 5 installed on their system.
Audience Analysis
The primary audience for this site would include individuals who
have recently taken the initiative to teach themselves guitar. I
use this as a focus because I find it is necessary to direct the
content at the self-taught guitar enthusiast. What I mean by
this are guitar players who have a strong interest in teaching
themselves guitar. This attitude is generally one of youth, so I
would say that the psychographic would be from the ages of 18
– 40. They would most likely have a very strong interest in
music. These students of guitar will also need to have an
internet connection with a speed of at least 53Kbps, as well as
the Macromedia Flash plug-in installed in order to view the
lesson (although a broadband connection would be preferred).
For the video lessons the student would also require a media
player such as QuickTime. The site will be designed so that
users who have only a small amount of computer savvy will be
able to successfully navigate the site to complete the lessons.
Market Analysis
Although there are many sites which teach guitar to students, I
was unable to find many guitar tutorial sites which used Flash to
deliver the content. In fact, many sites merely provided articles
that explained theory. In my opinion this is an ineffective way to
convey the art of playing guitar. A visual representation of what
is being taught is a much more effective means of teaching
guitar basics. Those sites that did provide video as a visual tool
usually provided low quality videos, which in most cases had
been improperly produced.
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The Ultimate on Line Guitar Tutor
The ultimate on line guitar tutor offers a huge selection of
tutorials for guitar players. This site appears to be totally
free. It contains several sections with numerous tutorials
within each section.
What I like:
This site offered many excellent tutorials on playing the
guitar. It had a very intuitive interface, which lead to
sections that reflected the navigation links. It was geared
towards beginner / intermediate players and provided
information on all stages of playing a guitar, from buying
and tuning all the way to advanced scales and arpeggios.
It also had sound files so the user could hear what one was
supposed to play for the lesson.
What I dislike:
This site is very plain. The interface uses unnecessary
images and they look silly when placed next to the
unformatted, unstyled text. Most of the tutorials are
articles which explain in words how to play guitar, and
although there is a sound section it is small and in low
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