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Dictionary of Networking
Networks are currently one of the fastest growing and most important developments in
the computer industry. Not only are more and more PCs becoming parts of networks, but
networked PCs are being incorporated into larger enterprise-wide applications so that ev-
eryone in a company can access and share data.
provides definitions for all the terms you will encounter
when dealing with networks of any type.
Who Should Use This Book?
This book is designed to meet the needs of people who work with networks, communica-
tions, and mobile computing systems. Whether you are networking previously uncon-
nected computers or downsizing from a mainframe, this book is for you. And if you are
studying for one of the network certification exams, you will find this book to be an es-
sential reference.
Network users of all levels are barraged with an almost bewildering array of terms, ab-
breviations, and acronyms in books, magazine and newspaper articles, advertisements,
and their day-to-day conversations. Jargon is a useful shorthand, but it can easily become
incomprehensible and unmanageable, even to the most seasoned network administrator.
What You’ll Find in This Book
Along with clear explanations of the jargon and slang associated with networking, you’ll
find definitions of more than 3,000 networking technical terms, abbreviations, and acro-
nyms. The list that follows gives you a brief overview of the topics that this book covers:
Acronyms and abbreviations
Active Directory
Application software
Cables, cards, and connectors
Certification schemes
Chips, memory, and adapters
With the expanding technology of networking comes the terminology to describe it.
Dictionary of Networking
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Connectivity tools, products, and equipment
Disks and storage media
File systems
Industry standards
Internet organizations
Internet terms and abbreviations
Intranet terms and abbreviations
Leading hardware and software companies
Linux, Free Software Foundation, GNU
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Windows NT and NT Server
Microsoft Windows 2000
Mobile computing
Networking theory and concepts
Novell NetWare
Novell Directory Services
Operating systems and environments
The OSI Reference Model
Popular networking products
Protocols and interfaces
Security and network administration
System architectures
Trade associations
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Unix shells, tools, and utilities
The World Wide Web
How This Book Is Organized
This book is organized for easy reference. Entries are arranged in letter-by-letter alphabetic
order, ignoring punctuation and spaces, with terms that begin with an uppercase letter (or
are all in uppercase) before those in all lowercase letters. So
comes before
. Numbers and symbols are listed
at the beginning of the book in ascending numeric order. If an entry begins with a letter or
letters, but contains a number, it is listed alphabetically according to the letter, and then ac-
cording to numerical order, so
link level
comes before
link-state routing algorithm
V.42 bis
comes between
The information within each entry is always presented in the following order:
Entry name
Abbreviation or acronym
Pronunciation, if it isn’t obvious
Definition, written in clear standard English
URL pointing to further resources available on the Internet.
Cross-references to other entries that provide additional or related information on the
topic; more on the cross references in a moment.
If an entry has multiple definitions, each one is numbered to separate it from the next,
and some of the entries also contain illustrations.
Extensive Cross-Referencing
is the most extensively cross-referenced dictionary of com-
puting and networking terms available today. It contains two kinds of cross references:
Dictionary of Networking
reference points to another entry that contains the information you are looking
for. Thus, you can start with an abbreviation, such as
, or with the complete term,
, and be sure that you will arrive at the cor-
rect definition. You don’t have to know what an abbreviation stands for to be able to
look up a term. Some terms or concepts can be referred to by more than one name, such
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
; you will find both here, so you can always
find your way to the appropriate definition.
dialback modem
callback modem
such as
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reference points to one or more entries that contain additional information
about a topic. This kind of cross-reference allows you to follow through a related set
of entries, broadening your search as you move from entry to entry.
See also
We have also added an extra element in this dictionary to help you find information,
and that is the pronunciation of an acronym or abbreviation that is pronounced differ-
ently from the way it is spelled. For example, if you are reading a magazine article and
come across the abbreviation
, you can look up the abbreviation, which will point
to the main entry term,
Small Computer System Interface.
But if you are discussing hard
disk interfaces with a colleague and hear the term
, you can look that up too, and
you will also find your way to the main entry,
Small Computer System Interface
The Appendices
This book contains four appendices to provide additional reference material:
Collects together URLs under a wide variety of head-
ings to cut down on the amount of time you have to spend with your favorite search en-
gine. Using this appendix, you can go straight to the right Web site every time.
Provides a guide through the complex and con-
fusing world of computer and networking certification programs.
Certification Resources
Contains both the standard and the extended American
Standard Code for Information Interchange charts.
Contains the most widely accepted Extended Binary
Coded Decimal Interchange Code chart.
A Note about the URLs in This Book
Nothing is more annoying than a dead URL, and link rot is all pervasive. (If you don’t
know what link rot is, go look it up.) All the URLs in this book have been individually
checked by our Technical Editor; and at the time of writing, they are all active, they all
work, and they all contain the information that I say they contain. But that is not to say that
some of them won’t have changed by the time you try them out.
The better-organized sites will simply post a link to the new site if they make substantive
changes, and you can use that new link to go right to the new or reorganized site. Other
sites, such as the Microsoft Web site, reorganize themselves periodically as a part of their
housekeeping; the information you want is still available, but you have to look in another
place to find it, or use the site’s built-in search engine to find it.
Appendix A: Internet Resources
Appendix B
Appendix C: ASCII Charts
Appendix D: EBCDIC Chart
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Some of the sites that contain the most advanced technical information belong to the
domain and are usually computer science departments at the major universities. I have
tried to keep the number of such sites to a minimum in this book. Although they can be ex-
tremely useful, they usually have a lifespan that closely resembles that of the average grad-
uate student. Once the student maintaining the information graduates, the site becomes
neglected and is usually removed soon after. Another dead URL.
To be consistent with current usage, I have not specified the protocol used to access each
Web site; unless a different protocol is specified, you can simply assume that HTTP will
work in all cases. Just add
to the beginning of each Web address in your browser
when you access a site.
And finally, we have tried very carefully not to break a URL across a line; you should
be able to type the characters you see without having to worry about whether to type that
hyphen. If a URL has to break, the break is before a period (.) or after a slash (/).
About the Companion CD
The companion CD contains an electronic version of this entire book. You can use it to find
entries quickly and follow cross-references without a great deal of page flipping.
And Finally
Through more than 25 years of hands-on involvement in practical computer applications,
including the management of minicomputer systems, PC-based networks, large-scale data
communications systems, software development, and technical support, I have become in-
timately familiar with computer and networking terminology. The
Dictionary of Network-
is a direct result of that experience, and it represents a practical and down-to-earth
approach to computers and computing.
Everyone who has worked on this dictionary has tried to make sure that it is as complete
and accurate as possible. But if you think that we have missed a word or two that should
be included in a future edition, or if you think that an entry doesn’t contain enough infor-
mation, please write to the following address:
Dictionary of Networking
c/o SYBEX Inc.
1151 Marina Village Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501-1044
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