1940_Rutherford Uncovers Fifth Column.pdf

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k&e notice, anae sad for dl, upon the pnblie
kesa, not fm my hneflt, but bwm it appems
;a be a publie. iesersaity and a duty to be PI--
brfed by anyone who bas &e fasts at hand. -
My &em to pour qaedioas nmsarily
natrt Briefly mer the points. For detailed prod
%fer mu to the books and Metdl whieh I
i&ve miitten, aad whieh ecmtaia aw, Sbmcfanee
6-proof,I have et hand ~rn~eh
(1) Whv. in. r &ni&n. 'han €hero hosn a
mare pqwf Wt
nesses have come from those points. In this mob
violence public officials, sheriffs, police officers,
prosecuting attorneys and others have acted in
conjunction with the Catholic priests to launch
attempting to-grab control of the nations of the
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, operated
from Vatican City, Rome, have permeated every
part of every nation under the sun. Their objec-
tive is to establish again the old "Holy Roman
Empire". The Nazis, Fascists and Communists
are all for a Corporate State and all determined
to destroy republics. The "Hierarchy of Author-
ity" of the Catholic system are working with
these totalitarians to rule the earth. The Hier-
archy claim they are divinely authori~ed
a vicious attack upon "Jehovah's witnesses.
Everybody who knows Jehovah's witnesses
knows that they are against the totalitarian
state. No one organization has published as
much against Nazism, Fascism and Communism
of which I am the president. The publication of
these facts has greatly angered the Iqierarchy,
and the Hierarchy are determined to crushall of
Jehovah's witnesses. Maliciously the Hierarchy
have charged Jehovah's witnesseswith being of
the "fifth column", well knowing that they are
lying, and they are doing it for the very pnr-
to rule
the earth and that therefore thaEIierarchy will
act as the "spiritual overlord" of the nations of
earth, ruled by dictators. If you would read vol-
umes One and Two of my book Vindication there
you would find an abundance of evidence to this
effect. Again, the book Enemies contains much
more information. A book published by an ex-
Catholicpriest, E. Boyd Barrett, entitled "Rome
Stoops to Conquer", contains also an abundance
of information showing that the Hierarchy are
really a political organization, bent on destroy-
ing everything that represents the interests of
the common people.
The real "fifth column" in America is organ-
ized and carried on by "Catholic Action". The
facts prove this to be true with what has re-
cently come to pass in Europe. All along the
Mexican border "Catholic Action" has planted
its Nazi representatives and allies. The same is
true along the border of Quebec, and the recent
outbursts of violence against Jehovah's wit-
pose of camouflaging their own wickedness in
their attempt to deceive the people, while they
further the "Catholic Action" in America. When
the time comes, and that seems to he in the near
future, it will be found that there are at least
ten million ''fifth columnists" in America, and
that ninety percent of these are under the abso-
lute control of the Roman Catholic I-Iierarchy.
In 1938 I delivered an address on "Face the
Facts" at Royal Albert Hall, London, and which
was transmitted by radio to almost all the earth.
In numerous states in the United States Cath-.
olic priests, together with their radical element
under their control, attempted to prevent this
address from being delivered by radio or trans-
mitted to halls. If you will read the booklet
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