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Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation and Other Devices
Radical Undoing (CDs & DVDs)
To Lie Is Human: Not Getting Caught Is Divine
By Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
Rebels & Devils: The Psychology of Liberation
Edited by C.S. Hyatt; with William S. Burroughs, et. al.
Monsters & Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis? i
By Steven Heller, Ph.D.
Cosmic Trigger: Final Secret of the Illuminati
Prometheus Rising
By Robert Anton Wilson
By Timothy Leary, Ph.D.
Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magick
The Pseudonomicon
By Phil Hine
PsyberMagick: Advanced Ideas in Chaos Magick
The Chaos Magick Audio CDs
By Peter J. Carroll
What You Should Know About the Golden Dawn
The Golden Dawn Audio CDs
By Israel Regardie
Ceremonial Magic & The Power of Evocation
Kabbalistic Cycles and the Mastery of Life
By Joseph Lisiewski, Ph.D.
Astrology & Consciousness
By Rio Olesky
Shaping Formless Fire
By Stephen Mace
Zen Without Zen Masters
By Camden Benares
The Infernal Texts
By Stephen Sennitt
Mind Transmission, Inc.
By Brian Wallace
Join My Cult!
By James Curcio
Energized Hypnosis
A Non-Book for Self Change
Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
Calvin Iwema
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please visit our website at http://www.newfalcon.com
Copyright © 2005 by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D.
All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may
be reproduced, transmitted, or utilized, in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record-
ing, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher, except fpr brief quota-
tions in critical articles, books and reviews.
Table of Contents
International Standard Book Number: 1-56184-193-5
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2004118432
The Non-Section
Chapter 1: Going Deeper...NOW 15
Chapter 2: A Little Bit About How Things Work 19
Chapter 3: More About How Things Work: Your Brain 25
Chapter 4: Different Is OK 39
Chapter 5: Why Most Therapy Doesn't Work 47
Chapter 6: Multiple Levels 51
Chapter 7: Every Behavior Has Served A Useful Purpose.. 63
Chapter 8: The Learning Perspective
First Edition 2005
Second Printing 2005
First Revised Edition 2007
Cover by Linda Joyce Franks
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum require-
ments of the American National Standard for Permanence of
Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984.
Tests, Exercises and Techniques:
Chapter 9: Communicating At A Deeper Level
Chapter 10: Interlude
Chapter 11: Self-Analysis And What You Want
Address all inquiries to:
1753 East Broadway Road #101-277
Tempe, AZ 85282 U.S.A.
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Chapter 12: Making Changes
Chapter 13: Energized Exercises
Chapter 14 The CDs & DVDs
Chapter 15: Parting Thoughts
Appendix A: Inductions
Appendix B: Surprises
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When I was in grade school (c. 1954), the teacher gave
the class an assignment, one you, too, may remember: we
were to write down a list of "words that rhyme with." That
day, the word we were to rhyme with was "bell." So, as a
diligent student, I wrote down all the words I knew that
rhymed with "bell": cell, dell, fell, gel, hell...and that's
where I got into trouble. Suddenly, the teacher was very
upset with me: I had written a naughty word! And even
worse: I was too naive to know it was a naughty word! But
I did know that she was not happy with me—and that was
enough to put me into an hypnotic state. I wanted to get
out of trouble so I "went inside" to find a way. And I did. I
hypnotised her by saying there was a place called Hell's
Gate near Manhattan, you could find it on any map, blah,
blah, blah, and she let me off the hook.
In case you think this a quaint and dated story, flash
forward fifty years to December 2004. It's the morning
report on the FOX "news" network 1 . The anchorwoman is
ranting and rambling about the "inappropriate language"
she'd heard a reporter use on another network, but she
can't bring herself to utter the offending word. Even her
co-anchor can't make sense of what she's trying to say—so
he asks her. You can see her making pictures in her mind,
but she still can't utter the word. So she points up toward
the ceiling and says, "The...opposite...of...heaven."
1 Which has a well-deserved reputation for wholehearted and blatant
support of "evangelical" Christianity...
Energized Hypnosis
Energized Hypnosis
To Lie Is Human: Not Getting Caught Is Divine (Dr.
Hyatt's favorite). You will find other valuable tech-
niques in Rebels & Devils: The Psychology of Liberation;
The Psychopath's Bible; The Black Book; and The Psy-
chopath's Notebook.
2) Pillar II: Tantra (aka Sex Magick). See Secrets of
Western Tantra: The Sexuality of the Middle Path; Sex
Magic, Tantra & Tarot: The Way of the Secret Lover;
Taboo: Sex, Religion & Magic; Tantra Without Tears;
and Enochian World of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex
3) Pillar III: Endless Meditation (Mahasatipatthana:
the Ultimate Observer). Mahasatipatthana has been
described as "the type of mindfulness that pene-
trates repeatedly into the body, feelings and mind,
and sees the actual reality that is occurring. This is in
contrast to the normal unmindful state in which the
mind skips or bounces over these phenomena." Dr.
Hyatt has not written much about The Endless
Meditation because, as he puts it, "there just isn't
much to say." You will, however, find useful infor-
mation in the "You Meditation" that Dr. Hyatt pre-
sents on the Energized Hypnosis and Radical Undoing
4) Pillar IV: Energized Hypnosis. In addition to this
present non-book, you will find valuable techniques
in Undoing Yourself With Energized Meditation and
Other Devices (did you remember not to forget those
"other devices"?), the Techniques for Undoing Yourself
CDs, the Radical Undoing series of CDs and DVDs
and, especially the Energized Hypnosis CDs and
DVDs which supplement and complement this non-
book. Dr. Hyatt also recommends that you read
Monsters & Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As
Hypnosis by Steven Heller, Ph.D. It will give you a
great deal of information about how hypnosis works
as well as many useful techniques. For a more aca-
demic approach, see The Psycho-biology of Mind-Body
After all these years, has anything changed? That
anxiety-ridden, magical-thinking teacher is still terrified of
"hell"—and, apparently, she expects the rest of us to pay
the price for her insanity.
Mother. Sunrise. Love.
Fuck. Shit. Cunt.
Has it ever struck you how downright weird it is that
the mere fact of reading or hearing (or writing!) these
words evokes such a multitude of thoughts and feelings
and memories? That we seem literally trapped by lan-
guage and in a state of hypnosis most of the time?
But language can also be used to spring the trap. That
is Hyatt and Iwema's goal with Energized Hypnosis: to
teach you to use hypnosis to free yourself from your hyp-
notic state. How does he do this? In part, through infor-
mation and technique. But, more importantly, by embed-
ding the method in the message.
And that is what makes this a "non-book." "Books"
generally purport to provide the reader with conscious
information. But this non-book is designed to act on a much
more powerful part of you: your unconscious. As you
"read," you may notice that the authors deliberately move
you in and out of a hypnotic state...
Word play. Deliberate mis-spellings. Odd sentence
Watch what they do to you. Let it happen. Learn...
Energized Hypnosis is the fourth pillar of Dr. Hyatt's
formula for Undoing:
1) Pillar I: Energized Meditation. Foremost among Dr.
Hyatt's books on this topic is, of course, Undoing
Yourself With Energized Meditation and Other
Devices. (As you read Undoing Yourself, don't forget
to remember to take note of some of these valuable
"other devices.") The Techniques for Undoing Yourself
CDs and the Radical Undoing series of CDs and
DVDs expand on (and demonstrate!) many of the
methods described in Undoing. Also of great value is
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