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Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom
Deep Meditation – Pathway to Personal Freedom
From The AYP Enlightenment Series
ISBN 0-9764655-4-X (Paperback)
“Be still, and know that I am God...” Psalm 46:10
The Advanced Yoga Practices Enlightenment Series is an endeavor
to present the most effective methods of yoga in a series of easy-to-read
books that anyone can use to gain practical results immediately and over
the long term. For centuries, these powerful practices have been taught
in secret, mainly in an effort to preserve them. Now we find ourselves in
the information age , and able to preserve knowledge for present and
future generations like never before. The question remains: “How far
can we go in effectively transmitting spiritual methods in writing?”
Since its beginnings in 2003, the writings of Advanced Yoga
Practices have been an experiment to see just how much can be
conveyed, with much more detail included on practices than in the
spiritual writings of the past. Can books provide us the specific means
necessary to tread the path to enlightenment, or do we have to surrender
at the feet of a guru to find our salvation? Well, clearly we must
surrender to something, even if it is to our own innate potential to live a
freer and happier life. If we are able to do that, and maintain a daily
practice, then books like this one can come alive and instruct us in the
ways of human spiritual transformation. If the reader is ready and the
book is worthy, amazing things can happen.
While one person’s name is given as the author of this book, it is
actually a distillation of the efforts of thousands of practitioners over
thousands of years. This is one person’s attempt to simplify and make
practical the spiritual methods that many have demonstrated throughout
history. All who have gone before have my deepest gratitude, as do the
many I am privileged to be in touch with in the present who continue to
practice with dedication and good results.
The subject of this volume, Deep Meditation , has special
significance in the overall list of yoga practices. No other practice can do
more to bring us personal freedom in our daily life. The cultivation of
our eternal and unshakable inner silence through daily deep meditation
has such far-reaching effects that this practice alone is capable of
expanding our experience of life to be unending happiness and
creativity. That is why I call deep meditation the heart of yoga .
I hope you will find this book to be a useful resource as you travel
along your chosen path.
Practice wisely, and enjoy!
Table of Contents (Page numbers no longer correspond)
Chapter 1 – “Who Am I?” 11
Chapter 2 – Deep Meditation 17
How to Meditate 17
When and Where to Meditate 21
Questions On Your First Meditation 24
The Possibilities 30
Chapter 3 – Steps of Progress 34
Navigating the Path of Inner Purification 34
Visions and Energy Experiences 81
Inner Sights and Sounds 82
Sensations of Energy Flowing Inside 84
Sexual Arousal 87
Visions of Religious Figures 91
Practice Versus the Sirens of Spiritual Experience 92
The Rise of Inner Silence – The Witness 94
Stillness in Action 98
Chapter 4 – Freedom 102
Unshakable Inner Silence and Ecstasy 103
Refinement to Ecstatic Bliss 107
Expansion of Divine Love in the World 109
Further Reading and Support 115
Chapter 1 – “Who Am I?”
The most important question we can ask in this life is, “Who am
I?” Right after that in importance is the question, “What am I doing
here?” Human beings have been asking these two questions since the
first thoughts arose in our ancient ancestors. And we are still asking
Since the beginning, thousands of years ago, much effort has gone
into understanding these basic questions about our humanity and to
realizing their implications experientially. “Practices” have been the way
by which the experiential component has been cultivated. Chief among
practices has been something called “meditation.”
Meditation has meant different things to different people. In
English dictionaries only a few decades ago, meditation was defined
simply as “to think,” or “to ponder.” Nowadays, there is a deeper
understanding, and you can find meditation defined as, “a specific way
of thinking that leads to mental, emotional and physical balance.” Those
with a spiritual bent like to take it a step further, saying that meditation
leads us to a direct realization of who we are and what we are doing
here. How can this be?
An effective method of meditation leads us to an experience of
profound stillness, an inner silence that defies description. It is an
emptiness that is full with peace, creativity and happiness. It is the
natural condition of our mind beyond the processes of our thinking. We
cannot help but get the feeling when we are in this state that this is who
we really are. It feels so much like home. It feels so good. It is not only a
mental experience. With effective meditation, every cell in our body is
brought to a state of profound living stillness. Many of the symptoms of
this stillness, this inner silence in our body, are measurable – the whole
metabolism slows down along with the mind.
The truly dramatic thing about meditation is not that we can sit
down with a mental procedure and have a profound experience of
stillness, peace and happiness while meditating. It is much more than
that kind of transitory experience, which might be viewed as an escape.
Meditation, practiced on a regular basis, cultivates our nervous system to
sustain the inner silence experienced while meditating increasingly
throughout our daily activity, while we are fully engaged in the world.
Not only do we get a glimpse of our “true self” during meditation, but
we are also cultivating it as a full time experience in our life. This has
huge implications for the quality of our life, with practical benefits
reaching into every aspect of our self-perception, relationships and
career. While the procedure of meditation can be very pleasurable, the
real reason we do it is for the long term benefits in our life. Meditation is
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