Angielski - słówka za nieobecności.doc

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pros and cons n pl /pr@Uz @n kQnz/ za i przeciw,

pros and cons n pl /pr@Uz @n kQnz/ za i przeciw,

dobre i złe strony We need to discuss the pros and

cons of the suggested scheme.

purpose n /"p3;p@s/ cel The purpose of the trip was

to open new markets.

quota n /"kw@Ut@/ norma The sales quotas had been

met easily.

radical adj /"r&dIkl/ radykalny, zasadniczy They had

radical new ideas for the business.

realize v /"ri;@laIz/ zdawać sobie sprawę I realized

that I had left the file in the offi ce.

reason n /"ri;z@n/ powód She had good reason to feel


recruit v /rI"kru;t/ rekrutować, werbować We are

going to recruit a new regional manager.

references n pl /"refr@nsIz/ referencje We would be

happy to employ him subject to references.

relations n pl /rI"leISnz/ stosunki Relations between

them had been strained for months.

represent v /%reprI"zent/ reprezentować He

represented his company at the conference.

satisfaction n /%s&tIs"f&kSn/ satysfakcja, zadowolenie

Job satisfaction is high.

section n /"sekSn/ dział They were moved to another

section of the company.

session n /"seSn/ sesja The training session ran over


solution n /s@"lu;Sn/ rozwiązanie Please try and fi nd

a solution to this problem.

statement n /"steItm@nt/ zeznanie, oświadczenie The

police asked me to make a statement because I saw the


strategy n /"str&t@dZi/ strategia The long-term

strategy aimed to improve effi ciency.

symbolize v /"sImb@laIz/ symbolizować The new

logo symbolized a new start.

team-building adj /ti;m "bIldIN/ budowanie zespołu

The weekend away was a good team-building strategy.

tendency n /"tend@nsi/ tendencja There was a

tendency to ignore complaints.

terms n pl /t2

3;mz/ warunki Check the terms of your

contract before you sign it.

trade adj /treId/ handel Surveys are conducted by

trade associations.

unifi ed adj /"ju;nIfaId/ zjednoczony We were unifi ed

in our aim to meet the deadline.

vice versa /%vaIs "v3;s@/ na odwrót Staff can take

pay instead of holiday or vice versa.

website n /"websaIt/ strona internetowa He got all

the necessary information from the website.

yield n /ji;ld/ zysk The company’s yield was up on

last year.




alternatively adv /O;l"t3;n@tIvli/ alternatywnie, lub

Alternatively, you could travel by train.

apparently adv /@"p&r@ntli/ najwidocniej,

widocznie Apparently, the firm went bankrupt.

approximately adv /@"prQksIm@tli/ około,

w przybliżeniu It generates sales of approximately

L2.5 million per day.

attract v /@"tr&kt/ przyciągać Tesco attracts the

majority of online sales.

blog n /blQg/ blog, dziennik internetowy Do you

have a blog on the web?

complaint n /k@m"pleInt/ skarga There was

definitely some cause for complaint.

component n /k@m"p@Un@nt/ składnik Good

communications are an important component of a

successful industry.

comprise v /k@m"praIz/ obejmować, zawierać The

scheme comprises several components.

concern n /k@n"s3;n/ troska She voiced her concerns

about the company’s future.

consequently adv /"kQnsIkw@ntli/ w następstwie,

a zatem Consequently, she needed to change her bank


consistently adv /k@n"sIst@ntli/ konsekwentnie,

niezmiennie His sales fi gures were consistently


constituency n /k@n"stItju@nsi/ klientela, odbiorcy

The constituencies of a business include partners,

employees, etc.

consumer n /k@n"sju;m@/ konsument Consumers’

comments are important to companies.

content n /"kQntent/ zawartość The content of the

site was very interesting.

convey v /k@n"veI/ przekazywać Please convey my

best wishes to him.

courtesy n /"k3;t@si/ grzeczność, uprzejmość It is

common courtesy to be polite.

deal n /di;l/ interes, transakcja She found the best

deal on the internet.

decentralize v /%di;"sentr@laIz/ decentralizować We

aim to decentralize our operations to the regions.

draft adj /drA;ft/ projekt, plan, szkic Did you read

my draft proposal?

drastically adv /"dr&stIkli/ drastycznie Figures have

fallen drastically over the last year.

eliminate v /I"lImIneIt/ eliminować, usuwać They

tried to eliminate the fault.

emerge v /I"m23;dZ/ powstawać, wyłanać się His

product emerged as a front runner.

essentially adv /I"senS@li/ istotnie, zasadniczo

Essentially, those are the most important points.

ethical adj /eTIkl/ etyczny The company supports

ethical principles.

etiquette n /"etIk@t/ etykieta, etyka zawodowa It is

good etiquette to turn off your phone during a meeting.

fact n /f&kt/ fakt The brochure includes some facts

about the business.

faulty adj /"fO;lti/ wadliwy You can always return

goods that are faulty.

funding n /"fVndIN/ fundusze The funding for his

project has just been approved.

however adv /haU"ev@/ jakkolwiek However, I don’t

think that will be necessary just yet.

import n /"ImpO;t/ import Imports of foreign goods

are up on last year.

incidentally adv /%InsI"dentli/ przypadkowo,

ubocznie Incidentally, did you receive my email


indispensable adj /%IndI"spens@bl/ niezastąpiony He

had become indispensable to the company.

item n /"aIt@m/ pozycja, artykuł How many items

were included on the inventory?

meantime n /"mi;ntaIm/ tymczasem In the

meantime, you will have to make do with temporary

offi ces.

minutes n pl /"mInIts/ protokół zebrania Please

can you ask the secretary to take the minutes at the


observation n /%Qbz@"veISn/ spostrzeżenia My initial

observation turned out to be incorrect.

online adv /%Qn"laIn/ online, w sieci internetowej

We did our shopping online.

personnel adj /%p3;s@"nel/ kadrowy The Personnel

Department introduced the training scheme.

principle n /"prIns@pl/ zasada He had the highest


product n /"prQdVkt/ produkt New products are

always coming onto the market.

profi le n /"pr@UfaIl/ profil, szkic Please read the

company profi le before your interview.

prospect n /"prQspekt/ perspektywa Her job

prospects were excellent.

purchase v /"p3;tS@s/ zakupić Migros purchased the

Globus group.

record n /"rekO;d/ zapis, rejestr Did you keep a

record of events?


reputation n /%repju"teISn/ reputacja, opinia The


company’s reputation was damaged.

research n /rI"s3;tS/ badania He had done some

in-depth research into the project.

restrict v /rI"strIkt/ ograniczać You must not restrict

their freedom of movement.

review n /rI"vju;/ przegląd A review of procedures

can be of benefi t.

revolution n /%rev@"lu;Sn/ rewolucja The technological

revolution has changed our work patterns.

service n /"s3;vIs/ serwis, obsługa A good after-sales

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