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Lady & the Vamp
Michelle Rowen
"Do you realize that I already know what you taste like?"
Quinn breathed against her neck. "Just by how you smell. Usually it's so subtle I hardly
notice it, but sometimes, like right now"—his lips grazed her throat—"it's unbelievably
Then she felt the wet heat of his tongue slide along her neck, and something happened that
she didn't like at all—something that scared her more than anything else that night.
Her damn knees weakened.
She was crushed up against a wall by a hungry vampire, who apparently already knew
what her blood would taste like, and it was turning her on .
How completely embarrassing.
"You want to bite me?"
He groaned. "Oh, yes."
"Bite me. Just… try not to take too much."
His breathing became even more erratic. "Oh, my God. This isn't right. Go, Janie. Just
go." He pulled away. But she wasn't going to let him die just out of principle and
misplaced morals. She slipped off her jacket and pulled her tank top off until she was
standing there in the dark in her tight black jeans and lacy black bra, her neck and
shoulders completely exposed. She grabbed Quinn's face, pulling it down to her neck.
"Bite me or I'm going to kick your ass."
Praise for the novels of Michelle Rowen
Fanged & Fabulous
"Rowen has done it again… wonderfully amusing terrific!"
Bitten & Smitten
"Campy and vampy… This is what makes it so much fun."
Shelf Life
"Four stars! Fun and clever… this novel is bound to appeal to those who like their
romance a little offbeat and definitely humorous."
Romantic Times BOOKreviews Magazine
"A study of contrasts: frothy chick-lit wrapped around a grittier reality and a flip side
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featuring a modern heroine paired with a Brontean hero. Let us welcome this fresh voice
to the genre."
"A terrific vampiric chick lit tale filled with biting humor."
Midwest Book Review
"Rowen's sense of humor is just too good to pass up."
Angel with Attitude
"4 Stars! Rowen does a delightful job mixing things up with her sassy and sexy characters.
She has her own unique spin on life and the afterlife and good and evil, which makes for
downright fun reading."
Romantic Times BOOKreviews Magazine
"Divinely funny… A subtly provocative, paranormal romance that shines a new light on
angels and demons and witches, oh my! Michelle Rowen… has more than earned her
Heartstring Reviews
"Fun and fast-moving… Valerie is a wonderful character. Kick off your shoes on a cold
winter's night and relax with this. You'll be glad you did."
"Anyone who reads a Michelle Rowen romance is bitten and smitten to obtain more of her
works. An amusing, heavenly romance with a hell of a price to pay for not reading it."
Midwest Book Review
"You have to read this book! It is quirky, funny, and sweet. If you love original and
hilarious, you have to pick up Angel with Attitude."
Also by Michelle Rowen
Angel with Attitude
Bitten & Smitten
Fanged & Fabulous
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of
the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales,
or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
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Copyright © 2008 by Michelle Rouillard
First Printing: April 1, 2008
ISBN-10: 0446618632
ISBN-13: 978-0446618632
Hachette Book Group USA
237 Park Avenue
New York , NY
Visit our Web site at
Forever is an imprint of Grand Central Publishing. The Forever name and logo is a trade-
mark of Hachette Book Group USA, Inc.
Printed in the United States of America
Thank you to Bonnie Staring, Laurie Rauch, and Heather Harper, who gave the book a
good read-through and made sure it all made sense. You guys so rock!
Thank you to my editor Melanie Murray, who reads my stuff and sends me her notes, and
I just sit back and think… well, of course! That's what it's missing, or that's what needs to
be taken out to make things better. The woman is a demigod of editorialship, and I
worship her red pen. I have a shrine and everything.
Ditto to Jim McCarthy, who continues to go above and beyond anything I ever hoped for
in an agent. Plus the man knows his reality TV shows, so that's just a total bonus.
I'd like to thank my readers so very, very much. Do you know that the book you're
holding in your hands would never have come about if it weren't for you? When Bitten &
Smitten came out, I received a ton of e-mail that essentially said, "We love Quinn!" and
"Quinn needs to get the girl!" And I thought… Yeah, he does ! So I asked Quinn if he
wanted to be the hero of a book, and he said something along the lines of "Hell, yeah," so
there you go. Quinn thanks you. I thank you. And we both sincerely hope that you enjoy
his story!
Chapter 1
It was none of his business, but that never stopped him before.
Quinn watched from the shadows as two hunters moved stealthily through the dark
parking lot of the roadside restaurant until they had their prey cornered. He wanted to
ignore what he was seeing, turn away and head back to the car, but that wasn't going to
He silently approached from behind.
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"Need any help?" he asked.
The two hunters spun around to face him. One was large, with thick forearms and a scruff
of beard that looked to be there more from laziness than fashion sense. The other was
younger, thinner, with round glasses that magnified his eyes to twice their size. At first
glance, a rather unlikely dynamic duo.
"Get lost," the large one said.
Quinn shrugged. "I can take a hint. No problem."
He turned.
Just walk away , he told himself. You've got more important things to deal with .
But then he glanced at the pair of vampires who'd been trapped in the Burger King
parking lot near the garbage Dumpster—a male and female who could have been
anywhere from twenty to two hundred years old, in his opinion. You just couldn't tell
about that sort of thing.
"Please, help us," the female pleaded.
She was cute. Small and blond. Looked like a college student out on a date with her dark-
haired, wide-eyed boyfriend, who was attempting to shield her from the hunters with his
own body. Almost couldn't see his fangs unless you were looking for them.
Quinn laughed. "Help a vampire? Why would I want to do a crazy thing like that?"
"Hey—" the younger hunter moved the wooden stake to his other hand. "I think I know
you. Don't I? You're Roger Quinn's kid, Michael. Yeah, we met a couple years ago.
Toasted a nest of vamps up in St. Louis."
Quinn tried to see the face behind those large glasses. He didn't look familiar. Then again,
he'd drunk a lot when he was in St. Louis. Bad month and a half. Beer had helped. "Sure.
Good to see you again."
"Yeah, you, too, man." He absently scratched at his leg with the stake. The vampires eyed
the sharp weapon with fear. The hunter turned to his friend. "Quinn here's one of the best
hunters I've ever seen. Got a nose for vamps. Can smell them in any corner they try to
Quinn waved his hand. "Aw, you're just saying that."
"I'm Joe, remember? This here's my buddy Stuart. Listen, you can totally help us out.
These are our first two tonight. I figure they were lying in wait for victims coming out of
the restaurant." He poked the male vampire in the chest as his magnified eyes narrowed.
"That what you're doing? Looking for a little snack, you bloodsucking freak?"
"Go to hell." The vampire set his jaw and tried to look brave. It wasn't working very well.
"Well, you know vamps." Quinn eyed the restaurant as a car exited the drive-thru. "Evil to
the core."
"You live around here?"
He shook his head. "Just passing through town. Stopped for a bite."
"Hey," the larger hunter spoke up. He was frowning. "You're Michael Quinn ?"
"That's right."
"Please," the female said. "We're not evil. We just wanted some dinner."
"Yeah," Stuart snarled. "From unassuming victims. Their blood."
"No, I had some fries."
The other licked his lips nervously. "Just leave us alone."
"Bloodsucking freak," Stuart snapped. "Vampires don't eat solid food."
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