1 Giant Leap - What About Me DVD.txt

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00:01:47:You've got to realise one thing.
00:01:50:And that is, you need to tame|your wild, crazy mind.
00:01:57:You gotta tame it. All right?
00:02:00:Your mind has a very, very bad habit|which we call self-cherishing
00:02:06:and l call it,
00:02:08:What about me?
00:02:10:What about me?
00:02:12:What about me?
00:02:14:What about me?
00:02:16:And it's a bore. And it's a drag.
00:02:20:And nobody wants to hear it.
00:02:23:So you can just shut up|and get off of it
00:02:30:That's all. Give. Give.
00:02:34:Be here and give.
00:02:36:Connect with people. Right?
00:02:39:And you're so busy giving, you don't|have time to think about yourself.
00:02:44:Um, you're gonna be a lot happier.
00:02:53:This is a time...for awakening
00:02:57:for humans on the planet.
00:02:59:This is a time to wake up|out of the madness,
00:03:03:because the history of humanity|is basically the history of...insanity.
00:03:08:But for the first time|in the history of this insanity,
00:03:12:is the insanity threatening to destroy us?
00:03:17:Mad intelligence.
00:03:19:That's what humans have developed.
00:03:22:We could call it also...|You could call it cleverness.
00:03:25:They're all clever...
00:03:28:..but mad.
00:03:30:Mad intelligence.
00:03:34:So we're coming to the end of this|one way or another.
00:03:38:Either we destroy ourselves|or we wake up out of that dream,
00:03:44:the nightmare.
00:03:46:But to see your own madness|is the beginning of healing and sanity,
00:03:52:because there is in every|human being not only the madness,
00:03:56:there's also the sanity.
00:03:59:Through the media,|mostly what you get is the madness.
00:04:04:But at the same time,|there are millions of other humans
00:04:09:who already have that awakening|within them so that they can hear.
00:04:15:lt's liberating to see we are mad.
00:04:19:Some people say that's depressing.|lt's not depressing. lt's liberating.
00:04:26:Mad. l'm mad.|But l realise that l am mad.
00:04:31:SHE SlNGS
00:05:23:Every child and ego|gradually begins to develop.
00:05:30:One of the first things a child learns is
00:05:33:his or her name.
00:05:36:''l am...John'',
00:05:39:''l am...'' And then come other things|when children grow up - ''l am...a boy'',
00:05:46:''l am a girl''.
00:05:48:''l am strong'', ''l am weak''.|The ego is always...
00:05:54:built on identification with this or that.
00:06:05:The word ''l'',|the way it's used conventionally,
00:06:09:is perhaps the greatest delusion.
00:06:13:Because when you say ''l'',|you think you know who you are.
00:06:20:I'll hear and I wanna go
00:06:26:Something tells me there's a struggle
00:06:32:How am I gonna say goodbye now?
00:06:39:I know you won't like it...
00:06:44:Then the child gets toys.
00:06:50:That's my car, little toy.|lt's mine, mine.
00:06:56:lf somebody takes away the toy,|the child is in extreme agony.
00:07:01:HE WAlLS|''But it's mine!''
00:07:15:My name is Ego|I'll be with you till your last breath
00:07:18:Right here's a small list of|all the things that scare me to death
00:07:22:I can't stand things|that I can't understand
00:07:24:And I especially hate things|I can't command
00:07:27:I don't like the unfamiliar|and I've got to be first
00:07:30:But I tell you, without me,|you could never be a Mandela
00:07:34:Who would know of Mohammed Ali,|without me
00:07:38:My name is Lust, I'm not a real person
00:07:40:More like a quality
00:07:41:Attach myself behind|your eyes temporarily
00:07:44:And blind you to anything|you think you might wanna be
00:07:47:Make you promise me everything|for fame, for idolatry
00:07:50:And when I leave you,|you can never follow me
00:07:53:Find yourself confined in solitary
00:07:56:You will ever hollow be
00:08:31:l remembered when l was|three or four years old, you know,
00:08:35:going out in front of my house
00:08:37:and, you know, having a huge poop,|like, you know,
00:08:40:right in front of the house on the|sidewalk and then running inside excited,
00:08:44:to bring my parents out, my mom and dad,|and show them what l had done,
00:08:47:l was so excited about it.
00:08:49:And what was l...? l was whipped.
00:08:51:l was spanked and whipped for it.
00:08:54:And violently, you know...
00:08:58:''Shame on you. Look what you did.''
00:09:01:(Woman) We've been trained|and conditioned
00:09:04:to shut down...|our spontaneous responses,
00:09:12:our authentic and essential responses,|from a very early age.
00:09:16:You know, ''Don't cry.'' ''What's wrong?''
00:09:19:Er, you know, ''No, don't be scared.''
00:09:21:l mean, we're talked out of our feelings
00:09:23:and shut down
00:09:24:cos nobody knows how to communicate|from an emotional field.
00:09:28:(Man) Childhood is tough.|Childhood is rough.
00:09:31:All the other kids on the playground|are telling us what's wrong with us
00:09:35:and why we're not OK.
00:09:37:And the bad part about it is,|when you're 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12,
00:09:39:you believe it,|you don't have the strength
00:09:42:to reject it and say, ''That's not true.''
00:09:44:You take it all in and make it|part of your truth.
00:09:52:l was abused by my father|when l was younger,
00:09:55:and l carried it around,|l didn't tell anybody.
00:09:59:lt's the weirdest thing,|because you...
00:10:02:lt's one of those...
00:10:03:er, events that makes you feel...
00:10:07:lt's a crime that makes you feel|you committed it
00:10:10:when you're the victim,
00:10:12:because it isn't all pain,|you know there is pleasure in it.
00:10:16:So you carry this around with you|that you were part of the crime.
00:10:20:And you'll read this all the time
00:10:23:when you hear victims of it speaking,|''l felt so guilty, l felt...''
00:10:27:And then the last guilt is
00:10:29:when your father dies,|or the person dies,
00:10:32:and you haven't|confronted them about it.
00:10:34:And you think, well, time will heal it,|but time doesn't heal it.
00:10:39:lt actually gets worse.
00:10:46:The idea of shadow has to be liberated.
00:10:51:We must go into the places|that scare us, into the darkness,
00:10:55:and make friends with our demons.
00:10:59:The wound is...is the key,|because we are all wounded by birth.
00:11:05:We are like, ''Where am l?|Who am l? Why am l here?
00:11:09:''Where is he? Where is she?''
00:11:14:And so we're constantly recreating
00:11:17:until we make peace with loneliness|and with the shame
00:11:22:and with our own anger.
00:11:24:I can kiss
00:11:26:Away these tears
00:11:28:I wouldn't miss
00:11:31:Your edges, your cliffs, they are clay
00:11:35:They are clues gone astray
00:11:41:Finding the ones we refuse
00:11:45:And we breathe in the breeze
00:11:50:And stir through the leaves|that still fall
00:11:54:On our feet
00:11:59:The lives we reveal
00:12:01:We are wounded in all the right places
00:12:10:I feel it all
00:12:19:I feel it all...
00:12:50:You have to learn your way through these|things. You gotta fight through things.
00:12:55:The big problem is when they|medicate teenagers and children,
00:12:59:often at the request of the|''expert opinion'' of some fucking teacher
00:13:06:that is having a hard time|with a creative child, essentially.
00:13:09:Now, when you medicate|a kid through those years,
00:13:13:that kid's not learning how|to deal with depression, or anger.
00:13:18:The discomfort that the child's|depression and anger
00:13:21:brings the parent or the teacher,|the idea that they would medicate him,
00:13:26:it's really a selfish thing.
00:13:28:lt's really the teacher's problem|and the parent's problem.
00:13:32:So what they wind up doing|is medicating these kids,
00:13:35:and the kids find their way, like other|teenagers, into self-medication,
00:13:40:along with that medication.|And that's a recipe for disaster.
00:13:44:And all these shooters in Columbine|and Kip Kinkel up in Oregon
00:13:48:and that kid down south|were all on antidepressants
00:13:52:throughout their teenage years.
00:13:54:And what happened was, they got to|a point where the rage just blew.
00:14:00:Your kid's got a lot of energy,|find something to do with the energy.
00:14:04:Get off your ass, Mom, Dad,|and do something
00:14:07:rather than just put a pill|into their mouth.
00:14:09:I feel it all
00:14:16:Fe-e-e-e-e-e-el it all
00:14:41:HE SlNGS
00:15:03:Who am I to talk?
00:15:06:And who am I to punish you
00:15:07:Come around and put you down?
00:15:10:I fe-e-el...
00:15:29:l am depressive by nature,|l'm fairly melancholic by nature,
00:15:33:l'm not Captain Chuckles, you know.
00:15:35:When things were really bad...
00:15:37:That l mean, things got really bad,|you know?
00:15:40:Almost to ultimate point.
00:15:42:l was offered, you know, happy pills.
00:15:45:You know, ''Take a pill.''|So you take a pill.
00:15:49:''Take another pill, it doesn't matter.''|lt does matter!
00:15:54:But l declined them because, um...
00:15:58:lt's probably wrong, but l just think|a human being has to understand
00:16:03:the process of this thing,
00:16:06:to almost stand back and try|and externalise the pain
00:16:10:and the anguish and the loss|and the grief,
00:16:13:and look at it and say, ''What is that?''|and recognise it,
00:16:16:just so you can say, ''l know you,|get back in there. l know who you are.''
00:16:24:Dating your demons, all right.|Being a victim, you know?
00:16:28:l am suffering!
00:16:30:''Everything is always fucked up for me,|nobody understands...''
00:16:34:That's a demon. You understand?
00:16:36:And it took me years of not being honest|with myself, running from the truth,
00:16:43:denying what was in my faith.
00:16:45:Blaming everybody else.|''She's an a...
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