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A Man’s Guide
part 6
Female Mind
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The Time Line: Test vs. Invest
imply put – a Tester prefers to date multiple men simultaneously, and an
Investor is VERY uncomfortable doing so and prefers to focus all of her
efforts on one single guy.
You could say that a Tester can be attracted to many guys at once, but
an Investor is not.
The Test / Invest element is the most fluid and most easily able to change of
the three character dimensions. It can change gradually with age, but also
depends on her individual dating experiences.
So for example, she might be a Tester, date a lot, then meet someone she
really likes and become and Investor.
The opposite is also possible -- meaning if she dates a player – and invests
hardcore into him – and if the breakup is bad and he breaks her heart – she
may become a Tester going forward.
The other thing to keep in mind is that Testers will often fake being an
Investor, so you need to be really great at picking up the clues.
Let’s just talk about the downside of NOT KNOWING Pandora’s Box. And
you meet a Tester. You might be thinking she’s only dating you, and you’ve
got it easy. Meanwhile, she could be dating four other guys who are all
competing for her attention! But you would have no idea. She might be
behaving weird or acting in strange ways, and you would think it’s because
she’s not interested.
But that’s not going to be you, because you are going to understand
Pandora’s Box, you’re a practitioner. You’ll know how to immediately tell
when you’re dealing with a Tester and also how to get a Tester to drop the
other guys she’s seeing and focus her energy on you, and become incredibly
loyal to you.
What’s even more powerful is that if you DO tame a Tester, a Tester can
become even MORE loyal to you because she will feel as though she had to
go through many different guys to find YOU.
Now I know this is exciting, but be patient because we need to talk a little
bit more about the specific character traits of a Tester or Investor before we
can talk about the advanced strategies.
Even knowing just the introduction to the Tester/Investor model you can
immediately see how the dating strategy for those two different types would
be so different. A woman who is dating many guys at the same time will
have a completely different mindset to one who is focusing all her attention
on one guy. Which is exactly why your game plan needs to be different.
Let’s start with your typical Tester.
It’s all about emotional diversification. She doesn’t want to put all of
her eggs in one basket. Most likely it comes from being hurt in the past –
So she tests. She keeps men on the side. She flirts heavily and leads guys on.
What’s important is the understanding behind WHY she does these things.
Many people think that women date many guys at the same time in order
to figure out which one is the PERFECT guy.
And they’re wrong.
In fact the Tester does NOT really even CARE about finding ONE perfect
guy. She is getting the total package by getting certain types of value and
emotions from the combination of guys.
And if they are young, they are simply thinking “I’m just having fun for a
few years and then I’ll find someone to settle down with later”.
And surprisingly – within those few years, even if they find that perfect one,
they might still date others who are not as good as him.
I’m going to generalize a little bit – and this isn’t the case 100% of the time,
but in general a Tester has suffered some kind of romantic loss where she
has felt cheated and betrayed by a guy in the past.
A TESTER dates multiple guys to feel significance – to be validated as a
desirable, attractive woman. And this is VERY important to women.
One of the girls who I met doing this actually dropped out of college for
a YEAR and is now a year behind so she could move into the city and
SERIOUSLY date men full time – and on average was dating 8 guys at once –
all of which were completely clueless. She would treat all 8 of them pretty
well – so they all thought they were the only one…
These guys who were unaware of the Pandora’s Box system may have
actually thought of her as an “Investor” (although they wouldn’t know the
correct terminology) because he didn’t know about all the other guys, and
he thought all the attention was focused on him. We will be helping you to
identify the subtle clues so you can really figure out the girls who are really
Testers. Because as I said before Testers will present an image to guys that
they are actually Investors.
Now when I say a Tester DATES multiple guys – it doesn’t mean she is
sleeping with all of the guys at the same time. Often she is only sleeping
with one. Really this depends on the SEXUAL CONFLICT – whether she is a
denier or justifier – we’ll talk about that dimension next.
If I remember correctly – the girl who I mentioned who was sleeping with
8 guys was really only sleeping with 2 or 3 of the guys.
Often, she is merely keeping these guys as ORBITERS.
Testers have elaborate strategies to keep orbiters “in orbit” – or to keep
stringing them along while they sample many different guys simultaneously.
And eventually decide which one they will keep for the long term.
Orbiter Strategies include:
• Talking about sex, which hints at the promise of sex
• Baiting, or suggesting hanging out and then flaking out last minute
– or only giving half commitments
• Appearing helpless which motivates men to want to protect her
and in fact the vulnerability is a huge attractor for men.
• Pretending to distrust a guy or accusing him of being a player as a
tactic to delay sex.
• Always trying to maintain the upper hand in the relationship. i.e.
waiting for long periods of time before she returns phone calls and
so forth. She can afford to do this because she has plenty of backup
guys ready.
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