Pornograf. Jinruigoku nyumon.txt

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{1}{90}/SubEdit b.3875 (
{3177}{3208}Did you go to Kobe?
{3239}{3329}Did you sell any films?
{3357}{3448}Nothing from last week's work,|but it'll pay off.
{3448}{3507}Sure. It's the end of the year.
{3507}{3568}We'll go and sell once a week.
{3988}{4048}No, Subu. Like this.
{4049}{4108}I know, I know.
{4108}{4228}Master, is this all right?
{4228}{4318}Kabo, do you have the glasses?
{4348}{4438}What time is it now?
{4496}{4586}These are too big and loose.
{4586}{4618}Wrap some tape around them.
{4618}{4737}Hurry up. I'm tired.
{4737}{4855}Don't be silly.|You haven't even started yet.
{4856}{4945}Boss, it's okay here.
{4946}{5036}Kabo, don't flash that so much.|It's too risky.
{5185}{5246}Subu, that's good.
{5276}{5336}All right? Shoot.
{5425}{5545}Drs. Phyllis and Eberland Kronhausen|Present:
{5695}{5755}Lighting by|IWAKI YASUO, OHBA MICHIAKI
{5755}{5815}Art Direction by|TAKADA ICHI RO, SHIOZAWA HI ROMI
{5816}{5876}Directed by|I MAMURA SHOHEl
{5904}{5964}Sound Recording by|BENIYA SHI NICHI
{5965}{6025}Music by|KUSUNOKI TOSHI RO
{6026}{6085}Edited by|TANJI MUTSUO
{6114}{6174}Original Story by|NOSAKA AKIYUKI
{6174}{6235}Screenplay by|I MAMURA SHOHEI, NUMATA KOJI
{6235}{6295}Produced by|I MAMURA SHOHEI, TOMODAJI RO
{6654}{6716}The woman's facial|expressions are good.
{6745}{6835}What kind of fish is that,|and what's it doing there?
{6864}{6925}Very strange.
{6955}{7075}Is that a bridge back there?|Looks like a place I know.
{7343}{7404}Stop kidding around.
{7463}{7524}Think of your age.|You're crazy.
{7524}{7583}Sure I am.
{7584}{7703}But you taught me, right?
{7703}{7763}I don't know.
{7763}{7885}Who's better:|Your dead husband or me?
{7885}{7945}Silly! I can't tell you that.
{7945}{8064}All right, I'll make you tell me.
{8093}{8152}Don't. Keiko will come down.
{8302}{8362}- It's so cold!|- What's all this?
{8363}{8393}It's very cold.
{8393}{8512}Act your age, Koichi.|Go away.
{8512}{8663}Keep me warm, Ma.|I'm cold.
{8753}{8844}You must've kicked off the covers.
{8844}{8874}I guess so.
{8874}{8992}You have to be careful|about your health.
{9022}{9143}You're shivering.|Stop tickling me.
{9172}{9202}Ma, breakfast.
{9202}{9263}All right. I'll be right down.
{9264}{9381}Koichi, let go.|Keiko's mad at me.
{9382}{9442}Come on, let go.
{9442}{9503}Now stop that, Koichi!
{9563}{9623}Get up and put on a sweater.
{9653}{9741}Which one?
{9771}{9861}The black turtleneck|looks good on you.
{10043}{10132}- Are you going to school?|- No.
{10251}{10311}Don't say such things.
{10311}{10402}You've got a nice room upstairs.
{10402}{10519}An apartment's a waste of money.
{10520}{10581}But my friend's paying half,
{10581}{10700}and you could rent out my room.
{10700}{10792}That's not it.|Mr. Ogata won't like it.
{10819}{10882}He won't care.|He's not my father.
{10939}{11002}He's supported us for seven years.
{11029}{11090}Dad supported us|for 13 years before that.
{11091}{11150}What are you talking about?
{11150}{11271}Mr. Ogata is going|to send you to college.
{11271}{11389}That's nice, but remember:
{11389}{11480}When he was renting|the room upstairs,
{11480}{11570}he had no job and you supported him.
{11570}{11691}Yes, I did for a while.|But ever since I got sick...
{11718}{11898}Anyway, I can't study here.|It's too hard to concentrate.
{11900}{11991}Ask Mr. Ogata for some money.
{12020}{12079}Medical instruments aren't selling.
{12080}{12168}It's a bad time.
{12168}{12200}But you'll ask him, huh, Ma?
{12200}{12320}Tell him yourself.|Ma, always Ma.
{12350}{12468}You spoil your son, Ma.
{12470}{12587}Poor Mr. Ogata.|So honest and...
{12588}{12649}Honest? He's been arrested.
{12649}{12740}Only for election irregularities.
{12740}{12798}Stop it, you two.
{12799}{12887}Honey, bring me some tea.
{12887}{12979}All right. I'm coming.
{13367}{13427}You know, Koichi was saying...
{13547}{13638}he wants to get an apartment.
{13668}{13727}I said no...
{13787}{13846}but what do you think?
{15256}{15406}Your mother went to Heaven
{15437}{15497}and became a goddess of the Buddha.
{15526}{15616}I saw her in my dreams last night.
{15616}{15795}She said you must respect|your new mother.
{15797}{15917}That will please Buddha's goddess.
{15975}{16035}Don't be cruel anymore.
{16366}{16424}Mr. Ogata.
{16636}{16695}A letter from your father.
{16696}{16815}Thanks. He probably wants money.
{17055}{17174}A corrupt priest and his geisha.
{17174}{17233}Always bothering me.
{17234}{17294}Good morning.|Nice weather today, huh?
{17294}{17324}Yes, very.
{17325}{17385}Just as I thought.
{17533}{17564}You're so kind.
{17565}{17715}I owe you so much rent and still...
{17715}{17774}Thank you so very much.
{17774}{17832}That's all right, Mr. Ogata.
{17833}{17983}You help with the children and the shop.|I owe you a lot.
{17983}{18104}I'm happy to be of help.
{18223}{18254}No, don't!
{18254}{18314}You got hurt. Are you okay?
{18314}{18432}No, please don't!
{18614}{18734}No, please don't.|It was my husband's last request.
{18734}{18823}I promised to remain a widow.
{18823}{18941}Then he could rest in peace.
{19032}{19182}I'm really crazy about you.
{19182}{19212}No, don't.
{19212}{19302}It's true. Do you love me?
{19362}{19451}Yes, but I can't.
{19511}{19571}I'm still in mourning.
{19571}{19632}Who cares?
{19661}{19723}I promised my husband...
{19753}{19843}but I can't help myself.
{20083}{20232}Why did you get an abortion? Why?
{20232}{20322}I wanted your baby,
{20322}{20470}but the others|are so grown-up and...
{20470}{20560}That's ridiculous!|Things like this happen every day.
{20562}{20681}I wanted that baby badly.
{20681}{20739}Well, the truth is,
{20742}{20831}the carp jumped.
{20831}{20862}The carp?
{20920}{20980}That carp is...
{21011}{21071}the reincarnation of my husband.
{21189}{21310}The fish was born on the day he died.
{21311}{21429}He used to always go carp fishing.
{21429}{21490}That's silly.
{21491}{21521}But it's true.
{21521}{21640}Whenever something bad happens,|the carp jumps.
{21821}{21910}Honey, don't leave me.
{21939}{21971}I won't leave you.
{21998}{22120}If you do, I'll kill myself.
{22149}{22209}I'll never leave you.
{22210}{22359}I'll stay with you|till the day I die.
{23199}{23289}Well, when you put it that way...
{23289}{23378}Let's face it: She's no youngster.
{23379}{23438}Your old lady isn't so young,
{23467}{23558}but I guess she's got her good points.
{23589}{23739}I couldn't say, but I guess|we were made for each other.
{23739}{23827}I thought of leaving her once,
{23856}{24039}but it's worked out so well|that I've stayed on.
{24066}{24098}It's written in the stars, I guess.
{24099}{24186}Superstitious, eh?
{24187}{24219}But my wife says it's true.
{24246}{24336}Who needs a wife?
{24337}{24398}I got rid of mine years ago.
{24426}{24516}It was she that left you.
{24576}{24697}Banteki, where is|that humming noise coming from?
{24698}{24756}It can't be helped.
{24757}{24875}The ceiling's full of wires.|Lots of static.
{24906}{24966}Can't stop the humming noise.
{25057}{25176}Subu, I hate to ask you for money.
{25176}{25235}You been gambling again?
{25235}{25355}No, my daughter's having a baby.
{25355}{25386}How much?
{25386}{25417}About 30,000 yen.
{25445}{25477}How about making a film a day?
{25595}{25746}Why not three films a day?|Others do it.
{25746}{25835}No, two's the limit.
{25836}{25985}The talent gets tired|and can't do their best.
{25985}{26045}That's true, too.
{26045}{26195}She sounds good,|except when she's talking.
{26256}{26405}She hopes the bean curd man|doesn't forget to come.
{26405}{26556}She's thinking of dinner now.
{26556}{26645}Great. What realism.
{26646}{26706}So true to life.
{26735}{26765}How much?
{26765}{26855}5,000 yen. It's an original tape.
{26855}{26946}But it was taped from another room.
{26973}{27065}And you got it for nothing.|You just taped your neighbors.
{27065}{27183}But it was hard setting it up.
{27183}{27245}And I was cold, sitting up all night.
{27245}{27303}All right.
{27365}{27424}If you get any more, call me.
{27454}{27545}You scared me.|Were you in there?
{27545}{27604}I was touching up some pictures.
{27604}{27693}You don't have to do it in there.
{27693}{27813}It's delicate work.|It's easier to concentrate in there.
{27844}{27904}How did they come out?
{27904}{27965}Pretty good.
{27992}{28145}But the facial angles on the Sumo guy|and the actress aren't right.
{28172}{28264}That's okay.|Hurry and print them.
{28352}{28414}You're getting fat again.
{28442}{28474}I am not.
{28474}{28563}- Have you had your heart checked?|- Not yet.
{28563}{28622}Honey, don't.
{28622}{28682}- Watch out now.|- Careful.
{28683}{28773}You're awfully quick|with those hands!
{28802}{28864}How about getting someone|from the barbers' union to help you?
{28864}{28981}It's not easy with this shop.
{28984}{29074}I wish Keiko would get licensed soon.
{29101}{29222}She told me she won't become|a lady barber.
{29222}{29341}You're spoiling her.
{29341}{29521}But a high school education|is necessary nowadays.
{29521}{29641}Still worrying|about that traffic accident?
{29701}{29792}I just mean it's a father's duty|to send his daughter to high school.
{29792}{29912}You're kinder than a real father.
{30091}{30122}What's that for?
{30122}{30272}The police.|I'm still on probation.
{30272}{30391}I don't want any trouble...
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